Newts Got Issues: KONI WAVES – Newt Wallen

Alright, Ideas Man. Inspire me.

0:00 – Newt says that he just got back from the gym. Well, show us the guns, Newt. I wonder if Joe from Game Sack got a full nude of Newt flexing yet.

Newt says that he “ate it” meaning he fell on the ground due to ice. God, that seems dated. Not falling, that’s timeless, but the phrase “ate it” seems so 80s to me.

0:15 – He forgot his phone while going to work so had to come back to get it. Then on the way home, he forgot his wallet at work so had to go back to get it. He also forgot that he has a therapy appointment today.

Have I spoken of my aversion to wallets lately?

Well, it’s been three years but my views on wallets are the same. I use a money clip.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use a money clip. It’s something that old men used to use, I guess. People don’t even know what it is. I go through the airport or whatever and security will ask if it’s a belt buckle. No. It’s a money clip. Never heard of it. They don’t even know the concept.

0:45 – Newt shows the package of Koni Waves comics that he found upon returning home. He says that he doesn’t live in a nice area so it’s fortunate that he found it before somebody stole the package.

That would have been one disappointed thief.

1:45 – Newt talks about shitting a script out in three days. This script that we’re supposed to be excited for and is apparently the basis for some indy comic that nobody has ever heard of.

3:00 – Newt shows the cover of the comic but mostly just zooms in on his name. It’s some stupid tits and gore shit, of course.

4:15 – “There’s some lines in there that were things that were going on at that time with me.”

There are Horseface references in this shitty script that he’s looking at. That’s what this thing is. It’s not a comic. It’s just this shitty script that he wrote years ago in three days. And he included Horseface references in it.

“My ex-girlfriend Crystal is a character in the book because I had written a part that was going to be for her.”


“She doesn’t talk to me any more and the book came out. Nothing you can do about that.”

Newt. We know that she doesn’t talk to you any more. She is never going to talk to you ever again. Rightly. Because you’re a piece of shit. Now get over it. Stop fucking talking about her.

He must have written this over ten years ago. Because Horseface was with that marine corps guy for like ten years, up until last year or whatever. And Horseface made it clear, right here on the blog, that she doesn’t cheat on her boyfriends.

Newt can not get over this relationship that ended over a decade ago. He still thinks, “Any day now, she’s going to come back. I just have to entice her with more shitty movies to the point where she’ll beg me to come back.”

It’s not happening, Newt. Horseface is not interested.

You know what I’ve learned over the years? Women hate desperation like poison. And nobody is more desperate than Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen.

You want to get Horseface back? Pretend you don’t give a shit. Don’t mention her ever again. Move on. Either genuinely or just fake it. You’ve got other skanks who you’re paying for. Focus on them. What’s so great about Horseface anyway?

Imagine if Newt moved on and got into a healthy relationship with a woman who he wasn’t paying for. He focused on his job. MAYBE continued wasting his time and money on some of these awful movie ideas. And never talked about Horseface again.

Maybe she’d come to regret not talking to Newt any more. She wouldn’t, of course, but this is Newt’s only chance. You can’t stalk somebody into liking you. It’s not like in the movies where some nerd guy obsesses over the head cheerleader and through a series of elaborate stunts finally manages to woo her. Relationships aren’t about breaking somebody’s will. The other person has to WANT to be with you.

8:30 – Newt says that the script is “100% plagiarism-free.”

Well, maybe. But even Newt says that he was told to make it like the X-Files. This is derivative. As with everything Newt does, it’s “(X property) plus (Y property)”. X-Files and Hawaii Five-0 in this case. Or something. I don’t remember what he said. Magnum PI. I never watched any of that shit. I was too young.

10:00 – Newt says that while he was writing this, the “Island where I was living” had to be evacuated due to a hurricane.

Where the fuck was he living? He was living on an island at some point? My understanding is that he lived in New Jersey, Nevada (or somewhere around there) and Pennsylvania. Oh, possibly Canada too for some scam film school. When was he living on an island?

11:15 – Newt is going to put this comic on his shelf next to Velvet Rope and Florida Man.

Yeah. Where the fuck is Florida Man? We want Florida Man. Horseface is in that one too. And, I think, Velvet Rope. Velvet Rope is some other shitty tits and gore comic that Newt had some involvement in. I don’t want to get into it.

12:00 – “I’m listed as a writer with a professional writer. Somebody who people know and respect.”

Really? Let me look this guy up.

Well, he fails the Wikipedia notability test.

“Mark is a writer/artist who has worked for DC Comics, Image Comics and Arcana Studio.”

Well, he’s done…something. I’m not sure if I’d go as far as to say that he’s known and respected.

12:00 – “Mark’s worked on Savage Hawkman for DC Comics.”

Ummm…yeah. You guys all know Savage Hawkman, right? Let me look this up.

Comic from 2011 to 2013. Cancelled after 21 issues.

I mean, getting 21 comics out is impressive, I guess, but has the character been seen again? We already have a Hawkman. How is the “savage” version any different?

Oh, it’s the same character as Hawkman. I guess. Just…more savage. It was some kind of reboot.

I confess to knowing nothing about Hawkman. I think he was in Super Friends but that’s the extent of my knowledge. Hawkman wasn’t popular in my youth.

13:00 – Somebody says that somebody reviewed the comic as “Kung fu cinema mixed with X-Files.”

Uh huh. We want new ideas, Newt. Not the combination of two existing properties.

I mean, yeah, that’s basically the creative process but Newt is blatant about it. Be a little more subtle.

According to the comments, Newt is trying to lose weight so that he can play hockey again. Uh huh. Maybe that should be his next hair-brained idea. Becoming the oldest National Hockey League draftee.

15 thoughts on “Newts Got Issues: KONI WAVES – Newt Wallen

  1. Women hate desperation like poison.

    Truer words were never spoken! They, most women have hundreds of guys trying to fuck them daily. They don’t need your sorry no-try ass. If you somehow get a girlfriend even if like, you went away on a 5 day trip and you said you missed her, she’d still get repulsed. You’re just supposed to act like you don’t give a shit at all times, which will make her question why, for once, someone isn’t fawning all over her, making her want do anything to get your attention. So she cranks up the crazy and you’re just supposed to live with it. Or bail, I don’t know.

    1. That’s the unfortunate reality. Women want somebody who has options or at least presents himself as somebody who has options. Newt crying like a bitch over Horseface? Never going to to work in a million years. She won’t be flattered by this. She’s disgusted by it. We all are.

      1. If he truly wants Horseface, or any woman, just very simply, make a real fucking movie that is not a piece of shit, and is successful and popular. Then NEVER tell her about it and live life like she never existed. It will piss her off that he moved on with his life and she will come running. Probably a lot of other pussy would come running too, but then again, to just live life is asking a lot from the ideas man.

  2. Either Newt is lying and Horseface isn’t his ex-“girlfriend” and they never dated and she lead him on, or Horseface is lying (and a cheating whore as she has trapped herself in her own contradictions) and she did date him at one point (while again, with someone else already, therefore whore). Newt has a history of openly being dishonest, so it doesn’t favor him well. Horseface exaggerates a lot which is often a form of dishonesty and a hop and a skip from openly lying. Golly I can’t decide which one of these scumbags is telling the truth!

    1. The way Newt goes on about Horseface, and all of the creepy shit that they openly did over the recent years, when she was apparently with this marine corps boyfriend, couple with the fact that she never even mentioned this marine corps guy until after she broke up with him, suggests to me that there was more to Newt and Horseface in the past ten years than Horseface is willing to admit to.

      Maybe it was just Newt paying for sex. Newt clearly does this and conflates prostitutes with friends. I don’t think that Horsesface would be opposed to such an arrangement.

      1. Newt had connections, she used him for that when he brought her on hack the movies she hated tony with a passion now look shes using tony for the clout shes a user and a liar man fuck crystal

    2. She also acts like everyone loves her and wants to fuck her all the time. She must have acted this way infront of him and because he is retarded, thinks that’s a relationship.

    1. Yeah, everything about that is revolting. Horseface behaving like an entitled whore and people actually saying that they want to see her naked. Why? Am I fucking blind? That is not an attractive woman.

      1. I don’t get it. She is unapologetically asking for money just because she has material where she is “allegedly” naked. So what? 90% of the Internet is porn. How can she not know how this works? Those who bothered to reply that tweet receive hash comments as payback. Hell, how come a man has to explain this to someone who plans to live on selling their material? It’s digital prostitution 101 for god’s sake

        1. It’s funny how the law works. Pay a woman for sex and off to jail you go. Do it will filming and suddenly it’s legal.

      1. It’s there. You have to click the “view” button. Horseface is…eugh. Now I have to think how to describe this. She’s sticking her tongue out like she’s waiting for you to shoot hot load in her mouth.

  3. Ex-girlfriend? He actually dated her?

    Not that Horseface needed help with this, but that DOES make me like her even less.

  4. Newt NEVER date Horseface. Again, another made-up relationship in his mind.
    They were friends and business partners.
    Did they fuck? Who knows?! Both of them are pathological liars!

    Also, Horseface prostituting herself on Twitter for new car tires definitely tracks.

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