Stripping While Mentally Ill – Jamie Dancer

This woman doesn’t claim to play video games. Her channel just somehow found its way to my recommendations.

It’s…god, I feel so terrible saying these sort of things. But it’s a woman who is, apparently, a stripper. Alright? And…LOOK AT HER! Go through the fucking videos. She’s been making these videos for the past seven years and she doesn’t get any slimmer or more attractive no matter how far back you go.

This is one of her earliest videos. So this is her at her peak. I guess.

0:15 – This is part of a proposed “series” of videos called Dancing While Human. She wanted to get different strippers to come on and talk about their experiences. Spoiler: that didn’t happen.

So anyway, this woman says that she’s mentally ill. Mental illness seems remarkably common on the internet. But in real life, at least in my experience, you rarely come across a nut. It happens but in the world of Youtube…like fully 50% of the people are mentally ill. The lionshare of those are women. Maybe it’s just the channels I’m going to. I don’t know.

0:30 – “You’re the fifth guy tonight to drunkenly tell me how he’d kill to date me.”

Believe me, lady. I am not.

It’s this comment that caused me to stop the video and say, “I’ve got to write about this woman.”

I have absolutely no doubt that what she’s saying is broadly true. A lot of people are coming on to her at the strip club. But fucking look at her.

It goes to show that most guys have absolutely no standards. They’ll take anything. You see this on internet dating where it’s almost required to swipe right on everyone, if you’re a guy. You see this in Youtube comments where people will talk about how hot Erin or Horseface or whoever is. No matter how unattractive a woman is, there will be mobs of guys trying to get at her.

This phenomenon causes delusion in women. “There are all these guys chasing after me, I must be a hot chick”, not realising that this is the experience of every single woman on the planet under the age of 50 or so.

So we have this mentally ill woman, who’s overweight, who’s not attractive, who’s working as a stripper and thinking that she’s a hot chick. This is the result of this phenomenon. And she’s on Youtube saying, “Hey, look at me! I’m a hot stripper! Get your ding-a-lings ready, boys.” There’s no chance of that.

“It’s all I can do to scream out loud, no you wouldn’t. No you wouldn’t want to date me. Because I am crazy.”

Believe me. Even if you were of sound mind, I would not want to date you.

And wait a minute. What a weird thing to say at a strip club. “I want to date you”? Not fuck? These must be some real gentlemen down at the gentlemen’s club.

“Whether this is something true or not, it is something that I’ve internalised.”

She’s talking about how she’s not sure if she’s mentally ill or not but she’s internalised it. So this isn’t even something that’s been diagnosed, I guess.

But this could equally apply to her being a hot chick. Whether it’s true or not (and it isnt), it’s something that she’s internalised.

2:00 – She tells a story about how before she was a stripper, she worked as a Mrs Claus in a department store…or something…seasonal job, presumably, and then started hearing voices.

3:30 – She says “ya’ll”. I’ve been trying to place this accent. Is she from the South? Is this considered a hot chick in the South?

4:15 – She says that she’s able to pay for her “meds” and rent and whatever bills by stripping for three or four days a week as opposed to seven at a normal job.

So…she’s working three or four a days a week, which is close to a normal, full-time job, and she’s only able to pay her bills? She must not be making much money as a stripper. And it’s not hard to see why. LOOK AT HER!

5:00 – Then she ends the video…by saying, “Maybe that stripper was crazy, maybe she wasn’t, maybe she was crazier than you thought, but who went home with the money?”

Well, it doesn’t seem like you’re going home with very much money.

Three comments.

This woman, I’m thinking, is in her early to mid 20s in this video. And holy fucking shit, just take a gander at her. THIS is a stripper. THIS is somebody who thinks that she’s a hot chick.

I’m not a shallow guy. It’s not about calling people ugly for the sake of it. That’s schoolyard behaviour. But when you present yourself as a hot chick, you damn well better be a hot chick. Because if you’re not, you’re a delusional chick. That’s what I’m exposing. Whether it be Horseface McGee or this dumb bitch.

All of her videos are about stripping and similar topics. You look at the view numbers and a lot of them are under 1,000. And this is after they’ve been up for YEARS. Nobody is watching this shit.

She thought, “I’m a hot chick. I’m going to talk about sexy stuff. Horny losers will arrive in droves.”

Show me the droves. They’re not there. This woman got a cold dose of reality. Not a hot chick and the content isn’t engaging. Sorry, princess. Time to get a job.

She had a Patreon.

Nobody’s going to that shit. Nobody is giving her money. Why would they? She has 1,300 subscribers. AFTER SEVEN YEARS OF SEXUAL CONTENT.

So in her last message on Patreon, she says:

Patreon has not been enough to take my YouTube to the heights I have been dreaming of so I will be selling racier content and services more in line with what my channel talks about: lingerie and nudes, videos and fetish pics. The subscription there is only $5.99 and will come with daily updates and teaser photos that are way sexier than what you get here, even if you’re never tempted to buy the pricier items.

She admits that the Patreon is a failure. She admits that her Youtube channel is a failure. So she tries OnlyFans. Guess what. It was a failure. Doesn’t even exist any more. She started it in 2021 and it’s gone. I don’t know when it ended.

She wrote a book. Here’s the trailer. It’s about a crazy stripper who becomes a crazy “sugar baby” who becomes a crazy “girlfriend”. Obviously based on her own life.

This woman thinks that people should pay for her company. LOOK AT HER!

And then the big happy ending is that she becomes somebody’s girlfriend? What? That’s aspirational?

Let’s look it up. Are there any reviews on Amazon? I highly doubt it. This is going to be another in this woman’s long list of failures.

Well, here’s the thing. There are loads of books called, “The Road We Traveled”. Couldn’t she have checked this before giving her book a title?

I found it by adding “stripper” to the title in Google. Three reviews. Let’s check it out.

Okay, just one actual review.

Well-written, intimate, deep, and very real insight into loving past the red flags, giving your all, and not always getting the fairy tale as it has been told. The audience is swept up and submerged into their experiences, dreams, and fears making it feel like they have known the main character for years. The author embraces and educates about subjects that are often considered taboo or uncomfortable, and they do so in a way that makes it relatable and appreciated. I highly recommend this series to everyone because it is impactful, portrays real emotions that many have felt, teaches acceptance, and fights for a better future.

I strongly suspect that this review was written by the author. It’s a woman’s screen name. Is a woman going to get a book about strippers?

Her pen name is Coraline Corsette. Probably owing to the fact that she enjoys wearing corsettes because it’s the only way she can suck in her massive gut.

She’s written three books. They’re all part of the same series. A trilogy, if you will. A crazy fat stripper is in love with somebody in the music industry and all of the crazy sexual stuff they get into. Butt stuff and whatnot. Actually, I don’t know if there’s any sodomy in these books. That’s just my wishful thinking.

The second book was “published” one month after the first one. That doesn’t bode well. Then the third one took her six months before it was “published”.

This is trash. 378 pages. So these aren’t even short books. She wrote 378 pages of trash in one month. You can read War and Peace or this fucking piece of shit trilogy in the same length of time. And she wrote it all in seven months.

Nobody is buying this shit.

So what’s your next plan, Jamie Dancer? Can I suggest legitimate employment?

Even fucking PVC Bondage Guy, who’s at least as crazy this woman, is working in a bowling alley. And good for her. Long may her days of honest work last.

3 thoughts on “Stripping While Mentally Ill – Jamie Dancer

  1. Truly hot girls are not strippers or escorts. They are hot enough to get a rich guy to put up with their shit for life. Truth. Everyone else is just a mix of alcohol, bad lighting and doing things just to impress others.

    1. But that entails marriage or a “relationship”…i think most hot girls ride the dick-carousel, courtesy of TINDER and other such apps. Think of when you get a new girlfriend and it’s clicking, there’s this “honeymoon phase” where you’re giving it your all. You have the most fun, you go out the most, you bang like rabbits. Slowly but surely that slows down and it becomes a “normal relationship”…with TINDER. The honeymoon phase never has to end. Hop onto the next dick and let the guy splurge (and splooge) on you until it whinds down again and then do it again. Rinse and repeat. They do this until they’re into their 30’s. Even late 30’s until they look in the mirror one day and say, “shit. Im getting old”

      1. Sorry man, I am so old that I have never done anything other than ask girls out face to face and talk to them on the phone, meet them in person and anything else was also ‘offline.’ Those kinds of things did not exist for me and maybe it was better that way. But if you have several million in the bank, the girl will stay. I stand by that.

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