The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988 | Official Documentary

I don’t really know who this guy is. I know of him but I’ve never watched a video of his. I know that he was in that boxing match recently where he performed really, really poorly. I know that he’s a big fat guy. I know that there was some incident where he was shooting at some weird stalker. But what else? What kind of videos does he make? Stuff about video games? I have no idea.

1:00 – It starts with him taking a bath…while wearing swim trunks. What? Why would he allow himself to be filmed in the bath? Why is he wearing trunks in the bath? Is this what he does? What a puzzling way to start.

I know that it’s to show what a big fat guy he is and isn’t that hilarious but…no. It’s not hilarious. None of this makes sense.

If you’re going to film him taking a bath because it’s somehow integral to the documentary, do it properly. He’s not wearing a swimsuit when he’s taking a bath, is he? This was obviously staged. But…to what end? Who wants to see a big fat guy taking a bath in trunks?

And he’s telling a story about a woman who he knew who liked to pretend to be a little girl…or something…and he took a bath with her with rubber duckies and then had sex with her afterwards.

Did he have his trunks on at the time?

And he’s taking a bubble bath. I mean…I’m focusing on something that may be trivial but it’s a documentary. It’s supposed to be documenting somebody’s actual life. It’s supposed to be factual.

Are you telling me that this 500 pound man takes bubble baths while wearing a swimsuit? This is a normal, every day activity for him?

No. This is bullshit. This was done just to add some weird bullshit for the “film”. There’s no integrity here. There’s no honesty. So it taints the whole fucking thing. And to what end? We get to hear this creepy story from him. We didn’t need to know this. I don’t think that it’s going to add anything to the story.

2:00 – He’s talking about all of the money that he lost in cryptocurrency.

I was going to buy $15,000 worth of Bitcoin back when it was $35. I was so close to doing it. This was around the time that the US was requiring foreign banks to report the accounts of American customers to the IRS.

Had I done that, I’d be a fucking millionaire today. Although, I probably would have sold it when it hit, I don’t know, $1,000 if not much earlier.

Anyway, Boogie lost all of his money in cryptocurrency, apparently.

3:00 – He’s showing off how fat he is in disgusting detail. I don’t need to see this.

6:30 – Between 2018 and 2021, it’s claimed that Boogie spent $200,000 on prostitutes (or “sex workers” as it’s described).

There’s no way. Well, I guess that he could have spent the money but it’s not physically possible for this guy to have intercourse. He can’t get an erection. He was in his late 40s, he’s 500 pounds, there’s absolutely no way.

They’re interviewing one of the alleged prostitutes. They’ve distorted the voice but…it sounds like a man. Why would they distort the voice to sound like a man? Maybe it is a man.

Boogie talks about his sexual…what’s the word…prowess. This is just revolting and full of lies. I’m losing my train of thought. But yeah, this 500 pound guy in his late 40s is a real sexual dynamo.

8:00 – The prostitute says, “There were rolls upon rolls upon rolls and it took me a long time to find his dick.”

Yeah. I mean…also, I’m pretty sure that this is a guy. Ladyboy. It has to be. Why would they use a man’s voice for this? They can disguise a woman’s voice and still make it sound feminine.

She/he says that she quit “sex work” because of Boogie. Uh huh. What fucking bullshit. I know that he’s 500 pounds but I don’t think that this would be a reason to quit.

10:15 – He’s selling his Magic: The Gathering cards because he doesn’t have any money because nobody is watching his Youtube videos apparently.

12:00 – He’s selling cards to some guy who owns a shop and Boogie starts by saying that he needs the money to pay his mortgage.

This is all fake. It’s all set up. If you’re going to sell something, are you going to tell the guy that you’re desperate for money and you’ll take anything? And you have a fucking camera crew following you around?

This is fake “documentary” bullshit. Like “reality tv” that everybody knows is fake and set up.

13:30 – He’s at home playing Magic: The Gathering with a bunch of guys and almost all of them are like 400+ pounds. How is it possible?

17:45 – He’s talking about some Reddit thread that collected every controversial thing he ever said. Whoever did this overlay graphic can’t spell “Holocaust”. How about proofreading before you put it out? I mean, “Halocuast”? Really? TWO mistakes?

19:15 – He sprained his ankle while walking because he’s 500 pounds.

20:15 – They list his medical problems. First thing mentioned is low testosterone. This is fucking stupid. The second thing is something to do with his balls. It’s just insulting. This is not legitimate. I’m not saying that he doesn’t have these “problems”, maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t, but this isn’t something that you put in a legitimate documentary. This is done for comedy.

But anyway, it was a short list and nothing seemed serious. There wasn’t “diabetes” or some kind of life-long condition.

Nevertheless, in the next scene he’s holding a giant bag of medication that he takes. For what? They just gave an exhaustive list of all of his medical problems. “Obesity” wasn’t on there, by the way. What is he taking all of this medication for? For the eczema? This makes no fucking sense.

21:00 – Oh. Now, they’re continuing the list. You know what would have made a lot more sense? Giving the full list and then showing him with the bag of medication.

If he wasn’t 500 pounds, half of these things wouldn’t exist. At least half of them.

22:00 – Then the faggot who’s making this joke of a “documentary” says that he had to stop filming because it was making him sad. What? Fuck you. What a professional this guy is. Go find another fat guy you can film in the bathtub. Get all your perversions out of the way.

And why is this even in here? I don’t give a shit that Mike Clum is feeling sad so doesn’t want to film a fat guy in the bathtub. That’s his problem. He just wanted to insert himself into this woefully unprofessional “documentary”.

23:15 – So…oh. This is awful. So this Mike Clum faggot, who’s the gay “director” of this sham, “invited a mental health counselor, a comedian, and a Youtube consultant” to “analyze Boogie’s downfall.”

Which part of this is remotely legitimate? This is clearly some stupid fucking comedy set up. What the fuck is a comedian going to have to say that’s at all relevant to ANYTHING? Or any of these people, for that matter. “Mental health counselor”? That sounds like an entry level job. “Youtube consultant”? Fuck you. This is insulting my intelligence.

I wasn’t expecting The World at War. I know that it’s a documentary about a Youtuber. But…can there be ANY professionalism in this?

23:45 – Some maudlin music plays while Dr Todd Grande, who probably gave himself his doctorate, is talking about Boogie. And they say how many subscribers this fucking quack has on Youtube.

Let me look this up. This guy can not possible be legitimate. I want to see some credentials. What legitimate doctor would agree to this?

Once again, Quora to the rescue. Thank you, the Indian subcontinent.

  • Does Dr. Todd Grande have any legitimate credentials in psychology?”

His PhD is in EDUCATION. He doesn’t profess to be a psychologist or psychiatrist. He claims to be a COUNSELOR, which doesn’t require specific educational standards unless the person specializes in a particular field of counseling.

The issue that other professionals have with him is that they claim he is practicing psychology when what he is doing is applying psychological PRINCIPLES to his counseling methods. Hell, your bartender and barber do that, so what’s the issue?

(This is, in no means, and endorsement of the services provided by Todd Grande)

Fucking horseshit. This whole thing is a fraud. This whole documentary. This is all a setup. Nothing said is real. It’s all just “reality tv” bullshit. People (or at least Americans) no longer know what a documentary is supposed to look like because they’ve been fed this “reality tv” shit.

I didn’t see the “comedian” by the way. Maybe I missed it. These people were all jokes but not in a funny way.

25:45 – This “doctor” is talking again. Fuck off. We don’t care. You’re a conman. You’re an actor. A bad actor. Go fuck yourself.

26:45 – Now this “doctor”, who has no psychological qualifications AT ALL, is “diagnosing” Boogie, somebody who he has never even met. Fuck you and fuck the faggot who made this piece of shit fraudulent “documentary”.

This guy thinks that because he grows a beard, he can pretend to be Sigmund Freud. No. You need fucking qualifications. You need experience in the profession.

29:15 – So now this fucking faggot Mike Clum or whatever his name is set Boogie up with an employment agency of some description to help him get a job at Game Stop. Yeah. Because that’s how it works. You don’t just apply online or maybe go in person and ask the manager if he’s hiring. You go to an EMPLOYMENT AGENCY to get a job at Game Stop.

And this is unlike any employment agency I’ve ever seen. You have this woman in an extremely swank office giving a lot of attention to Boogie. She’s going to do everything she can get Boogie his dream job.

This is not how employment works. This is not how employment agencies work. This is more set up, fake, “reality tv” bullshit from the biggest faggot and fraud in the universe: Mike Clum.

They’re in Arkansas, by the way. I guess. This is how employment agencies operate in Arkansas? My view of Arkansas has been WOEFULLY misguided if this is at all typical.

Boogie starts talking about his depression and how he’s disabled. The woman gives a totally disingenous eye roll.

All of this is fake. This woman is mic’d up, by the way. Presumably Boogie is too. But NOBODY would start talking about this when looking for a job. And in the impossible scenario where somebody would talk about this stuff at an actual interview, the person doing the interview would not be such an insensitive bitch that she’d roll her eyes and let out a big sigh.

This is all fake. I’m reading the fucking comments and everybody is talking about what a visionary this Mike Clum guy is. Are they out of their minds? Do people not know what reality looks like any more? It’s not this. It’s not one set up scenario after another with fucking fake “experts”.

Watch Hoop Dreams. The director went around filming what ACTUALLY HAPPENED. He didn’t set up fake scenarios. He didn’t say, “Let me get a fake psychologist and a shit comedian to add their two cents”. Fuck this shit.

This is what American tv is like now and has been like for the past 20 or 30 years. It’s unwatchable. Everything has to be fake. Everything has to be over the top. Nothing can be real.

And people growing up with this, this is what they think is normal. And this is the end result. You get this fake as fuck bullshit “documentary”.

30:45 – He talks about his porn experience. And this woman says, “Be real with me, do you really think it would be a good idea to go to a job interview and reference porn?”

She was reading that. This was not organic. This was a line given to her. This is all set up. But it’s a bizarre glimpse of reality in this totally ficticious “documentary”. This is what a normal person would say. This is a normal person’s reaction to this totally fake setup where Boogie comes into this fake employment agency and starts saying obviously ridiculous shit.

31:15 – Then Mike Clum, who’s a fraud, is “interviewing” Dawn, the staffing professional. No last name for Dawn. No place of employment. This is all fake. She’s just some fat chick who they found locally doing community theatre. This is all a complete con. “Reality tv”.

31:45 – Then we get footage of Mike Clum, who just got done checking out the local boys on Grindr, on his phone listening to a voice message that Boogie allegedly sent him saying that he doesn’t want to get a job. Oopsie. Sorry about that whole fake setup where I went to the “employment agency”. Actually, I don’t want to do that.

If he wanted a job, all he had to do was go to Gamestop and speak to the manager. Done. He has a job. Famous Youtuber Boogie is working at the local Gamestop.

But no. They had to set up this fake employment agency, hire a local actress, and go through this whole bullshit. Because the goal was not to find a job for Boogie. The goal was create another comedy setup for this fake as fuck “documentary”.

32:45 – Three months later, allegedly, faggot ass Mike Clum is back and there’s another fake, set up scenario where Boogie introduces his 20 year old girlfriend.

Now, I’ve already seen the rest of this “documentary” so I’m going to stop here. Because I can’t watch this again. But he has this 20 year old girlfriend, and it’s creepy, but she’s not a looker and she’s obviously mentally ill so I can maybe understand why she’s with Boogie.

They show her taking a bath with him. That’s some more fake, setup, bullshit, of course.

Then the video ends. The point of this thing is to show that Boogie doesn’t have any money. Great.

But we also learned that Mike Clum has no idea what a documentary is. He’s watching too much Real Housewives of Atlanta or whatever fucking womanly bullshit that this faggot enjoys.

I know that documentaries have a certain degree of set up situations. Even nature documentaries. They’re not just stumbling upon perfect scenarios. They’ll set the preying mantis on the leaf next to the caterpillar and hope to capture that “spontaneous” moment, for example.

But this was nothing but setups. And they had fake fucking “experts” like it’s Pawn Stars.

I’m not saying that this guy had to follow Boogie around all day, every day, for months, hoping to capture a momentous occasion. He could have sat him down and had an HONEST discussion with him. He could have shown him filming a Youtube video. He could have shown him going on a date with this woman. He could have interviewed the woman. This is a documentary. Not, “Hey, let’s interview the actress playing the recruiter for that fake job interview bit that we did.”

You can’t believe anything that happened here. It started off fake. It started off with him taking a bath in his trunks. As you do. I’m always bathing in swimwear. I like a little modesty when I’m taking a bath.

Fucking shit. Fuck this guy Mike Clum. He has no talent for this. You want to make 90 Day Fiance, go do that. Go do that effeminate reality tv bullshit that appeals to braindead American housewives. But to call this thing a documentary? Fuck you. You don’t know what a documentary is.

11 thoughts on “The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988 | Official Documentary

  1. I thought it was ok film-wise. I was too busy laughing my ass off at sad pathetic booger the entire time to nitpick. I was rooting for the sudden suicide. Oh well maybe next time. But as far as Mike Clum goes he lost me when the credits said “inspired by sunnyV2” fuck that asshole!! Another piece of shit making millions just reading wikis in his case wikis about internet nobodies. I wonder why people ever liked booger in the first place? He’s a “game channel?” I flipped through 800 videos and saw 4 unboxings of stuff and a bunch of videos that. I don’t know. What are they? Talking about nothing. They serve no purpose for anything. How is this gaming? How is this anything? How did this fat fuck make millions of dollars on this? It makes no sense.

    Having a washed up asshole at your shop might actually work. It will bring in a lot of traffic. You could even say no talking to him without a purchase. You were making a profit presumably with some 17 year old kid for $8/hr as it was already. But then again I’m not thinking of from the point of view of a 700 pound entitled autistic retard loser who thinks he deserves to fuck “LA10s” just because he says so.

  2. I’m sure that Boogie could get a job at Gamestop or something. It would be an attraction for the store.

    But this “documentary” was a total fraud from start to finish. Nothing was real about it. It was bad “reality” television. They should have had a premium rate phone number you should call to vote on which medication Boogie should stop taking. I didn’t intend to focus on the craftsmanship of the “documentary” but it was so awful and fake and “reality” tv-like that it took me out of it.

    1. I for one enjoy watching people ruin their lives. I like to laugh at them and kick them when they’re down. Speaking of, how about the completionist? I hope the IRS put his fat ass in jail! Oh the schadenfreude!

  3. Jesus dude. Your negativity and stark ability to misinterpret permeates all that you touch and do. I really hate that you couldn’t appreciate the artful presentations necessary to tell a story, such as that presented in this work. I understand that you aren’t familiar with Boogie and his lore, but all you managed to do was generate false points of contention while successfully avoiding the actual point of essentially every scene you discussed. I honestly don’t know if it is going to be possible for you to consume media in a fashion that allows you to understand much of the story when you only seek to find problems in every single crevice, almost exclusively where none exist. You clearly are not an idiot but I feel it is some personality defect at play and it makes me honestly mourn your misery. Fuck. I wish this could have been a more constructive discussion but we can’t play cards with ashes. I hope your perspective changes at some point and I want you to know that I am telling you all this in the most respectful way possible while still clarifying my thoughts. Later bro.

    1. I raised a deeper point about the quality of the documentary itself. I couldn’t asses the content because the veracity was in question. There is no way that Boogie takes baths in his swimsuit, all of those “experts” were fake, and it was full of setup scenarios. It’s not a documentary. A documentary is supposed to be factual.

  4. The bathing suit in the tub was obviously because nobody wanted to have to look at his junk in the tub and it would have been highly distracting from the scene/conversation. They didn’t intend anyone to think the trunks were a commonplace item. Mike Klum spent nine months with Boogie, filming nearly all waking hours with his team, aside from off days every couple weeks. At the end of those nine months, all of the footage was whittled down to what we saw in the documentary, having been deemed as the most entertaining and informative of the many hundreds of hours shot. Just by nature of people being filmed in a conspicuous manner such as this documentary, it has an impact on some of the material being made to appear as performance pieces. But, if someone is trying to make a documentary that is, at the same time, entertaining and informative, it is just the nature of things. Some situations are orchestrated to tell the story or simply to demonstrate factors to the viewer, while simultaneously being entertaining. The only way to do it otherwise would be to film with hidden cameras, unbeknownst to someone, tapping phones etc, within which I assume you can imagine the problems involved. This way is practical and entertaining.

    1. If you want to believe that even one second of that “documentary” was genuine, fine. I don’t want to ruin the fun for you. It’s like telling a kid that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

  5. You are still missing my point man. I don’t think that any of the situations shown are “real”. It’s made for entertainment and it simultaneously gives insight into Boogies life. We know that all of the stuff said is essentially all true because of the receipts and evidence from Boogie’s life that exists online. For more info go to r/BoogieTruth and r/Boogie2988.

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