Erin’s Blogging “Career”

I saw on 4Chan people theorising that Erin used to be a camgirl before she got into Youtube. And this is why not much is known about her life before Youtube.

I regret to inform you that I really don’t think that that’s the case. She was just a really, really, REALLY boring woman.

I’m going to try to keep this vague and certainly not post links.

She used to write for a blog. This was from 2014 to 2017. She started the Youtube channel in 2017. So she would have been like 27 in 2014. It’s a music blog. She wrote about indie music, whatever that is.

You’ve never read more boring prose in your life. It’s one of those blogs where there’s a picture or video and then a tiny paragraph under it and then another picture and another tiny paragraph and so on. And she’s just saying, “Hey, I like this obscure band. And I like this obscrure band. And this obscure band is pretty cool too.” No real reasons are given. She just likes them.

And she gives a shoutout to Mayor McCheese. So this is an unfunny “joke” that she’s been using for a while.

At the bottom, there’s a…whatever…little description of the writer. It says that she has a degree in creative writing. She’s referred to this as having an English degree. She’s never said “creative writing”. But apparently it’s a creative writing degree that she has. You would never in a million years guess this from her BORING AS FUCK articles.

She basically went to a community college. I don’t believe that California has a community college system but she went to the California version of a community college.

Her fondness for Disneyland is also mentioned.

So it seems like in 2014, she was trying to make something happen as a blogger. She had the degree in creative writing, after all.

How much did this pay? I don’t know. I wrote for a blog briefly around this time. It was probably around 2010. I think that I got £25 per article. And my articles were much, MUCH more involved than this complete drivel that she’s writing. Many more words. And witty. And well-written.

I stopped doing it because they were butchering my work in the editing but the point is that you’re not making a living off of this shit. It’s impossible. You’d have to write like four articles a day, every day, at least at the rate I was getting. Good luck finding anywhere near that much work. And then each article takes at least like two hours to write, at least mine did. Erin was clearly shitting her articles out in 15 minutes.

It’s the same level of dedication, or lack thereof, that she put into her Youtube career. And then she sits in Mike’s home, rubbing her ass, and wondering why nothing panned out for her in life.

Because you’re completely talentless, Erin. And you put no effort into anything.

She was also, presumably, working at the record store during this time. It’s not like she was working full-time as a blogger. This was just for extra money, I guess.

She wrote over 300 articles for this blog. Or “articles”. Some of them are only a paragraph. Again, I can’t stress this enough, they’re all really, really low-effort and BORING. POINTLESS. But she was doing this for three years.

All of the articles are completely cookie-cutter. “(City) native (Singer) is (age) and has a great new album out. I like this song and this song and this song.” It’s the most boring fucking shit in the world. No personality. No voice. This is accurate. This is Erin. She has no personality and no voice. Because she’s never fucking done anything in her entire life.

If she was a camgirl, would she behave like this in her videos? I don’t think so. She would have had some interesting life experience if she was a camgirl. She would have developed some kind of personality from having to entertain the horntards.

She also had some of her letters published in a music magazine. We’re talking about 2004/2005. So Erin aka Cykill86 would have been like 17/18 years old. I can’t be too harsh. I guess. But holy fucking shit. It’s the most boring shit you’ve ever read in your life. “I like this band and boo on everyone who disagrees.” NOBODY CARES!

So…this is Erin’s life. She played Super Mario All-Stars briefly in high school. Then she went to a community college. She threw up at a Pink Dog. Got a degree in creative writing. Got a job in a record store. Started writing for a blog. Started her Youtube channel. Got fucked in the ass by Mike Matei in exchange for Youtube promotion. Failed miserably at everything.

Well, I shouldn’t say that. Maybe she’s really good at the ass fucking. Mike doesn’t seem to have any complaints.

But in terms of careers, a totally wasted life.

Has it really only been six years that she’s been doing Youtube? Because I’ve writing about her for like four years, I guess. Yeah, I think that’s right. She started that Youtube channel and then immediately started looking for a sugardaddy. She was messaging Joe from Gamesack and Mike and whoever else.

So it’s not too late. There’s still time to turn her life around. She hasn’t sunk too much time into this. But effort has to be put into whatever she does. I think that this is the problem. She doesn’t put any effort into anything. She’s also completely talentless, and that doesn’t help, but find something that you’re decent at and enjoy doing. You’re not going to find it while crying in Mike Matei’s bathtub.

5 thoughts on “Erin’s Blogging “Career”

  1. did the erinplays’ blog have horntards in the comments? she could actually resurrect this project with all the support that she now has. i’m sure that there won’t be any shortage of “people” wanting to compliment her on how “great” of a writer she is.

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