Checking out Crystal Quin’s Twitter

Alright, Horseface. It’s late and I’m tired. I don’t want to watch any of these long fucking boring Youtube videos. If you’re not bringing the goods, I’ll have to miss a day of the blog.

Oh, she has a rainbow emoji in her description. Because she likes the ladies, guys. Crystal Quin, who was in a relationship for ten years with a man, and has never talked about being in a relationship with a woman, likes the ladies.

Whoa! Look at that. Horseface in half a top and contorting her body in that Instagram “Here’s my ass, guys” pose. Ding! Turkey’s done! Did my pants suddenly get tighter?

You know who I’m not seeing in the comments? Kris Glavin. Maybe he disappeared again. You’d think that Horseface might be concerned about him. Do some kind of wellness check. He’s her biggest fan.

She doesn’t give a fuck.

Whoa! Horseface in half a top with some loser and Kieran in the background. And see that guy to the right of Kieran, in the background, covering his crotch? That’s me. I walked around the whole convention like that trying to cover up my raging boner because I kept running into Horseface. Just look at her. She’s a fucking smokeshow. Am I right, Kris Glavin?

Anyway, interesting that Kieran is still involved with these people. Maybe it shouldn’t be because who cares that Kieran isn’t working at Screenwave anymore. He should still be able to associate with people who do. But…they removed Newt from their social circle after he was fired for plagiarism. He apparently said stuff but what could he have said that was so awful?

And you might think, “Oh, Tony doesn’t work for Screenwave any more either” but he apparently kind of does. According to Kieran, anyway. His Youtube show is part-owned by Screenwave or something.

But also more broadly, once you leave a job, that’s typically the end of these work “friendships”. You’re only friends with these people because you work with them.

I might have told this story before but I started a job on the same day as some woman. We did the training together. We worked in the same place. We had basically the same career trajectory. I went out with her, socially, with other coworkers to pubs and whatnot.

And then like three years later, I quit the job. I found another job. The job that I found paid twice as much as the previous job.

So one day, like a year later, I saw her walking down the street, obviously going to work. And I was also going to work. So I said hello. Asked her how the job was going. Just normal stuff. I wasn’t coming on to her or anything. I was genuinely interested in how the job was going.

She gave one sylable answers to everything. Didn’t even look at me. Oh.

Whoa! Here’s Horseface saying that she wants to date some high school cheerleaders. That’s hot, right? “I need to date more girls.” Yeah. How about one, Horseface? Start with one.

But we’re all supposed to be jerking off to this. “Oh yeah. Thirty-five year old Horseface with a woman! Smokeshow, young lady.”

And the horntards all reply with, “Yeah, I need to date some women too.” I’m not even joking.

Whoa! Horseface in some kind of dress (for a change) lipsycing to some gay black man talking about liking rough sex. That’s hot, right? Ummm….I’ve already used all of my euphamisms for erections. I need to get some new ones. But my dick is hard, guys.

She’s on Tiktok, though? Well, sure. That’s where the young people go. Young people like 35 year old Horseface McGee. Let’s check it out.

She’s been on there for three years and has ten videos.

I won’t link to individual videos because they’re annoying as fuck but in one of them, the description says, “When you work your dream job full time and have amazing side gigs”. And in the video, you see the “amazing side gig” that she’s talking about is being on Hack the Movies.

Let’s move on.

Whoa! Horseface in a bikini. Ummm…there’s a five alarm…something…fire, I guess…in my pants!

“Labor Day is officially over.” She’s a big Labor Day fan, guys.

Interesting story about Labor Day. Labor Day is only celebrated in the US, of course. In the rest of the world, May Day is the traditional day to raise the consciousness of the working class. And it was the same in the US until the the fat cats got worried about the burgeoning socialist/communist movement in the US. So they created this fake holiday of Labor Day, which was totally neutered, and devoid of any radical politics.

Here are some more facts for you. Most Americans think of May Day as some weird European bullshit. No. It started in the US. It was to commemorate the Haymarket Square riot in Chicago in 1886 where there was a general strike and some police instigators started a riot. I quoted from this just recently. August Spies was one of the people who was hanged as a result of this. Wrongly hanged. He was a labour organiser.

And now May Day (the first day of May) in the US is “Law Day”. It’s the day when you’re supposed to celebrate law and order and the police. How fucked up is that? On a day that’s supposed to commemorate the false imprisonment and execution of labor organisers as a result of a riot instigated by the police in order to break up a general strike. Law Day.

The guys at the top must think that we’re a bunch of a fucking retards not to see through this shit.

Oh. They might have a point.

6 thoughts on “Checking out Crystal Quin’s Twitter

  1. Not only did Horse-faced McGee have a relationship with a marine (or something) for ten years give it take, but Newt knew her in some way, casually and thought they were together the whole time. How did it never come up? Oh my boyfriend of 4-5-6-7-8-9 years.. or maybe it did and he just didn’t care? Well, I’m done caring about this.

  2. There are a number of unanswered questions in the Newt Wallen/Horseface/Marine Guy saga.

    Horseface was living with the guy when they broke up. I don’t know when she moved in with him but I assume that she had been living with him for a good number of years in this 10 year relationship. Newt had to have known about the relationship.

    What was Newt and Horseface’s relationship? Simply muse/creative genius? If it was merely that, why is Newt STILL completely crushed that Horseface won’t talk to him any more?

    It’s agreed that Newt and Horseface dated at some point. So it must have been before the marine corps guy? So Horseface would have been in her early 20s at the oldest. Well, that’s using my insulting age of 35. But…well, is the age wrong? She has to be at least around Tony’s age and he’s about 35.

    Well, let’s just say early 20s she dated Newt. And Newt must have been in his mid to late 20s. So they’re dating. Then they stopped dating. Then she has sex with this marine corps guy, who was her boss in a restaurant, and this lead to a 10 year relationship with the guy.

    Presumably, they’re not dating during this 10 year period. I believe that Horseface herself, in a message on this blog, was eager to point out how “faithful” she is. You know, because everybody wants to have sex with Horseface so she has to exercise extreme restraint.

    But why…I mean…Newt made openly flirtacious comments to Horseface during these Hack the Movies episodes. And Horseface happily accepted these creepy comments. But she was in a relationship with this marine corps guy at the time. FOR TEN YEARS.

    What was the relationship between Horseface and Newt during these ten years? Clearly, at least in Newt’s mind, if not also in reality, it was more than a friendship.

    To add another piece to the puzzle, Horseface never mentioned this marine corps guy ONCE anywhere online. Not Twitter, not in her Hack the Movies appearances, nowhere. Not a single mention of her boyfriend of TEN YEARS. Not until she broke up with him. And now she mentions being single every fucking day.

    Is it all just to pull in the horntards? For pennies? Make them think that she’s single and available and eager and loves rough sex? Who knows?

    The one thing that we do know is that none of this has been a financial success for anyone. So why continue it?

  3. when you have a picture with a random assortment of people and kieran is the least uncool person in it, you know what an awesome bunch you’re dealing with

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