June 2023 Wrap Up – Hack The Movies Live – Tony from Hack the Movies

He’s doing a live stream. Is this new?

No, he’s apparently doing these for the past six months. About the same time that Newt’s been doing them, I think. Gee, Tony. Where do you get your ideas?

Actually, let me check the dates. It wouldn’t be the first time that Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen stole somebody’s else idea, after all.

Oh yeah. Newt’s been doing them for four months. This was a full two months before Newt started doing livestreams. Not that Tony invented livestreams, of course. I’m just saying…the timing is suspicious.

In most of Tony’s livestreams, it’s between two and four people talking over Skype or whatever. But in this latest livestream, we’re treated to SIX people. We’ve got Tony, of course. He’s the star of the show. But then we also have that anti-abortion Jesus nut. And then we’ve got JoeyC. You might remember him from a couple of previous Hack the Movies episodes. He was the one guy who WASN’T 300 pounds and bearded. And then we’ve got three guys who I’ve never seen before. But one of these guys is in a big wooden crate. This might be interesting. Maybe he’s going to do some Houdini type escape trick.

Three of these guys have a bunch of crazy shit on their walls. I bet that they get a lot of babes with that shit. Ooh, I love your Infinity Gauntlet limited edition print. Sex later?

The guy who lives in a crate is getting more pussy than those nerds.

Ha. Somebody in the chat says, “I hope Crystal isn’t on the panel.” There’s a sentiment that I share.

2:30 – Casey (the Jesus nut) says that June is her “birthday month”. What? Eugh. Let’s just move on. We can’t get bogged down already. There’s another 85 minutes of this.

3:00 – Tony tells JoeyC to shill for “superchats” and then that’s what happens. This is painful.

So I guess the idea here is to talk about films that are out now. Even though some of these people haven’t seen the movies.

6:00 – Oh, somebody gave a $10 “superchat”. He wants to get the panel’s opinion on some nerdy DC movie bullshit. Totally worth ten dollars.

I wonder what the oldest Action Comics you could get for $10. Oh yeah. I still remembered my account details from comicspriceguide dot com. I registered like 20 years ago.

I believe that Action Comics #450 from August 1975 is the oldest comic that you can get for under $10. It’s $8. It’s crazy that these old comics are worth so little. It’s not just this one. Everything post-March 1968 (with the exception of “key” issues) seems to be going for less than $100. This is obtainable. I’m tempted to start building an Action Comics collection. This seems way undervalued. A near-mint copy of a 55 year old Superman comic for under $100? And they’re almost all like this. Where can you even find a near-mint copy of such an old comic?

Action Comics #71, from 1944, is only $1,800.

Anyway, back to this boring video.

This is really dragging. You know what would have helped? Time stamps.

Oh, in the description they at least list the movies that they talk about: The Boogeyman, Based on a True Story (peacock), Spider-man Across the Spider-Verse, Transformers Rise of The Beasts, Asteroid City.

Am I interested in any of this? No. But the Ideas Man did do that Spider-man movie and he cried about it. So…I don’t know…let’s check that out, I guess.

21:00 – They answer a variety of “superchats”. I can not believe that people are giving money to this shit. Their comments are all completely idiotic. You might as well just flush that five or ten bucks down the toilet.

28:15 – Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse.

Wait. Casey isn’t here now. What happened?

26:30 – I don’t know. She just left. What the fuck is this? Couldn’t be bothered to stay.

Oh wait. I’m still doing this. No. It’s just Tony talking about this Spider-Man cartoon. I’m turning this off now. If Casey can’t even be bothered to show up for this thing, why should I?

Fucking disgusting. They bring this Jesus nut in to boost views and then she can’t even stay for the full thing. What was the emergency? She had to go protest outside of an abortion clinic?

Oh, it seems like Tony is cutting his hair short now. Well, good for him. He’s losing his hair so going the sensible route: buzzing it really short.

God, every single tweet is just him promoting his videos. No wonder I don’t remember looking at his Twitter before.

Let’s check out the Ideas Man’s Twitter as a slight palette cleanser.

“This past weekend. Loosing Cristay and her influence on my life. Just hammered home the idea that in whatever time I have left. I just wanna make weird art with weirder people”

Loosing, you say. Uh huh.

But yeah, look at this self-absorbed bullshit. His friend died so said, “You know what? I need some more me time.”


And it’s to spend time on his stupid fucking shit “movies” that will never get made and are based on absolutely horrendous (and stolen) ideas anyway. God, if he’s going to steal, at least steal something fucking decent. Rip off Hoop Dreams. I want to see a Newt Wallen documentary about inner-city youth trying to become professional basketball players.

Or what about a Newt Wallen It’s a Wonderful Life? It’s got to be in the public domain. That’s why it’s played so frequently. Let me check.



Let’s see it. I want Newt Wallen’s take on It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s about death. Newt enjoys death. It’s his second favourite topic after the topic of Newt Wallen.

I don’t want any fucking greenscreen. Most of the movie takes place outside, in a house, in a store, in a bank, in a tavern. Shit like this. It’s imminently doable. Use the cinema as a set instead of, for example, the tavern. So instead of the scene being about the “good” tavern where George Bailey lives and the “bad” tavern where George Bailey dies, it’s about the good and bad cinema. The “good” cinema is staffed by polite and courteous professionals and for the “bad” cinema, you can just use Newt Wallen and his actual staff. No need to hire actors for that part.

But no. We’re getting Shark Vampire instead. Actually, has there been any progress on Shark Vampire ever? He changed the name to Nosfersharktu or something that was the last update on Shark Vampire that I recall.

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