Mint Salad Saw The Terminator (RECAP & REVIEW)

So the description is, “Has anyone stopped to consider that the best way to deal with a Terminator is the same way to deal with an Autistic? Play a loud noise right in their ear, then stomp on its head!”

This is clearly something that her fat hillbilly pimp wrote. Advocating extreme violence. I’ll bet money that he’s violent with Mint Salad. That’s the way that pimps typically control their girls, after all.

And he puts this in the fucking description. Like it’s a joke.

In the comments, somebody says that they like Mint’s chipped tooth. Somebody claiming to be Mint Salad says that she chipped it herself. I assume that this is a recent injury. All related to my previous comments, I’m sure.

In another comment, somebody claiming to be Mint Salad says that Kieran edited this video. In a recent Tony from Hack the Movies video, Jess the Former Intern said that she was editing videos for Mint Salad.

Why are these people working for a guy who’s clearly pimping out a vulnerable, autistic woman who was in the fostercare system? Does it get any lower than this? I appreciate that Kieran and Jess need money since leaving Screenwave but can you be a little more discriminating with your clients? Maybe don’t do work for fat, violent, pimps?

Let’s just watch this terrible video then, I guess. This fat pimp makes Mint Salad make a video every day. They struggle to get 200 views each. Then of course, there’s all of the revolting stuff on Fansly that he makes her do.

0:00 – So it starts with like the opening of Terminator where the Terminator enters that alley and there’s all of the electricity and shit and he comes through the time portal or whatever. But Mint Salad is in the title role and her fat hillbilly pimp made her wear skin-tight trousers.

Then she encourages you to sign up to her Fansly. This is disgusting.

1:30 – “Why does Sarah Conner even deserve to be saved? She’s a woman. Her value is none.”

What? Kieran edited this. This woman’s fat hillbilly pimp is not subtle. Kieran didn’t see anything wrong with this? Oh, haha. It’s just a little joke. No, you fat fucking retard.

And she has a massive chip on her front tooth. How did Kieran think that that happened? She ran into a door?

It’s not even about putting all of the clues together. This fat hillbilly pimp is screaming what he’s doing. He doesn’t hide it. And yet Kieran and Tony and Jess the Former Intern have absolutely no problem promoting this guy and they just pretend like it’s a big joke.

4:15 – She starts talking about Terminator is autistic. You know, in case you forgot that Mint Salad is autistic. She only mentions it 300 times a day, after all.

6:30 – “Why do women have to ruin everything?” And then she goes into another extremely misogynistic rant that her fat hillbilly pimp told her to say. All of this shit was written by her fat hillbilly pimp. There’s no way that Mint Salad picked up on all of these Terminator issues like a “time loop” from her first viewing of the movie. She surely hasn’t even seen the movie.

So that’s the video. If you ignore all of the weird and unsettling shit, it was fine, actually.

But speaking of unsettling shit:

I think with each video, her fat hillbilly pimp also makes her do some “sexy” cosplay for her Fansly.

And look at these comments.

  • “Damn! …. youre fine”
  • “oh wow”
  • “What a hottie!”
  • “Nice”
  • “That’s the hottest I ever seen Mint”
  • “More like The Sperminator”
  • “You been a bad bad Terminator!”
  • “F yea!!”

These people are on another planet. Have they not seen a woman before? Have they not seen a woman who does porn before? I know the background for this and it’s surely not Mint Salad’s decision to be doing this, so I feel bad saying this, but she should not be doing porn. I mean, come on.

She has a perfectly fine body that she can share in a loving, non-exploitive relationship with a nice guy who will appreciate it and appreciate her. But for porn? No fucking way.

And a lot of these guys who replied have Twitter feeds that are full of pictures of these OnlyFans type women who they follow. And loads of nerd shit. One guy’s Twitter is dedicated almost entirely to Dungeons & Dragons, for example. These people could not get a date if their fucking lives depended on it. This is their life. Following these revolting little-known OnlyFans women.

And not even a hot woman on OnlyFans. That’s what makes it all the sadder. Because there must be millions of hot chicks on OnlyFans. But these guys are following the bottom feeders of OnlyFans because they think that they have a shot with them. No. There’s no shot. She’s with her fat hillbilly pimp. Actually, I suppose if you scrape together $50 and go to rural Kentucky then you would be able to have a go. But is that what you want? Aim higher.

3 thoughts on “Mint Salad Saw The Terminator (RECAP & REVIEW)

  1. WHY do any of these dumb talentless YouTubers think we need a ree-view of a 40-plus-year-old movie?! It’s not a cult film, it’s not an obscure film. Pretty sure anything worth discussing or dissecting has already been done by now. Also, this person’s content and channel is really sad, they are obsessively being exploited. yikes.

    1. It is a baffling concept. Was anybody waiting for Mint Salad’s Terminator review before they decided if they should see the movie or not? I found the review moderately interesting, actually but why? I like the movie. That’s clearly a factor. I don’t know.

  2. She claimed a while ago that it was because she was “being stupid” or something that she damaged her tooth, but…even upon request she hasn’t answered what actually happened to anyone that I’ve seen.

    So uh lol….that might not be that far fetched thinking it’s the old “I fell” excuse. It could be that she is just stupid though. I mean, she is.

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