WAIT! Retro Gaming Is Dead? Find out now – TheGebs24

Another SHOCKINGLY clickbait title from this awful woman. YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE how boring she is!

0:00 – “Is retro game collecting dead?”

That’s not a topic that interests me but your channel is certainly dead.

She sure is red, by the way. How could a 45 year old woman not have figured out how sunscreen works? She’s enjoying the unusually high temperatures in the UK at the moment.

I’m a minute in and I’m already about to turn this off.

1:15 – Now there’s a desperate advertisement to get the horntards to join some paid-subscription for her channel. Yeah, good luck with that. Is finding a job really that hard?

Maybe I should “monetise” the blog. I don’t think that Patreon is the answer, though because then I’d have to write more stuff just for Patreon. And the articles would be shit because it’s just stuff that I’m writing for a handful of complete lunatics who are subscribing to my Patreon so they wouldn’t be happy with that. And the people who aren’t subscribed wouldn’t be happy either. “Hey, we want to read your shitty Patreon articles. Why are you hiding material behind a paywall, you moneygrubbing loser? Go get a job.”

If I just had a straight up “give me money” link like these camgirls or no-class Youtubers do, that would better but I’d feel bad. I don’t need the money. And I’d question the mental acumen of anyone who donates money to the blog.

How much does this blog even cost to run? Let me check.

I think about £3/month for the server. And then the domain is £17/year. I think that I can comfortably swing that for a while without resorting to soliciting donations.

The “merch” store was really the way to go but fucking Retro Ali got it shut down. At least I think it was her. I had these fucking mugs with pictures of the characters in my banner on them. So you could get an Erin Plays mug or a Destiny Fomo mug or whatever. And I was splitting the profits with the woman who made the art. I got £5 from each mug sold. The mugs were like £15 each.

I sold one mug, an Erin Plays mug, and then the store got shut down. So I gave £2.50 to that woman in the Philippines.

It could have been a money maker for both of us. She was doing some job in accountancy or architecture or something that starts with “A” and she didn’t like it. And she wasn’t getting paid much. So she was doing this art as a side job. The money would have helped her. But this fucking bitch Retro Ali got it shut down.

I think that it’s Retro Ali because Retro Ali contacted this Filipina woman and told her that she should report my store for copyright violation. No, you fucking moron. I asked the woman if I could sell the mugs before I opened the store. And I told her that I’d split the profits with her. She was fine with it.

I tried another website to sell shit but their design software was much more laborious than T-Spring or whatever I was using before. So I said fuck it. I’m not going to spend an age on this when I might sell two mugs a year.

But the store is the most ethical way to monetise the blog. I get a little money, the woman in the Philipines gets a little money, and you get a mug out of it.

4:00 – “Even me, as Gemma, I’m kind of priced out of things.”

Wow, even Gemma is priced out. Even this woman who lives in the smallest house I’ve ever seen. Even this woman with no job. Even this woman who lives with her 400 pound American girlfriend who must cost a fortune to keep fed.

If even this tycoon can’t afford retro video games any more, I think it’s safe to say that the party is over. Time to start collecting Faberge eggs instead.

4:30 – Wow. That is some terrible tattooing. What even is that? She has some kind of crudely-drawn cartoon character on her upper arm and some other shit on her forearm. Terrible placement as well. Who wants a tattoo on their inner upper arm?

5:30 – She’s talking about video game shop owners who she doesn’t like. For clarity, TheGebs is a GIANT BITCH and constantly complains that the prices in shops aren’t as low as the prices on Ebay. Then don’t fucking go. Just get the stuff on Ebay. She doesn’t seem to understand this. She just complains to the store owners instead.

So this story she’s telling is about a woman store owner. She stresses that it’s a woman. She finds it particularly outrageous that a woman wouldn’t put up with her bullshit.

She claims that this woman who owned the store “Wasn’t a gamer.” “Imagine having a job that you’re not passionate about. How hard would that be for you?”

Worry about getting your own job. Whether you’re passionate for it or not.

She doesn’t even say what happened. She just says that this woman owned the store because she was interested in profit and wasn’t passionate about the job.

Here’s what I suspect happened. TheGebs went in, complained that the prices weren’t as low as they are on Ebay (as she does CONSTANTLY) and then this woman said, “So go get it on Ebay then.”

TheGebs finds this to be unacceptable. And she’s particularly outraged that a woman said this to her.

No. It makes perfect sense. A man might give you a pass because he’s hoping to have sex with you. But a woman isn’t going to play that shit. The woman doesn’t want to have sex with you, so she’s just going to tell you how it is. Buy the shit on Ebay if you want Ebay prices. Now get out of my store, you unemployed crimson lesbian.

9:30 – She’s talking about stores closing because of council tax rises.

Council tax is a levy on the property that you live in that everybody in the UK has to pay. The money goes to your local government. So it’s like a city tax. Unlike in the US, everybody has to pay this, even if you’re renting. It’s fucking ridiculous. Only the homeowner should have pay tax, as is the case in the US.

But anyway, recently I got a council tax demand for like £4. So I thought this is some bullshit. I don’t owe £4. They better explain this shit.

I didn’t want to call them because I’ve done this in the past. You’re just put on hold FOR HOURS and then when you finally get through to somebody, they can’t assist.

There’s an email address but nobody ever replies to it.

So I sent an email to somebody at the council. I got this email a few years ago from somebody I knew who works at the council in a fairly high position. I had some other council tax issue that wasn’t being addressed. They didn’t apply a discount that they should have applied.

Anyway, I emailed this woman and I said that I got this £4 bill and I don’t think it’s right so can somebody explain this to me.

Like an hour later, I got a phone call from somebody at the council. And the guy politely explained the whole situation. He says that it wasn’t my fault, it was theirs, but I do owe the money and he explained where the shortfall came in. And he keeps going on and I’m thinking, “Wow. This is real service. The guy took the time to call me over a £4 bill that I’m disputing? And within an hour of me emailing?”

Then he says, “Just out of interest, I notice that you sent this to (whoever). How did you get her email? Because she’s quite a senior manager in the council and she doesn’t tend to give her email out.”

So that’s why I got such good service over this. I emailed the head person in the council over this £4 bill. She must have been unhappy to have to deal with this.

12:00 – Oh, she actually references having a job. Good for her.

Anyway, that’s the video. I didn’t finish it but I can’t listen to this fucking Price is Right music that she has playing throughout this.

9 thoughts on “WAIT! Retro Gaming Is Dead? Find out now – TheGebs24

  1. She made an “Is retro gaming dead?!?!??!?!?” video 4 years ago too. I only watched about 30 seconds but she complains about the same horseshit. You can also see how far she has slid since then.

  2. About the monetizing topic… I have been down that road. I have owned a fair amount of blogs myself. I got caught on the “passive income” trends everyone was excited about a few years ago. So I built “niche” blogs and social media accounts and invested in ads, domains, servers, training courses, you name it.

    I managed to have quite an audience. Almost 1 million followers if we added all the “niche” social media accounts I created and spent time managing. First places in Google results for “the niche”. And it all added to a total amount of: $2,005 USD over a year of work. Profit.

    $2,000 USD because someone wanted to buy one domain I owned (and that was his highest bid price) and $5 out of ads. Never sold any of my merch or affiliate products.

    But something that DID happen is that every blog entry, every social media post, and every ad was filled with SEO shit. So, the blog posts were almost impossible and unbearable to read.

    Don’t go down that route. SEO destroys blogs. SEO is destroying the Internet.

    1. Yeah, the last time I looked at a blog, which was years ago, it was just a bunch of hyperlinked keywords and loads of pictures. I’m not reading that.

  3. Didn’t think anyone could be more annoying than Lady Decade, but we have a winner here. Absolutely unwatchable and that voice is unlistenable.

      1. Lady Decade posted two recent videos where she is scantily dressed and lying on her bed, which is like possibly more pathetic than Horseface’s attempts at posting provocative photos for her OnlyFans.

        1. Yeah, I saw it after I posted that. She’s doing it as a joke, at least. She seems to understand that she’s not a sex symbol. She had that video a while ago where she expressed bewilderment that horny retards keep asking her to join OnlyFans.

  4. She’s worried about this topic, yet (as brutally evidenced by that one video she did a while ago) cannot for the fucking life of her properly paint a room lol.

    Really needs to get her priorities in life straightened out.

  5. By the way, I ended up clicking on the video and started watching it.
    It’s hideous. Could not watch more than 5 min.

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