What Erin Spends Her Time Thinking About

It’s a clip from 1995 of an MTV interview of Madonna. Courtney Love throws something at the stage and the interviewer invites Courtney Love to come join them. Madonna clearly does not want this to happen because it’s stealing focus from her. Nevertheless, Courtney Love joins them on the set, Madonna and Courtney Love have an awkward handshake, and they exchange pleasantries.

That’s the clip. Okay? NOTHING HAPPENS. And Erin says that she’s been thinking about that clip at least once a week for the past 20 years.

Why is she occupying her mind this complete nothingness? It’s like when she mentioned Britney Spears doing a Woody “the” Woodpecker impression like we all know what she’s talking about. Like we’ve all seen this important clip of Britney Spears doing the impression.

What a total fucking moron.

Also, Erin was 7 or 8 years old when this “event” from 1995 ocurred. She was watching MTV at that age? And she remembers this?

Actually, she says that she’s been thinking about this for the past 20 years. So that would take us to 2003. Why they show this clip from 1995, a clip where NOTHING HAPPENED, in 2003? Maybe she was searching this out on Youtube or something? But what would the keywords even be? “Madonna”, “Courtney Love”, and “nothing”?

This helps explain why she has nothing to talk about, ever. She’s a complete airhead. She’s never seen or done anything even remotely interesting. If you’re recounting this incident, this incident where NOTHING HAPPENED, at least weekly, you’re a fucking imbecile.

I know that she’s not literally thinking about this every week. At least I hope not. But this is exactly the sort of braindead shit that she regularly mentions. 1990s pop music. She was born in 1987, as a reminder.

So some other complete vapid moron from Los Angeles called Amanda replies, “lmaooo dude i have NEVER seen this. madonna saying “should we invite her? no, dont.. please” hahahahah this was so messy”. Erin replies, “Omg this whole moment is ICONIC.”


It’s fucking ridiculous. If I want to watch a video where absolutely nothing of note happens, I’ll just watch an Erin Plays video. What about this can possibly be iconic?

Oh, fucking Joe from Gamesack replies. Of course he does. Fucking Omega orbiter. Stop trying to steal the love of Mike’s life, you fucking goblin.

He says, “Quit lying to Twitter you lying liar! You’ve only thought about this maybe once every 9 or 10 days AT BEST!”

Pretty funny stuff, Joe. Good luck with wooing the ladies with this shit. But Erin replies, “Okay you caught me. It’s about every 9 days. *hangs head in shame*”.

Nothing. She just repeated his “joke”. Because she’s a total fucking moron. She never has anything to say. Even in text form. Even when she has all the time in the world to think of stuff to say.

I can understand getting flustered or just being bad with speaking off the cuff. It’s difficult. But Erin can’t even do it in text form, where she has the benefit of time to formulate interesting things to say, because she has absolutely nothing going on in her head. She’s a moron.

By the way, if you want to buy Amanda’s used clothes, you can do so here:


She seems to be selling this stuff for MORE than the original price. You’re expected to pay a premium because she’s worn them. It’s like how porn stars sell their used bras and panties to horny retards for more than what they paid for them.

  • “the ‘and i think about it every week’ has to be the most cringe shit of the last few years”

It’s true. It’s nice to see some sensible people in the comments. And it’s good that Erin didn’t delete the comment.

It’s a video where nothing happens. And Erin is spending what little brainpower she has on this. It’s iconic. That iconic moment in 1995 when NOTHING HAPPENED.

But the videos still suck dick so who cares?

Well, who the fuck told you to talk about video games? That was your decision. It’s your channel. You can talk about whatever you want. So why the attitude?

I’m looking at Destiny Fomo’s Twitter. Seeing who she links to. She links to prostitutes because Destiny Fomo is a prostitute, albeit the lowest-rated prostitute in the history of the profession.

One of the people she links to is Lisa Ann, the porn star.

Another one is Liv.


This must be some prostitute who Madam Fomo knows. She appears to also live in New York City.

It’s a black woman who describes herself as a “Financial dominatrix”. She posts many times a day, usually just of her feet, and instructs people to send her money. As far as I can tell, nobody replies to ANY of these messages.

Why would they?

“Who wants to take Me shopping and get Me a new pair of sunglasses?”

Nobody. Zero replies.

“Are you a doormat for hot sorority girls?”

No. Zero replies. But my question is, are you a hot sorority girl? From everything that I can see, no. It’s just this black woman’s feet which don’t look like anything special to me.

“You’re such a little jerk addict for me”

What are you basing that on? Again, zero replies.

“If you want to see a video of me and my sorority sisters partying your money away send $50”

But I don’t. Nobody does. Zero replies. And you’re not a hot sorority sister.

“Going out with my sorority girls, I expect all my drinks to be paid for by beta males”

Well, best of luck with that, madam. Because once again, you got ZERO replies.

This seems to be a thing. She links to a few other women doing this. They tend to post pictures of themselves (other than just their feet) which is a step in the right direction but still, they’re getting zero replies. There can’t be a market for this. And they also all seem to say that they’re sorority girls. No. These women have never seen the inside of a university.

And these women aren’t even attractive. Maybe that’s part of the appeal. I don’t know. Like they don’t even deserve to give their money to an attractive woman.

One of these women posts the balance in some sort of cash app every day. She seems to get about $40 a day. Is this worth doing? Just go get a job and you can make WAY more than $40/day. And it’s not like this is money for nothing. She posts pictures of herself, and humiliates herself for the whole world to see. She also tweets a lot. So people are going to say, “Hey, are you that crazy woman who thinks that people are going to send you money for doing nothing? Good luck with that.”

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