WTF Wednesday Review: Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis (2005) – Newt Wallen

0:00 – “Hello. It’s me again.”

What? Who is this guy? Where’s The Ideas Man?

Apparently, this is Marat Letoso. You all know Marat, right? He’s on Twitter.

Not only does he re-tweet all of Newt’s tweets but he also re-tweets all of the tweets that Newt re-tweets. So stuff about that Koni Waves comic, for example.

Marat is from Chile. He also has a Youtube channel.

He almost never posts. In 12 years, he has 13 videos. They’re Oscar predictions. In Spanish.

He also has a blog. It was last updated in 2017. It seems to just exist to promote his 13 Youtube videos.

Okay so I’ve watched…enough of this video and he reviews the movie. He’s just not summarising. So points for that. And it was a reasonable 15 minutes. I watched half of it before I had to stop. I just don’t give a fuck about horror movies. I’m an adult. Come on. Give me some credit.

Nearly 6,000 views for this video. That’s about twice as much as his normal WTF Wednesday videos get. People must be really into Marat.

Oh, Marat was also chatting in one of Newt and PVC Bondage Guy’s recent four hour livestreams.

2:52:45 – He leaves a message about the recent history of Chile. PVC Bondage Guy reads the message and then immediately moves on.

3:27:30 – PVC Bondage Guy asks if Johanna from Hack the Movies is “trans”. Newt says, “No”. I don’t know the reference for any of this. I’m just skipping around. But I found it funny.

Newt is in his new apartment, I think. There’s a bunch of movie posters on the wall. Like all movie posters. I don’t think that Newt is getting his deposit back. Well, maybe he’s using some kind of adhesive strip as opposed to putting nails all over the walls.

3:30:00 – Newt is talking about how horny he gets. PVC Bondage Guy also chimes in about how horny he (PVC Bondage Guy) gets. Then Newt says, “I haven’t done anything since I moved here.”

Oh really. So an entire week without intercourse. Newt must really be fucking the ladies of rural Pennysylvania left, right, and centre if he considers a week without intercourse to be a long time. Or fucking the guys of rural Pennsylvania. Or ladyboys. How many ladyboys can there possibly be in rural Pennslyvania?

Anyway, good for Newt. It seems like whoever or whatever is having sex with Newt is really an open-minded sort of person. They overlook him being short, being in his 40s, working a low-paying job, being a giant pervert, and the whole plagiarism thing. Not that plagiarism really factors into dating decisions so much.

Maybe they’re attracted to his personality. Or his brilliance. He’s The Ideas Man, after all. He has more ideas than he knows what to do with. Shark Vampire. Hippo Mummy. Sexy Creature from the Black Lagoon.

One of the earliest pornographic things that I saw was on the Spice Channel. In between movies, they used to show like mud wrestling or wet t-shirt contests or alleged casting videos for porn. I don’t know where they got this footage but they’d show it. It was just filler between movies.

But I liked this filler material better than the movies. They had some interesting shit.

One of these was some kind of porn audition where three women, one after another, donned a Creature from the Black Lagoon mask and were otherwise naked. Then, one at a time, they would jump into a pool, hug some guy who was in there, and say, “And now you’re all mine.” That was the line that they had to say. The last part of it, anyway. I don’t remember the full thing.

So the first two women did their thing. Wasn’t so interesting. Normal bodies.

The third woman comes out there, big tits, and she smacks the guy in the head with them as she delivers her line. Really enthusiastic.

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. Newt Wallen. Tits and gore. Maybe he can find that video for me. Or recreate it with PVC Bondage Guy.

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