Sucks 2 Suck IndieGoGo Campaign – Newt Wallen (allegedly)

Newt is promoting the IndieGoGo campaign for a movie that he says he co-wrote and will be co-directing along with the haggard old prostitute who he pays to hang out with him: Fallon.

Okay. So let’s check it out. This must be one of Newt’s 11 or 13 projects that he says are coming out starting in 2023.

“HI! My name is Fallon Maressa I am the director, writer, producer, lead actress, (insert additional credit here) chick at Sucks2Suck.  This is my first time directing a feature, and I really hope YOU don’t think it sucks!!!”

You’re welcome to read the entire page. The word “Newt” doesn’t appear anywhere. This is clearly being presented as a project that this prostitute is doing entirely on her own.

You can get signed photographs of this prostitute and that fat chick who appeared in a recent video of Newt’s. As here:

All of the pictures are of this prostitute and this fat chick. Fallon and the Fat Chick.

What about Newt? I want a signed photo of Newt. Isn’t Newt at all involved in this? On Twitter, he says that he’s the co-writer and co-director. That’s pretty important, right?

Somebody’s lying. They have to be. Either Newt is lying about being the co-director and co-writer or this prostitute is lying about doing this project entirely on her own.

“By contributing you will directly support not only female business, but the unveiling of a creative curtain.”

This is a female-run thing. Just one woman. She’s doing it all. Director, writer, producer, lead actress, and anything else that she can think of to add. She’s going to be the caterer, the grip, the stuntwoman. Everything. Girl power.

They’re looking to raise $13,000. So far, they’re at about $700. Eleven people have given money to this sham.

And it’s a “flexible goal” so even if they don’t reach the $13,000 goal, they’ll still take all of the money.

It’s a con. This is being presented as some woman empowerment thing. But this is Newt’s idea. Newt is behind all of this. He’s the fucking Ideas Man. He’s also a well known trick. Newt is financing this thing. Newt wrote it. Newt will direct it. Assuming that this fraud ever gets filmed to begin with, which I highly doubt.

There’s this prostitute’s pornographic LinkTree. In case you want to buy her a $2,500 purse, for example.

There’s her TikTok. I’ve never seen somebody so desperate for views, get so few views. She has her breasts out in every video and multiple filters to try to make her look younger. She also always seems to get something caught in her eye. Syphilis, maybe. The old syphilis in the eye.

I found this video to give the most insight into her life.

It seems that she lives with her mother and they live in a lower middle class area. You can see the house in the background. You can see some random scumbag in a backwards baseball cap walking past.

So what does she need $2,500 bags for? Why would I give this woman money? She has at least one child, by the way. Where’s the father? Why isn’t the father giving her $2,500 bags? She probably has multiple children from multiple men.

It’s just an old prostitute trying to take advantage of mentally-challenged nerds on the internet. And failing. That’s the part that always gets me the most.

I can understand trying to con retards out of money if it’s working. It’s totally unethical, of course, but if you’re actually making money out of this, I understand why people would do it.

None of these women are making money from the horntards. Erin is making something like $3,000/year from Twitch and Youtube combined. It’s ridiculous. Just go get a job at Burger King and you’ll make WAY more money.

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