PELVIC GAMING 2022 | The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!

I’m going to take the high road and not make the obvious joke. On with the video. I think that she’s responding to comments from the horntards.

1:45 – “I don’t get it, why is Pelvic’s lipstick so fucking good every videos.”

Really? That’s the comment that she chose to read? Ass licking bullshit?

This is why we need blogs like this one. To keep these people based in fucking reality. I’m not criticising people to be an asshole. I’m criticising people because these are HONEST and ACCURATE opinions.

Pelvic Gamer looks like a fucking clown in every video. Her lipstick is ridiculous. Blue lipstick? Fuck off.

This is not an attractive woman and no amount of horny comments from retards will convince me otherwise.

And that’s fine. Who gives a shit if she’s attractive or not? It only becomes an issue when she presents herself as a hot chick. Come the fuck on. Pelvic Gamer?

If you don’t talk about your appearance, I won’t talk about your appearance. That seems fair to me. I almost never mention Erin’s appearance because she almost never mentions it. Erin rarely presents herself as some kind of sex symbol. Especially in recent years. So I don’t mention it.

“Believe it or not, I’m not a makeup guru.”

I can believe it. You look like a fucking bufoon.

2:45 – A guy takes issue with a review. He doesn’t agree with…whatever it is that she said. He either liked the game and she didn’t or the other way around.

Pelvic Gamer reacts like this guy just told her that her mother’s a prostitute. No. He disagreed with a review. Who gives a shit? He’s entitled to his nerdy opinion, just as you are.

“So this person took my review personally, clearly.”

No. What the fuck are you talking about? YOU took his comment personally.

5:30 – “Gross. Put some effort into your appearance. This is insulting to the eye and stomach.”

So Pelvic Gamer says, “One, I’m a confident woman. Your comments have no power here. I know I’m attractive. I feel attractive. I’m winning.”

You’re winning what? The Delusional Woman World Title?

“Even in my most muted videos, no makeup, I’m comfortable in the skin I’m in.”

And she shows a video of her, apparently, not wearing much makeup. She looks much better. This horrible fucking clown makeup that she wears does not help things. Nor do her clown hairstyles.

Then she asks to see a picture of this guy. What does it matter what he looks like? This is about YOU. And you’re the one, inexplicably, presenting yourself as a sex symbol. The commenter isn’t saying that he’s a hot guy who everybody wants to have sex with.

9:30 – Somebody said “objectively”. I don’t even know the context. But she says that “gamers” use this word a lot. So now she’s reading the fucking dictionary definition of “objectively”. This is awful. This is condescending bullshit. We know what it means. You think fucking Pelvic Gamer with her fucking GED is going to get one over on us?

I don’t actually know Pelvic Gamer’s educational achievements but I’m guessing that she didn’t finish high school. She lives in Florida. I think that it’s pretty common for people in Florida to not finish high school.

11:30 – Now she’s reading the definition of “subjective”. Go fuck yourself.

And this is all over some nerd leaving a comment disagreeing with her review. Who gives a shit? Not everybody is going to agree with you. We’re talking about fucking video games here. He liked the game. You didn’t like the game. WHO GIVES A SHIT?

Then she goes on about how this guy “insulted” her. The examples she gives is that he called her “ignorant” and “casual”. These are insults?

Who gives a shit? This is a nerd talking about nerd shit. Why does she get so upset about this?

Then she says that she wasn’t mad because she “disengaged” and did something that she wanted to do: stream on Twitch. She says that this means that she “won” because she was playing Vampire Survivor and got “raided”.

In what universe is this “winning”? You clearly lost the argument. As petty and pointless as the argument was. And he was 100% right. You did get angry. Clearly.

13:30 – Some guy left a comment complaining about an advertisement that she did. She shilled for a game that she was paid to “review”. So she says that Youtubers need to do ads because they’re unemployed. Basically.

Here’s my idea: go get a job.

14:30 – “I’ve been a fan of yours for years and I can’t believe that you still haven’t reached 100,000 subscribers yet.”

“I have to say it’s a little disheartening and that’s why 2023 might be my last year doing this on Youtube. It just is what it is.”

Then she goes to her channel page and shows that she’s been getting low view numbers. Her definition of low view numbers is less than 10,000.

She says that she wants to be a full time artist instead. Well, good luck with that, Pelvic Gamer. I think that there’s a lot of competition in that field and not many paying gigs but okay.

15:30 – “I’ve been doing Youtube for eight years and I was young when I started and it was a hobby but as you get older, having a hobby doesn’t pay the bills.”

So you’re saying that you should get a job? I agree. What’s so crazy about this?

Then she says that she gets $500/month, “Which isn’t a lot in today’s economy.”

Well, yeah. If you’re living on that. But what if you had a job like a normal person? That $500/month would be a nice bonus. You’re not supposed to be living on this shit.

Then she thanks the horntards for “gifting” her the games. She says that most of the games that she reviews have been “gifts”.

17:00 – She says that she’s considering getting an “agent” in order to get “sponsorships”. Uh huh. What about a job, Pelvic Gamer? Is that anywhere on your list of plans?

20:45 – After talking about not knowing what to do with her life, she says that she’s going to take a two month break from Youtube. All good tv shows take a break.

Then she ends the video by saying that she loves me. Whoa. I wasn’t prepared for this. It’s all happening so fast. We’ve never even gone on a date.

Here’s why her videos aren’t getting any views: they’re boring as fucking shit. Totally formulaic. Every video is the same. She reviews some JRPG that I never heard of. Fine. If you’re interested in the game…MAYBE you want to watch. But the reviews are just straight reviews. There’s no comedy or anything that I recognise as being entertaining.

She needs to get back to the craziness. Videos where she wears a children’s train costume and pretends that the front of the costume is a giant penis, for example. Or videos where she dresses up as a man and says that she’s going to seduce herself. This is what we want to see. Or at least it’s what I want to see.

This is why I don’t cover her videos any more. They’re just fucking boring. And I get it. A normal person doesn’t want to put humiliating videos out there but…then get a job.

And I think that she has a job. Or at least she had a job at some point. I have a vague memory of her saying that she lost her job during covid. Maybe I’m thinking of Retro Ali. Retro Ali definitely lost her job at some point during covid but I’m thinking that Pelvic Gamer did as well.

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