Erin’s Most Played Games of 2022

Well, what do you know? This coincides exactly with how long she played these games on stream, for money. It’s the only time that she’s played these games. Why not just admit it? Why the constant obfuscation?

Then she says, “I want to play BOTW some more before the new one comes out.”

So fucking do it. In your spare time like a normal person.

So Christmas. Christmas is coming up. And I need some easy articles to crank out because I’ll be away for a week or so.

I got a TurboGrafx-16 for Christmas one year. I was probably in the 8th grade. Maybe 7th grade. I couldn’t decide between the Genesis and the TurboGrafx-16. I don’t know why I didn’t even consider a Super Nintendo. Maybe because my friend had one? But did he have one? I don’t even know. I never played it, if he did.

Maybe I thought that the SNES was a console for the younger crowd.

Where did I get any of this information from? Maybe just commercials and whatever video game tv shows were on at the time. Maybe Wizard magazine.

People in school didn’t really talk about video games. Not that I remember. You were considered a nerd if you played video games, although I think most everybody had a console. I was one of the few people who didn’t. I had a computer when I was like 10. That was it. And that was unusual. Nobody had a computer in those days.

Video games just weren’t talked about. Not that I ever heard, anyway.

But somehow TurboGrafx got on my radar. That was the system that I wanted.

Nobody had one of these things. Maybe that was the appeal. I wanted something different.

So Christmas rolls around and I got one. It was used. My parents bought it from some guy who put an ad in the newspaper. It was the console and like six games.

Why didn’t they buy it new? Maybe it wasn’t even in stores any more. Maybe my parents were poor. Maybe they thought that it was a better deal to get it used. I don’t know what they paid for it.

The guy who sold the system said that he just didn’t have time to play it any more. So I assume that it was a guy in his early to mid 20s. He was probably starting a job and/or a family.

Everything worked. There was never a problem. As far as I’m aware, if it still exists, it still works. I haven’t played it in over 20 years, though. Still, it seems weird that they got it used.

The games that came with it were Keith Courage, Bonk’s Adventure, JJ and Jeff, Neutopia, Dungeon Explorer, and maybe something else.

Keith Courage was awful. JJ and Jeff was bad. Dungeon Explorer wasn’t good. Neutopia was pretty good. And Bonk’s Adventure was fun. I played all of them, even the shitty games. This is what you had to do. I only had a few games and I’d get bored of the good ones so I’d have to play the shitty ones for a bit to keep things fresh.

I beat Bonk’s Adventure many times. I got pretty far in Neutopia but it took years to get to that point. I never beat it. The other games weren’t good so I didn’t get too far in them. Dungeon Explorer was impossible on any class other than “fighter”. The game was designed to played with up to five players at once but there was no scaling. So if you were playing solo, you were facing the same amount of enemies as if you had five people playing. Only the fighter could get through even the first fucking level like that. Maybe I was just bad at the game.

In the ninth grade, some classmate sold me a few TurboGrafx games. So he must have had the console too but he was getting rid of it. I got China Warrior from him and I think something else but I can’t remember. It was like $10 or something.

Oh, Bomberman was the last game that I got on that Christmas. Yeah, Bomberman was good. I beat it. You had to beat it without dying because you lose all of your powerups when you die.

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