Pam aka CannotBeTamed is Taking a Depression Vacation

She hasn’t posted a video in nine days, which is unusual because her autistic ass has posted consistently every seven days for however many years. And here’s her latest tweet:

“It would be fun to not make anymore YouTube videos and instead just nap.”

Excess sleep is a sign of depression, of course. And if that’s not proof enough she says in the comments that she’ll be drinking gin. She’s a drunk. Alcohol abuse is another sign of depression.

She posted that five days ago and she’s a regular user of Twitter. She usually posts every couple of days at the most.

Here’s a comment from a horntard:

  • “Nap sound great. Especially if you have someone special with four legs and soft fur to nap with.”

Uh huh. And in Pam’s “about me” section she says, “Talks about new and retro games, makes videos, cuddles cute animals.”

This stuff writes itself. I don’t have to make any crude bestiality comments.

Has she been streaming? No. Last Twitch stream was ten days ago.

So yeah, she’s reached rock bottom and she’s re-evaluating her life. Good for Pam. What are you making these shitty Youtube videos for? She’s a complete charisma blackhole. And her relentless misandrist comments do not go over well when 99.9% of her audience are guys.

Oh. And she complained about her latest video doing poorly.

She says, “Wow this is bombing even harder than I thought it would. The lesson is never try.”

How bad is this video? Let me check it out.

It’s pretty pretentious but not much more than her usual videos.

Okay, I’m turning this off at the four minute mark. It’s a game about…medieval…writing? Something. I can see why this wasn’t a hit with the horntards.

So yeah, this is why she’s taking a break from the internet. She got depressed because people aren’t watching her shitty videos.

If only interested in views, you’re doing this for the wrong reason. When I moved my blog to WordPress, there was a huge decrease in views. Tough to say how much. It was maybe cut in half? Maybe more.

But I’m not doing it for views or for money or whatever. I’m doing it because I’m passionate about critiquing the shit videos of god awful “Youtubers”. You can’t just chase trends. You have to be true to yourself. Make the kind of “content” (Youtube videos, blog articles, whatever) that you want to make.

This is why Erin’s channel is a total disaster. Well, one of many reasons. She’s a total fraud and people can see right through that shit. So they don’t want to watch.

If she was making videos on something that she was actually interested in, say, Britney Spears, maybe she could build an audience. Although, in Erin’s case, I don’t think that anything she does is going to build an audience. Negative fucking charisma and she doesn’t know anything about anything.

And Pam can do videos on…well, makeup, for example. How’s the Makeup DLC channel doing? Oh. Not so good. So she abandoned it. Didn’t have the passion for it.

What about videos on your warped idea of feminism?

Or dog…no, I don’t think Youtube will allow that.

Oh, there’s also her awful podcast about alcohol, video games, and movies all wrapped up in lesbianism. How’s that doing? Oh.

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