Rob Zombie’s The Munsters (2022) Review – Cinemassacre

Newt already beat you to the punch, Jimmy.

But was Newt wearing a baseball cap and in front of a greenscreen? No. He was hatless and in his kitchen. So let’s check it out.

Oh, this is Monster Madness. It’s not labelled anywhere but in the intro, they say that it’s Monster Madness.

By the way, the boys from TheCinemassacreTruth are doing their own version of Monster Madness this year. So far, they’ve all been really, really bad. It’s just bad AI James Rolfe voice and meme after meme after meme. I’m reviewing each one over on my subreddit. It makes a nice change from just calling them gay every day. Check it out if you’re so inclined.

Yeah, it’s James in a baseball cap in front of a greenscreen. Just like his previous video.

And what’s crazy is that he’s greenscreening his own fucking video rental store set. Why wouldn’t he just film on the set? It’s insane. The set is in his fucking house, I think. He doesn’t want to walk to the basement or where ever this is thing is? Is the greenscreen closer? In his bedroom, perhaps?

I don’t get it. Greenscreen always looks awful. Always. Especially when Jimmy does it. It looks like shit. Why does he continue to do it? In EVERYTHING.

Maybe Newt should start greenscreening his own kitchen.

0:15 – “Every October, I like to do something a little different.”

Well, either you or the interns. It’s just so crazy. Did Jimmy write any of this? Who knows? There’s no transparency. There’s no professional code of ethics.

0:45 – Jimmy says that he wants to review new stuff that’s available on streaming services. He doesn’t want to get out of bed for anything. Just put Netflix on and wonder where it all went wrong in your life.

1:15 – Jimmy says that Rob Zombie is one of his favourite “entertainers”. Uh huh. Well, this is the man who gives Family Matters as his favourite tv show. So his opinions are worth shit.

1:30 – Jimmy says that he relates to Rob Zombie and…although it’s not expressly stated, the suggestion is that it’s because both James Rolfe and Rob Zombie are film makers and musicians. Completely deluded.

3:00 – Now Jimmy is talking about his passion for the 1960s Munsters tv show. Then he starts talking about The Addams Family.

I don’t get it. I’ve probably seen every episode of The Munsters many times. It was on television when I was a kid. I also watched it as an adult because, inexplicably, it was on British tv Monday to Friday at like 10:30 am for a couple of years.

But I’ve never seen The Addams Family. Not once. Maybe it’s just a syndication issue. My local tv stations didn’t show The Addams Family.

6:00 – Jimmy is going through the various Munsters reboots and doesn’t even mention the 1980s Munsters Today, which was a television show. Newt mentioned it. So another point for The Ideas Man.

What happened? Was this information not on Wikipedia? Let me check.

No, it’s there. Kieran just must not have been paying careful attention.

12:00 – “It could be perfect to put on as background during a Halloween party.”

Newt said the exact same thing in his review. So the question becomes did Kieran (or whoever wrote this) rip of Newt or did both Kieran and Newt rip somebody else off? Because this is a pretty specific comment. They’re talking about the visuals and the bright colours, they say that the movie itself isn’t very good, and that this would be a good movie to show at a Halloween party.

I don’t know. But if Kieran or whoever ripped off Newt, it’s fair game. Nothing Newt does is protected because he doesn’t care about anybody else’s intellectual property.

12:45 – Jimmy ends the video by making a bizarre, awkward comment about ice cream and beer.

Let’s check out what the boys on Reddit had to say. Something gay, no doubt.

Nothing interesting. Same shit that I wrote, plus added memes. You like memes, right? 5:40! I don’t believe it! Hysterical!

I liked the Munsters joke where Herman is being encouraged to take dance lessons, and he says, “I can’t take dance lessons. People will think that I’m a…communist or something.” “Communist” was obviously code for “homosexual”. Perfect for the boys on Reddit.

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