Is Hokko Life The Game YOU Are Expecting? – Miss Bubbles

I discovered this woman through a “collab” video that this woman did with Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal.  This video:

But that video is entirely unwatchable so I’m going to look at this Hokko Life video instead.  Whatever Hokko Life is.

First, let’s talk about Miss Bubbles.  Her Twitter says that she’s a Ph.D student from Lebanon.  Here’s her Twitter.

I’m pretty sure that she lives in the US, though because she says stuff like this:

I find it hilarious when somebody knows I’m Muslim and says “OMG! You don’t look like one!”. Not sure if that’s supposed to be a compliment?😂 Or an insult? Also, tell me, how are we supposed to look like? Do we have green skin? Third eyeball, 3 legs? I’m interested

Headscarf.  Burka.  This sort of thing.  You know…Muslim attire.  Did you really not know this, Miss Bubbles?  Many Muslim women will wear headscarves or burkas.  This is news to you?  You think it’s about green skin?  

Now, I know that Muslim women in Lebanon don’t really wear that shit.  But most people don’t know this.  Most people don’t give a fuck about Lebanon.  Or Islam.  They’re just trying to make conversation.  If you don’t like it, get your ass back to Lebanon.

She continues:

Oh and yes I am Muslim. If you have a problem, the unfollow button is right there. Do me the honour. I’m Muslim and proud

She says “honour” so maybe she doesn’t live in the US.  Maybe Canada.  Or maybe it’s just how she was taught English.  But she’s definitely either in the US or Canada.

Anyway, nobody had a problem with her being Muslim.  They were just surprised that she didn’t have a headscarf.  No big deal.  Now they know that not all Muslims wear that stuff.  Who cares?  

So somebody says, “I think they truly expect u to be wearing a hijab, niquab or burka”.  

She replies: 

They do! And if you do, they assume you are terrorist. Like how can you make people stop judging?

Why is she so angry?  They just didn’t know that Muslim women don’t wear headscarves.  Are we expected to know every country’s customs on Muslim attire?  Oh, excuse me for not knowing about the Muslim dress norms of Lebanon.  

Go fuck yourself.  

More nonsense from her:

Yeah many think I am Latina and that adds to the shock when they realize I’m Muslim. That’s fine tho. What’s not fine is saying “I don’t look like one.  

I guess we have a style book that I am unaware of


Send this fucking retard back to Lebanon.  America and Canada have enough morons already.  They don’t need to be importing more.

It’s because of the brain washing that news outlets and media cause. It’s not even in the Qur’an that I am obligated to wear a hijab or nikab. It’s really upsetting that even in the 21st century, the West has this set idea about us.

Hey…idiot.  These are cultural differences.  It’s not about the “Qur’an”.  In some countries, Muslim women wear headscarves, in some they wear burkas, and in some they don’t wear any of that shit.  But it’s not down to the individual.  Try not wearing a burka in Saudi Arabia.  “Oh, it’s my choice.  Check the Qur’an”.  Fuck you.  Put your burka on.

She’s just exposing her own ignorance about Islam with this shit.  

Anyway, we’ve got a video to get through.  She’s going to tell us about this farming RPG.  I can’t wait!

0:00 – “Hello, you gorgeous human being!”

Oh!  She likes me!  She thinks that I’m a handsome dude.  I really like this channel.  It’s making my ding dong hard.  A hot Lebanese Muslim woman wants to have sex with me.  Is that allowed in the Qur’an?  

Oh, and she’s not a hot chick, by the way.  That’s just how she presents herself.  I’d call her “Horseface” but that name is taken.  “Horseface Jr” maybe.

0:30 – She’s customising her character.  You can have different skin and facial features and clothes.  I wonder if a burka is an option.  

She’s wearing half a dress, not sure if that’s allowed in the Qur’an, and she has a tattoo.  Are tattoos allowed in the Qur’an?  Let me check.

The majority of Sunni Muslims believe tattooing is a sin, because it involves changing the natural creation of God, inflicting unnecessary pain in the process. Tattoos are classified as dirty things, which is prohibited in Islam.

And as for Shia:

Shia Ayatollahs Ali al-Sistani and Ali Khamenei believe there are no authoritative Islamic prohibitions on tattoos. The Quran does not mention tattoos or tattooing at all.

Grand Ayatollah Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi ruled: “Tattoos are considered makruh (reprehensible but not forbidden). However, it is not permissible to have Quranic verses, names of Ahlulbayt (a.s), drawings of Imams (a.s), Hadiths, unislamic and inappropriate images or the likes tattooed onto the body. And if the ink was the type that remains above the skin, then it would be considered prohibited. However, if it was of the type to go beneath the skin, it would be considered permissible but makruh

Right there on Wikipedia.  Is she Shia or Sunni?  If she’s Sunni, it seems seem to be definitely not allowed.  If she’s Shia, it’s just greatly frowned upon.  

Of course, we wouldn’t even know that she had a tattoo if she was dressed appropriately.  Where’s her burka?  

Holy shit.  She has a lot of tattoos.  I thought it was just something small on her upper arm.  No.  She has something massive on her lower forearm as well.  

What kind of Muslim is this?  Not a good one, I’ll tell you that.  I’m no expert on Islam but this isn’t it.  Conning horntards?  Not allowed according to the Qur’an.  

2:45 – She makes an annoying half-joke about pressing the “like” button.  This is the world’s worst Muslim.  Well…I shouldn’t say that.  There are some real contenders out there.  

I made it to four minutes.  She’s annoying.  Too many stupid sound effects and “comedy”.  This woman is about as funny as the corpse of Osama Bin Laden, who was allegedly dumped into the ocean for some unexplained reason.  


– “Hi, can you please play my game American Christmas, on steam? I think you’ll really like it!”

She replies, “Please use my email for business inquiries. It’s in my description box”

She wants to get paid.  This wasn’t a business enquiry.  This is a horntard who made a game and would like you to play it.  He thinks that you’ll like it.  

Pay me.  What does the Qur’an have to say about greed?  What does the Qur’an have to say about begging?

Muslims are warned in the Quran to be on guard against greed. A Muslim should not save and hoard great sums of money, but should distribute it to those who are in need of it.

Here’s a quote right from the Qur’an itself:

92:8–16 But as for him who is stingy and complacent. And denies goodness. We will ease his way towards difficulty.. And his money will not avail him when he plummets…I have warned you of a Fierce Blaze. None will burn in it except the very wicked.

That Allah was really on to something. 

– “Your top is really pretty. :)”

And she replies with “thank you”.

I hear you loud and clear.  Boobies.

Anyway, this seems to be what she does.  She makes videos on Harvest Moon type games.  Farming simulators.  While wearing half a top.  Whoop dee doo.

3 thoughts on “Is Hokko Life The Game YOU Are Expecting? – Miss Bubbles

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