Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness on N64 (Streams 1 and 2) For real this time! – Erin Plays

I am not going to watch one second of the actual gameplay because I am well beyond bored of watching Erin play Castlevania games for the first and last time ever.  

Fortunately, she time-stamped this video and she did her usual bang up job.  It’s a three hour video and it’s divided into 

0:00 – Intro
0:38 Stream 1
1:11:50 Stream 2 Start
1:12:13 Squishmallows
1:14:05 Back to the game

I’m only going to be watching the intro and the Squshmallows portions of the video.

0:00 – Views must be WAY down.  Erin is showing a quarter inch of cleavage, which is the maximum amount that she can show, given what she’s working with.  

And this intro was just done for Youtube.  It was recorded on the same day as the second stream, because she wears this top on that stream too, but this was obviously recorded after the second stream.  She basically tells you not to watch the first stream because she doesn’t know what she’s doing in the game.  How bad must this gameplay be that even Erin says that it’s unwatchable?  I refuse to find out.

0:15 – “I tried to edit it down a bit so that it would be less annoying to watch.”

Very misguided.  The edits turn terrible videos into unwatchable trash.  I have no idea why she does this.

0:30 – The stream starts and Erin is wearing a Friday the 13th shirt.  I have a vague memory of Erin saying that she didn’t see any of the movies.  Maybe I’m just thinking that because that’s what Erin always says for every movie.  She’s a big Friday the 13th fan.

Oh, and there’s a giant plush novelty behind her.  This is a 34/35 year old woman.

0:45 – “About a year ago, I beat Castlevania 64, just regular Castlevania 64.”

On stream for money.  As usual.  Go on.

“I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would.  There was just that one platform.  I played as Carrie and the one platforming part with the crystals drove me fucking insane.  That was the first time in my life that I ever threw a controller.”

Oh.  Some historical faux nerd rage.  I’m sorry that I missed this.  Because that’s what “gamers” do, right?  They throw controllers?  And Erin is a big “gamer”.  She gets very invested in the games and then becomes super angry when she doesn’t do well.  

Anyway, fuck this shit.  I said I wasn’t going to watch this.  Let’s move on to 34/35 year old Erin talking about more plush novelties that she got.  With Mike’s money, of course.

1:11:45 – It’s the start of the second stream and she’s talking about a previous stream.  “Remember how I said in that stream, ‘Oh, I think I’m getting sick’?  Well, I did get sick.”

Well, what was the illness?  She doesn’t say.  She just moves on.  Maybe it was explosive diarrhoea or something.  There’s no need to be embarrassed, Erin.  It happens to everybody.

I remember walking home from work once and I just suddenly felt ill.  Like I had to vomit.  But I was only five minutes from my home so I thought I could make it.  Spoiler: I couldn’t.  

Then there was another time, exact same situation, but this time about poop.  I suddenly really had to go but I was five minutes from my home.  I can do this.  Keep it together.  

It really was getting to me and I felt the need to break wind so I thought, “Well, maybe it will help.”  Turns out, this particular flatulence was more solid than normal.  Nothing crazy but…there was something back there.  Not a full on chunk but something.

So I finally get home and I think, “I’ll just take my coat and shoes off, maybe get changed, and then I’ll go to the toilet.”  Nothing doing.  As soon as I get in the door, I have an urgent need to shit right that second.  There’s no time to mess about with taking coats off.  

So that was that.  I had to immediately change my underpants after that due to the incident on the street.  But I wasn’t sick for either of these incidents, as far as I’m aware.  So I don’t know what it was.

Anyway, Erin Plays.

1:12:00 – “You guys, I got some new Squishmallows.”

Let me look this up.  Oh, Google suggests “Why are Squishmallows so valuable?”  Maybe this is Erin’s retirement plan.  

The link compares them to Beanie Babies.  Yeah.  There are a lot of Beanie Baby millionaires out there.  

“The appeal can be because they’re extra cute, part of a unique set, or haven’t been produced a lot”

Uh huh.  Sounds like a sound investment.  

1:12:30 – “This one is a gachapon machine!”

Oh!  You guys all know gachapon machines, right?  Erin’s viewers are mostly in Japan, I think.  Horntard hikikomori.  They have a bowl of ramen in one hand, themselves in the other, and they’re watching Erin play a game that she hates, poorly, for money.

I read recently that that the chubby Asian woman from the Metal Jesus crew finally went to Japan.  Can that be right?  Let me check.

“At the Beer Fest at Kyoto Tower today!”

So yeah, it seems so.  It’s sad that she seems to be a raging alcoholic.  Who the fuck goes to a country and then just drinks all the time?  

I remember reading a story in a British newspaper about people on “holiday”/vacation to Dubai complaining that alcohol wasn’t available.  This was a story in the fucking newspaper.  People were raising a stink because they couldn’t get alcohol in the Middle East.

Why were these people surprised?  Are they not at all familiar with the religion of peace?  

So I get to the comments and I’m thinking, “Man, these people are going to tear the author of this article a new asshole.”

No.  Everybody was in full agreement that it’s outrageous that people visiting Dubai were denied their right to drink alcohol.

Hey, you fucking morons, there’s more to do than sit in a dank tavern and get blind drunk.  Maybe check out the sights?  Maybe see how people live?  

No.  We just want to get drunk.  You could have stayed home and got drunk in your underpants.  Why the fuck would you go all the way to Dubai for this?  

So anyway, Kinsey.  She’s CONSTANTLY talking about drinking.  Fucking do something else.  You’re wasting your life with the devil’s brew.

Just look at her fucking Twitter.  I’ve barely scrolled down and I’ve already found three tweets about her drinking alcohol.  It’s pathetic.

Anyway, back to Erin who may or may not be an alcoholic.  Maybe alcohol would actually help with Erin’s videos.  Help give her some personality.  Or maybe it’s the viewers who should be intoxicated in order to get through this shit.

So Erin is showing the “gachapon” toy.  “She’s so cute”.  That’s a direct quote.  That’s fascinating stuff.

“She’ll give you a toy…like in Kirby!”

Oh!  Erin is going to namecheck a game that she recently played, on stream, for money.  How unusual.  She never does that.

1:13:00 – “They always have weird names, like human names.  Like her name is Maylene.  I’m probably going to name her something else.”

What’s your name idea?  Don’t leave us in suspense.  I want to hear all of Erin’s riveting name choices.  Each one more riveting than the last.

No.  She doesn’t say.  

Then she mentions other toys in this line but says, “These two captured my heart.”

She really loves heart-based expressions.  Like she used to say, “It’s where my heart is” CONSTANTLY.  There was a period where she couldn’t stop saying this.  She’d play a game once, on stream, for money, and then say, “It’s where my heart is.”  And then never play the game again.

1:13:15 – “This one, you’re going to know why I bought this one.  Vector graphics boy.”

She’s a big Vectrex fan, guys.  She played it once, on stream, for money, and then never again.

1:13:30 – “I was like, ‘Oh my god.  He’s so cute'”.

Oh.  That’s very interesting, Erin.  I’m at the edge of my fucking seat here.  Tell us more things which you find cute.  

Then she reads the tag.  The tag gives you a little backstory about the character.  This is just top tier material.  This is what Twitch was made for.  

She’s still reading the tag.  “‘Are you ready to go back in time Aiden?’  Yeah.  He’s part of our squad.”

What squad would that be?  The unemployed fraudster squad?  

So that’s Erin pretending to be interested in toys based on video game shit.  Then she plays a game from 30 years ago and pretends to be interested in that.  

Let’s check out the comments.

Nothing interesting.  Much like the lady herself.

4 thoughts on “Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness on N64 (Streams 1 and 2) For real this time! – Erin Plays

  1. So because Erin's content is so dull and lifeless I'll instead comment on two Kinsey things.First of all she's like one of those highly embarrassing weebs that thinks she's embracing a culture and fitting in, but really she's embarrassing herself heavily. I have an actual Japanese friend who lives in Tokyo and she knows about Kinsey because she's brought up youtubers recently and said “or that fat woman that wears dresses too tight for her weight and hangs out with Metal Jesus”. Now granted, based on pictures it seems like Kinsey is losing weight. So good for her. It's probably the Japanese diet really, but regardless once she loses her mommy milkers from weight loss literally nobody is going to tolerate her or be able to ignore any of her obnoxious personality traits. Her big titties are like the main thing she was even known for by horntards. Not her advanced “knowledge” of gaming or how many different N64 console colors exist out there. Metal Jesus knew it too. It's why he chose specific thumbnails of her over the years. So don't act fucking innocent now lol.Secondly, yes, dear god does she post a shit ton of drinks on Twitter, but especially alcholic ones like you said. It's seriously a third or more of all posts she posts on there. Her holding up drinks, or talking about some beer (her fav clearly) she's having at a location, or holding a drink while posing for her husband (oh we'll get to this guy in a second) to take a picture of her.Thirdly. Her husband. I don't know what he looks like or what he “does” with his life, but based on her inability to answer any questions about him and her extreme avoidance of the topic especially in this post here….…I can only assume her “house husband” doesn't work and only she does, or he has some at home “job”, and she has him totally cucked into doing shit she should be doing but she's instead out all night drinking and hanging out with nerds who clearly want to fuck her and that's the only reason they stand being around her. If there's literally not one of those weeb dudes she does a podcwst

  2. Ok it cut me off there and published the comment for some weird reason.But as I was saying. If not one of those dudes she does a pod with isn't trying to orchestrate a little something something while her husband is at home baking in a frilly apron, then I'd be really surprised. It's not hard to figure out all these peoples' life stories or intentions. They make everything they do so vocal and public. But that's pretty funny she cucked some dude into being her stay at home wife while she gallavants across Japan getting drunk and acting loud and obnoxious.So yeah, she's a headcase I've seen a lot of evidence of from Metal Jesus surrounding himself with her. Her and John Riggs are easily the most insufferable people he promotes through his channel over the years.

  3. Yeah, I've noticed that she lost weight too.And her husband can't possibly work. He needs a work visa. From a quick search, you can get a spouse visa in Japan, which allows you to live in Japan, but it doesn't allow you to work there. Once this is granted, you may be able to get a visa to work part-time. But that's it. I'm pretty sure that this is why they got married. They got married not long after she got this job offer. He must have been doing nothing even in the US for him to go along with this Japan thing. Because the job doesn't seem to pay much.I'm surprised that even she got a visa. She doesn't speak Japanese and nobody at the company she works for speaks Japanese either. And she herself has said that she's not qualified for the job.

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