Minecraft with Gadget – Mike Matei


I’m sure that most everybody reading this is familiar with this video.  When James Rolfe was making the abortion that is The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie, Mike was tasked with creating original content for the channel.  Actually, Mike owned the channel so this was his responsibility.  He couldn’t rely on his autistic friend to keep working on videos.

The only two videos that anybody remembers are the one where he reviewed an Elmo video and this Inspector Gadget video. 

The genesis of the Inspector Gadget video was a video that Mike made with Jimmy wherein they “reviewed” a DVD menu for a Super Mario Bros cartoon.  As here:


For some odd reason, Inspector Gadget was in the DVD menu.  It’s a DVD for children and Inspector Gadget instructs the viewer how to navigate the menus.  Both the Super Mario Cartoon and Inspector Gadget are/were owned by Dic so that’s the connection.

So Mike makes some dumb half-jokes about buttons and does impressions of Inspector Gadget.  “Move the glow around my asshole” is the most well known quote from this.

James then goes to Hollywood to make motion pictures and Mike makes this Minecraft with Gadget video.  I linked to it at the very top.

People immediately talked about how stupid the video is so Mike took it down and tried to hide it.  Subsequently, it became hit with people “ironically” appreciating it and now I think that people genuinely like it.

I never saw what the big deal was in the first place.  The video is stupid, of course, but there’s some funny stuff in it.  

I think that the problem is that people were just outraged that anybody but James was releasing videos on the channel.  A lot of people have this weird, homosexual obsession with James Rolfe and if anybody other than James appears on the channel, they get upset.  You see this with the “guest stars” in the AVGN videos, you see it with Screenwave, and you see it with the videos that Mike made.

“Brown bricks” became the main “meme” from this.  I have no idea why this is funny.  Mike said “brown bricks” in the video a few times.  I don’t really understand why he refers to these blocks as “brown bricks” but he’s imitating the repetition that Inspector Gadget exhibits in the DVD menu.  Why did this become a “meme”?  How is it funny?  Why would people repeat this “joke” for the next decade?  

Years later, in 2019, Cyber8 made a parody video.  As here:


Cyber8 is a Polish guy who makes 3-d animated cartoons.  He seems to be a really troubled fellow.  None of his videos are funny.  Some of them are disturbing.  It’s just edgy, adolescent bullshit.  Jimmy Neutron raping and killing the other characters on the show.  Shit like this.

But the Inspector Faget video is hilarious.  There’s still some weird bullshit in there but overall, it’s great.  I must have watched it fifty times over the years.  It’s Cyber8’s magnum opus.

I also enjoy this video:


It’s some kid singing the Inspector Gadget theme song but he changed the words to make them more homosexual.  “Cram it it my ass, Inspector Faggot” is the refrain.  He really gets into it.  It’s always funny.

Anyway, Inspector Gadget.  I watched it as a kid but I only have hazy memories of it.  I must have been nine or ten years old, I guess.  I remember the theme song.  I remember the cat.  I remember it being on Nickelodeon.  And that’s it.  

The Dic production company was also controversial on the playground.  “They actually say ‘Dic’!”  They really should have re-branded that company for the US market.  It’s a French company.  

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