WTF Wednesday Review: Cannibal Ferox (Make Them Die Slowly) – Newt Wallen and PVC Bondage Girl 

The triumphant return of PVC Bondage Girl aka Metz.  She really could have toned down on the makeup.  And put some clothes on.  This is worse than anything that I’ve seen Horseface wear.  She’s wearing a bra for fuck’s sake.  And a dog collar and a bunch of weird necklaces.  This is not a good look.  

I like PVC Bondage Girl looking a little more elegant.  Not fucking…whatever this is.  Even the titular PVC bondage gear that inspired her name was classier than this shit.  And it was more flattering.  

She doesn’t have to look like some goth prostitute.  Who would dress up like this, look in a mirror, and say, “Looking good.  I’m ready for my closeup, Mr Wallen.  When do we become big Youtube superstars?”?  It’s ridiculous.

This is a reasonably attractive woman, maybe a 5/10.  She has hair down to her ass, which is unusual.  Why not focus on the hair?  Do something with that.  A giant braid, for example.  Then you don’t have to do all of the weird shit.  Or at least tone the weird shit down.  You can still wear black, you can still wear some makeup, but not this fucking freak show shit.  

Anyway, on to the video.  Thirty-two fucking minutes.  Well…let’s see how far I can manage.

0:00 – Newt rushes to his chair for some reason, Metz swears her allegiance to Satan, and I’m just thinking, “Never in a million years would I want to sit in this chair after PVC Bondage Girl has been sitting in it, dressed as she is.”  They’re in some movie theatre, presumably the one that Newt used to work at and Metz still works at.  But it’s fucking gross.  

I’m trying to be as tactful as possible.  I’m sure that Metz is a nice woman.  She’s just misguided.  She’s looking for attention.  She’s hanging out with this fucking creep Newt Wallen.  She really got into the goth stuff because she thinks that this looks good.  Whatever.  Who cares if I find this attractive or not.

But think of the customers.  She’s wearing a fucking bra.  We can’t see what she’s wearing on the bottom but I suspect that it’s not much.  This is not good promotion for the cinema.  I’m not saying that Metz is a diseased prostitute but that’s what she looks like.  And I don’t want to sit somewhere after some diseased prostitute was just rubbing her nearly bare ass on the seat.  I don’t want to patron a cinema where diseased prostitutes are not only rubbing their asses on the seats but they’re WORKING there.  

I’m at the four minute mark.  Mostly, it was just PVC Bondage Girl looking at herself in the camera…whatever it is…where you can see yourself in the camera, and she keeps trying to sit up straighter so that her tits are in frame.

Also, Newt said that he was having a bad week so wanted to hang out with his friend.  He’s talking about PVC Bondage Girl and recording this video.  Please everybody feel sorry for Newt.

6:30 – Newt says that he just wants to see, “The chick suspended by her titties.”

He’s just so completely vile.  Why does he have to constantly say these things?  And he’s doing this in a misguided attempt to try to get something going with PVC Bondage Girl.  And PVC Bondage Girl probably isn’t too selective anyway.  Newt doesn’t have to try.  But why try with his gross shit?  

6:45 – Newt says that he saw this movie with Justin Silverman.  

9:15 – Newt quotes from the movie wherein a character refers to another character as, “Hot pussy little whore”.

Again, he’s trying to get something going with PVC Bondage Girl with this degenerate bullshit.  Why does he think that this is acceptable?  

Then he talks in detail about other degrading scenes that he enjoyed.  I don’t get it.

Why release a video like this?  Why even talk to somebody like this to begin with?  I’m not some woke homosexual but this is not the way that men pick up chicks.  “You’re a filthy whore.  Want to come back to my place and I’ll fuck you up the ass?”  It doesn’t work.  Especially when you’re Newt Wallen.  Even if it worked, it’s not healthy.  Doesn’t PVC Bondage Girl deserve better than this?  These constant disgusting, degrading comments about women.  Go fucking jerk off, you faggot.

And then PVC Bondage Girl just has to go with it because this is her boss or former boss and she’s trying to be in his shitty Youtube videos.  “Oh, yeah.  I like movies where women are the victims of violent, torturous, sexual assaults too!  That’s my thing!  Can I just wear a bra in your next video?”  

It’s even more unfortunate because PVC Bondage Girl seems like an intelligent, well-spoken woman.  And she’s spending time with this creepy old loser Newt Wallen.  And dressing like a prostitute.  

27:45 – PVC Bondage Girl talks about this disgusting scene involving tits and in doing so, gropes her own boobs.  Then Newt looks excited.

Then PVC Bondage Girl says that she likes…”hook stuff” and wants to…either be suspended by hooks herself or suspend other people by hooks.  I’m not sure which.  This is not a healthy woman, in case it wasn’t obvious by what she’s wearing.

31:00 – PVC Bondage Girl repeatedly bounces up and down.  She’s obviously trying to excite the horntards but…it’s not tossing my salad. 

So that’s the video.  It was mostly PVC Bondage Girl summarising this disgusting movie.

In the comments, Metz links to a Schlock and Awe Discord.

This seems to have been set up by Metz. 

Nothing interesting on here.  Some Florida Man Saves Christmas art.  Newt says that he wrote 80 pages of some shitty OnlyFans tits and gore script for a movie that will never get made.  He wrote that in three days.

Unbelievable.  Newt posts a screenshot of when he reached 8,000 subscribers.  Just like how he did on Twitter.  NOBODY CARES, NEWT!

Oh, and PVC Bondage Girl implores the reader to suggest “fucked up movies” to review.  That seems to be what this is.  PVC Bondage Girl will be the go-to person for extreme tits and gore bullshit.  There’s no market for this.  

A horntard in the comments says that he loves extreme tits and gore but not animal abuse.  Metz replies:

I feel that, my friends and family are split between “creeped out” and “cool with it but don’t watch these movies so there isn’t really much conversation”. Aside from Newt, obviously 😁My dad’s a veterinarian so strong agree on the animal cruelty. It upsets me even when I know it’s fake, so knowing it’s real messes with me a lot. I remember going out of my way to research protections animals have in movies so I could make sure what I was watching was fake.”

What the hell happened that her father’s a veterinarian and she’s doing this?  I don’t really mean working in a movie theatre, although that too, but the whole fucked up situation with creepy old Newt and dressing like a prostitute and whatnot.  

In one of the comments, Newt confirms that he’s no longer working at the cinema.

Anyway, that’s…you know what I’m reminded of?  When this whole thing started with Newt getting fired, I was a big Newt Wallen supporter.  Who gives a shit if he plagiarised?  

But the more I learned about Newt, the more I disliked him.  

I’m getting the same feeling with PVC Bondage Girl.  At first I was thinking that she should be in more videos.  But the more I find out about her, the more off-putting she becomes.  

2 thoughts on “WTF Wednesday Review: Cannibal Ferox (Make Them Die Slowly) – Newt Wallen and PVC Bondage Girl

  1. Yeah that hooks thing tracks with her for sure. I picture her in one of those cement wall snuff type setting porn videos being hung by her back. She'd totally do that for money. Deeply damaged psyche to have that specific fetish. Talks about it like it's normal too like its just any other fetish.Also I agree. I let people prove how garbage or fucked they really are and don't just immediately think I know for sure. With Newt especially and now this chick, it's all going in the same direction. It was predictable though. It's not like everyone in that sphere of influence isn't fucked in the head in some way so of course this would continue that.

  2. Your first instincts about this morally dilapidated skank were valid. You backtracked in the middle there and projected some kind of decency onto her, but I assure you chicks of that ilk absolutely do liked to be fed sicko lines, as their entire personality revolves around being a 'dirty whore' which they assume makes them interesting, when really it's just boring AND gross.It turns out that you really can judge a book by its scantily cover.

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