Pam judging fashion choices, righting wrongs and singing songs on stream – Cannot be Tamed

More of the comedy stylings of Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining.  Let’s see if there are any actual jokes this time.  She did a video like this before.  I reviewed it here:

Here’s a typical example of a “joke” in that video: “Oh, she threw a cat at me. You levelled up, student witch.”  Get it?  No, I don’t either.  Nor did the horntards, who just left messages expressing their bewilderment at the video.  

So let’s check it out.  Fifteen minutes?  Fuck.  Five minutes too long for this shit.

0:00 – She’s reading from the game.  “Unknown.  Known.  The figure’s strange head rotates.  Brackish signature.  Of and not of.  Attempting interface.  As the figure speaks, more threads begin to spiral from its head, thick, snaking vine-like ribbons that flex and wave.  They approach with intent.”

Then there’s a choice between “stop” and “run”.  Pam chooses “stop” and says “stop”.

Then the CannotBeEntertaining theme music kicks in.


I don’t get it.  All she did was read text in the game.  Who’s laughing at any of this?  

0:15 – “Also, I will have to get up in five minutes because I have muffins in the oven.  Also, I haven’t eaten all day so I’ll probably be eating my muffins on-stream.”

I…what?  This was the joke.  I think.  What is this?  What is any of this?  

These are just random clips from her shitty streams.  None of this is remotely funny.  Is she even trying to be funny in these things?  

1:00 – “We need game passes where all of the games get together to do drugs and listen to music.”

Well…at least now I know that she’s trying to be funny.  These are supposed to be jokes.  That one had some kind of a semblance of a joke but it didn’t make any fucking sense.

1:30 – “Overalls.  That’s a bold fashion choice.”

She’s watching some video game award show…or something…and one of the hosts is a woman wearing overalls.  So…Pam made this catty comment.  Is this funny to anyone?  Who’s the intended audience?  Miserable 40+ year old Canadian bitches who fuck their dogs?  

1:45 – “No socks.  That is a bold and wrong fashion choice.”

Does she want to mix up her adjectives at all?  Does she just think that the word “bold” is inherently funny?  Because it isn’t.  There is nothing remotely funny about Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining.  And watching these things, where she’s apparently trying to be funny, just drives home the fact that she’s mentally ill.  No healthy person would find any of this shit remotely funny.  

2:15 – “Why isn’t he wearing a shirt?  More bold fashion choices.”

Because it’s The Rock and he’s a former wrestler?  But, again, Pam just finds the word “bold” hilarious.  It screams mental illness.

2:30 – “So the cardigan’s fine but the pants are…not.  Not fine.”

This wasn’t The Rock, this was some woman.  And the joke here is…what?  Can anybody explain this?

Then she starts singing some song in a different clip.  I don’t recognise the song.  I can’t make out the words.  What is any of this?

4:30 – She’s playing some Monkey Island and just reading “woof woof” a lot.  It goes on forever.  Why is this funny?  Is anybody laughing at any of this?

6:00 – “I like a salami sandwich or a smoked meat sandwich.”

She’s just answering a question from the horntards asking what her favourite sandwich is.  What is going on?  Why did she put this in the video.  She obviously thinks that there’s something funny about that response.  What is it?  It’s not some kind of double-entendre.  Pam doesn’t have the intellect for that kind of comedy.  It’s nothing.  It’s a zero-entendre.

6:45 – “The music is definitely an acquired taste in this game.”

What more can I even say at this point?  Let me look at the comments.  Is anybody finding any of this even remotely funny?

– “I need to start watching some of your streams. I cracked up at your remarks about a lot of things, haha.”

Can you be more specific, Ben Kizer?  Which one of these “jokes” did you find funny?  

– “You’re really funny. I need to catch more of your streams.”

Is there something wrong with me or are these people just trying to get a date with these generic comments?  There is not a shred of comedy to be found in any of this.  I refuse to believe that a single person on earth laughed at any of this.

7:00 – A woman in a game says, “I’m checking the pipes.”  Pam says, “I’m here to check your pipes.”

Well, this is the first recognisable joke in the video.  But it was just crude and unfunny.  Nevertheless, this is an actual joke.  So…let’s continue.

9:00 – She shows her dog.  Again.  She did this earlier but it didn’t go anywhere so I didn’t mention it.  But now she’s doing it again.  This is stupid.  And creepy.

10:30 – “That’s why I like Doom (2016) so much because there was no defence.  It was just offence.  Offence.  Offence.”

I don’t know.

I can’t.  I have to stop.  I made it to 13 minutes.  There’s only two and a half minutes left but I can’t do it.  

Nobody can possibly be laughing at any of this.  I don’t even recognise 95% of this as attempts at comedy.  Why would…the fact that she thinks that this stuff is funny just tells you how warped she is.  It’s like how Erin thought that “casserole” was the funniest thing ever.  It’s mental illness.


6 thoughts on “Pam judging fashion choices, righting wrongs and singing songs on stream – Cannot be Tamed

  1. I figured it out. Pam is a mannequin that was brought to life. This is why she imitates human speech, but doesn't actually speak like one. Like how the Predator can repeat things people have said before.

  2. I wonder if Pam ever watched Today's Special. It was her era and it's a Canadian children's show. Maybe she was influenced by the show. It was creepy as shit.

  3. Todays special, I remember that being on Nickelodeon yeah I always thought that show had some weird Ness about it, I didn’t know it was Canadian that explains some of it I believe. For some reason I actually have a few VHS tapes of that show

  4. Except that Kim Catrall in Mannequin had a personality, at least at night, and at least in the universe of the movie. Later on Sex and the City destroyed that illusion, exposing her as yet another boring slut. There's a parallel to be made here: the reason women on Twitch and Youtube have no personality and women in TV do is because the latter has male writers. Sure, that sounds offensive maybe, but can you tell me I'm wrong?

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