Oh, it’s Joe Bob Briggs. But not the Job Bob Briggs I vaguely remember from my youth. This is Joe Bob Briggs who’s 25 years older. Although, I guess I am too.
I never watched the show but I’d see commercials on TNT or TBS for Monster…something. I must have been watching WCW Monday Nitro because I don’t recall ever watching any other stuff on TBS or TNT. Didn’t they just show old Andy Griffith reruns? I think that was TBS.
0:00 – Tony does some cringe shit. I won’t even describe it.
1:00 – Joe Bob actually says that the interview that he did with James Rolfe was good. I don’t know if it was or not, I don’t remember the video, but…James Rolfe? Doing a good interview? I’d be shocked if that’s true.
2:00 – Tony says that he wanted to see this Monstervision marathon that Joe Bob is talking about…but didn’t. Good story, Tony.
By the way, I chose this video partly because it’s “only” an hour. So short by Tony from Hack the Movies standards. And he’s talking about….sequels. I guess. He’s starting with the Howling series. I’ve never seen them and I don’t give a fuck.
So Joe Bob is trying to have an organic conversation about the Howling series but Tony is just reading from his fucking notes and summarising the movies in order.
Oh wait. I’m 15 minutes in and only now realising that this video is ONLY about Howling 7. Not sequels broadly. Why didn’t he put “Howling 7” in the fucking title? People don’t like being lied to.
I think that it’s nap time. I’ll pause it here rather than let it play while I sleep. Maybe I’ll come back to this when I wake up. Maybe.
Well, I woke up. I’ll try it a bit longer but only because Joe Bob knows how to actually talk about movies. Boo at Tony and his boring summaries.
21:00 – I’m going back to bed. It’s like I have narcolepsy when I watch these videos. A two hour nap wasn’t enough, I guess.
That was another hour. No, I don’t want to watch any more.
This is too short. Let me check out Tony’s Twitter.
I won’t link to it but that Pegwarmers guy got married to some fat chick with a child. Good for them. I wish them many years of happiness.
Otherwise, it’s all just tweets promoting his shitty videos. This is boring.
Well, hopefully somebody interesting starts uploading stuff soon. Where has Newt been?
He really turns into such a suck-up weirdo when around people who have been on tv or in movies/made tv or movies that mattered to anyone. You can actually see with certain guests how uncomfortable he is making them especially when he laughs at his own jokes and they don't, and how he personality shifts in their presence instead of just being chill. Like, how are you not noticing it in the same room or by watching the recording back to yourself? Is it…denial? It's kind of funny how much more professional and able to stay on topic Pegwarmers is as a show by comparison. You feel this relief that at least the host isn't mentally unstable; and in love with himself and his “antics” (which amount to weeb shit a theater kid mentality person at an anime convention would come up with?).Basically, this shit was doomed before recording. Just like Bimmy's Doom video!
Yeah, it's true. Tony is definitely weird and uncomfortable to watch when he's around some D-list celebrity. And yeah, Pegwarmers, I watch it but I don't write about it because there's not really anything to say. It's fine. I guess. Reasonably entertaining. And I'm not even interested in toys, being an adult and all. And the host seems…well, “normal” isn't a word that I'd use for a man who devoted his life to children's toys. He's obviously a giant nerd. But he seems mentally sound and not a douchebag.
Yeah it's like really harmless by comparison. Has a more grounded and obvious niche, and the host is genuine at least. I agree that at that age it might be time to scale back the hobby since it becomes more and more hoarding, but I myself still build models and I'm 35 so really who am I to judge much. Probably reliving my childhood mostly because I wanted models but didn't have the money for many. Typical reason really.But yeah, Tony is usually normal by comparison to people like Horseface, but when certain people are in the room or he is a guest on someone ELSE'S show (good god he can't sit silent for 30 seconds without making a sound), he chamelon personality's into this fucking room-clearing weirdo. It's eye rolly to watch so consistently.