Vampire: the Masquerade – Swansong review – Cannot be Tamed

Yet more pornography from the gamer grrls.  What is going on?  Are they all horned up because the weather is getting warmer?  

So here we see Pam looking like a fucking drag queen or clown or something.  You think that you could have toned the makeup down a teensy bit?  This is ridiculous.  There is nothing attractive about this.  She looks like a complete fool.

Oh, and this is for some Vampire: The Masquerade game.  Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining’s most popular video BY FAR is the one where she reviewed the game while dressed as a vampire prostitute.  I review that video here:

So let’s get to this shit.  I guess that I should mention her outfit.  She’s wearing a weird necklace and a red dress showing some cleavage.  But nothing like the other Vampire: The Masquearade video that she did.  This is merely really desperate.  Her older video was extremely desperate.

“Hi.  I’m Pam and I’m here to talk about vampire video games.”

Get it?  Instead of “retro video games”?  This is comedy in Pam’s mind.

0:30 – She got the game for free.  It was given to her by the publisher so that she’d make a video on it.  She may have also got paid for this, I don’t know.

2:30 – I’m already bored out of my mind.  Thirteen and a half minutes of this trash.  The game is boring, Pam is boring.  This is awful.  I don’t know.  Maybe she’ll take her top off or something.  

9:00 – You play as three different characters in this game, kind of like in Grand Theft Auto 5, I guess.  You can switch to them on the fly.  Pam’s favourite character is the black woman.  Too bad there wasn’t a gay, transgender, Romani character.  Pam would have really enjoyed that.

10:00 – Terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE acting from Pam.  Here’s the problem: Pam is some kind of a fucking robot who doesn’t know how real people behave.  That’s why she can’t act.

10:45 – “If there’s one thing I wish for this game, it’s that it was just a little bit sexier.  Give me some seduction options, some sultry music, some compromising situations.  It’s all just a little too clean.”

Get a girlfriend, Pam.


– “This doesn’t really look interesting at all to me but I’m sure it is to many others.”

Well…I can endorse this comment.  

– “Graphics look a little 2010s.”

Yeah, I was going to say that it reminded me of…there was some first or third person shooter from the 1990s or 2000s where you went around an impoverished urban area and there were prostitutes and homeless people and gangsters and shit.  Every level lead directly to the next level.  Like with Half-Life.  What was it called?  

Kingpin: Life of Crime.  That’s it.  Released in 1999.  Not a good game but I played it for a bit.  

Let’s check out Pam’s boring as fuck Twitter.

New writing desk.  Can’t really see anything.  It’s dark and she just zoomed in on the computer and the alcohol.  

But she says that she wrote 684 words.  Of what?  

How many words have I written thus far?  537 words.

Maybe Pam is bringing her BLOG back.  That would be great.  We could blog together.  

Maybe blogs will make a comeback.  Erin will get in on the action.  Madam Fomo.  Let’s see it.  Maybe these women are better writers than they are “Youtubers”.  

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