DR STRANGE In The Multiverse Of Madness Review (Spoilers) – Newt Wallen


0:00 – “It’s 3.00 am and we just finished watching Dr Strange.”

The camerawoman says something and I think that it’s PVC Bondage Girl.  Why is Newt in the theatre with PVC Bondage Girl at 3.00 am?  When does the job end?  Most cinemas have the last movie ending at about 11:30 or midnight, right?  Who the fuck would go to see a movie at three o’clock in the morning?

So I assume that this was some “private screening” with PVC Bondage Girl and possibly other employees.  But…what is this?  Why would anybody do this?  It’s totally inappropriate.

The job probably ends at midnight.  Maybe 1.00 am at the latest.  So then Newt invited PVC Bondage Girl to stay later to watch the movie?  How can he possibly think that this is appropriate?

This is her boss.  He’s placing an obligation on her to spend time with him outside of work.  What if she says “no”?  He might cause problems for her work.  And if she says “yes”, it might be beneficial for her career.  She might get a promotion or a raise or better jobs to do, whatever.  

Either Newt is a TOTAL MORON and doesn’t realise the position that he’s putting her in, or he’s a complete scumbag and he does know.  I suspect that it’s the latter.

2:30 – “Thank you to the person who gave me a year’s subscription to Disney+ because I said that I couldn’t afford it in my Star Wars video.”

Newt is accepting gifts from horny, mentally-challenged men in dresses.  Does it get any more pathetic than this?

Then PVC Bondage Girl suggests that we should join the Newt Wallen Discord server.  And she’s not joking.  There really is such a thing, apparently.

7:15 – PVC Bondage Girl says that Newt was a few rows behind her while watching this movie.  There was also mention that there were other people in the cinema.  So it’s probably as I initially suggested, where Newt asked people who work there if they want to watch the movie after work.  But it still seems inappropriate to me.

There’s an obligation to go to these things.  If you don’t go, you’re not a company man.  And if you do go, this is going to be remembered when it comes time to promote somebody or give raises or whatever.

Also, PVC Bondage Girl feigned excitement over some 1990s nerd references in this movie.  Why?  She was born in like 1997.  She has fond memories of Star Trek: The Next Generation?  The show was long gone by the time she was born.  

So add PVC Bondage Girl to the long list of people who pretend to have *nostalgia* for stuff that happened before they were born.  I just don’t get it at all.  I have ZERO *nostalgia* for shit that happened in the 1970s.  Why would I?  I have absolutely no memory of it and I wasn’t even born for the vast majority of the decade.  

How could I feel *nostalgic* for H.R. Pufnstuf or ponchos or the oil crisis or Olivia Newton-John or disco or any of this shit?  It’s before my time.  I don’t know anything about it.  I didn’t experience it.  

But you get these fucking morons like Erin Plays or Mike Matei or now PVC Bondage Girl pretending to be *nostalgic* for things that happened before they were born, which they have ZERO knowledge about.  Why?  What’s wrong with being *nostalgic* for things that you actually experienced like a normal person?  

They’re somehow trying to bond with older people.  “Oh, yeah.  I like the same *nostalgic* things that you do.”  Or they’re trying to portray themselves as being older than they actually are, for whatever bizarre reason.  It makes no sense.  


Newt: So all of this crazy shit’s happening.  It’s fun.  Some of the jokes don’t land.  The effects are really fucking good.

PVC: The musical battle.

Newt: Oh my god.  

PVC: Oh my god.  I came.  That was amazing.

Ummm…PVC Bondage Girl was a lot more attractive when she didn’t talk.  The more lowbrow bullshit you hear from her, the less attractive she becomes.

This is why the chubby Asian women from Screenwave was so amazing.  It’s not just her physical appearance.  To be honest, she’s a 6/10 at best.  But she had class.  She had dignity.  

8:15 – PVC Bondage Girl claims to have the Lord of the Rings movies memorised.  Really.  When were these films released?

2001 to 2003.  So PVC Bondage Girl was between 4 and 6 years old.  

Let me think of an equivalent movie for me.  Films released in…1983, let’s say.  Let’s DuckDuckGo this shit.

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.  Well, I saw it.  A few times.  Not in the cinema, of course.  I was too young.  I suppose that the Star Wars series would be equivalent to the Lord of the Rings series, though.  So…alright, whatever.  

10:00 – They talk endlessly about the gore in the movie.  Who gives a shit?  This is psychopath behaviour.

11:45 –

Newt: He builds a cape out of skeleton ghosts.

PVC: It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

I’ll just chalk this up to PVC Bondage Girl trying to suck up to her boss.  Because if PVC Bondage Girl is genuinely some lunatic like Newt who has an unhealthy obsession with tits and gore, I have to take her off my Hottest Babes of the Internet list.

16:45 – Newt starts listing his sexual fetishes for some unknown reason.  It’s tits and gore, of course.  But he adds fishnet stockings and “the little magician’s assistant outfit” to the list.  

3 thoughts on “DR STRANGE In The Multiverse Of Madness Review (Spoilers) – Newt Wallen

  1. She's an employee though so it's complicated. I mean, this is a bad example because PVC Bondage Girl is obviously a lunatic. Nobody would dress like that at work if they were of sound mental health. But in general terms, people who hang out with their bosses tend to be bootlickers who are trying to get a promotion or a raise or whatever. Unfortunately, this is how the current system operates.

  2. She wants to do it though. There is no advancement at a movie theater and any raise she could possibly get would be garbage for the effort involved in always hanging with him.So they're either banging or she's beyond any definition of lunacy you could forsee lol.These people might as well live in a place like Silent Hill anyway.

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