Johnny FD – The Braindead American in Ukraine who Urinates on Dead Soldiers

We’re veering considerably off-course for the theme of the blog but here’s a channel that I watched for “pleasure”.  

His parents are Chinese immigrants who moved to San Francisco decades ago.  Johnny FD is one of those weird “make passive income” scammers.  He sells e-books about how to make “passive income” and his solution is basically “Make Youtube videos and maybe try some drop shipping scam.”

I like Youtube videos about Americans who live abroad, in theory.  But in practice, it’s always some loud, stupid, creepy douchebag who’s a “digital nomad”.  Just get a job, boys.  That would be a lot more impressive.

So Johnny lived in a few different places, briefly, because he never had a fucking residence visa because he never had a job in any of these countries.  He lived in India, he might have lived in Sri Lanka, maybe some other places, and then he moved to Ukraine.  This was, I don’t know, a year ago?  Two years ago?  Not that long ago.

He doesn’t speak Ukrainian.  He doesn’t speak Russian.  He’s just a fat American of Asian descent who’s in his 40s.

So during the build up to the war, he appeared on Russia Today.  This is clearly a Russian propaganda channel.  Watch any of Russia Today and you’ll figure this out within ten seconds.

The video is here:

He changed the video title, it used to be “I appeared on Russia Today” or something.  But at least he kept the video up.

As a reminder, this is a guy who doesn’t speak Ukrainian or Russian, he only lived in the country for a year or two, and he’s going on Russian propaganda television as an “expert” on Ukraine and the Ukranian people.  

Everybody in the comments gave him shit for being a stupid American who doesn’t know what he’s doing.  

So he made an apology video.

He says that he’s never watched Russia Today before and didn’t know that it was a propaganda channel.  Who would agree to go on a news programme and do absolutely no research on the show beforehand?  Only a complete moron would do this.  Enter Johnny FD.

In the above video, shortly before the outbreak of war, Johnny is in the grocery store and publicly shaming two “foreigners” who are purchasing groceries.  I couldn’t find exactly where it is in the video, maybe he’s since deleted it, but he approaches two Middle Eastern-looking men and says, “Why are you buying all of this?” in reference to some stuff that they were buying.  They just look at him like he’s insane and don’t respond.  Because there’s an impending war, you fucking moron?

And he speaks to them in English, of course.  What a complete buffoon.  Maybe they don’t speak English.

He also makes numerous reference to how things are done in the US (portrayed in a negative light) versus how things are done in Ukraine (portrayed in a positive light).  He does this in every video.  Nobody fucking cares.  He’s approaching total strangers, right before the war, and saying, “This isn’t how we would do things in the US.”  NOBODY CARES!

I figured out very early on after moving to the UK that nobody wants to hear how things are done in the US.  Not one person.  Not even my girlfriend wants to hear stories about the US.  

They can’t identify because these people have lived in the UK (or Ukraine in Johnny’s case) their entire lives.  They’re always going to live in this country.  They don’t want to hear about your exotic adventures in foreign lands.  They have no frame of reference and they don’t fucking care.  

Just stop and think about it.  If you knew somebody from Turkey, let’s say, and they just kept talking about how things are done in Turkey, you’d think, “What is wrong with this guy?  I don’t give a fuck about Turkey.”

Same exact deal.  Stories about the US aren’t any more interesting than stories about Turkey.  If anything, they’re less interesting.

So then the war came.  And our hero didn’t know what to do.  Everybody in the comments to his videos was telling him to stay in Ukraine.  They’re handing guns out to everyone.  Do your part to defend this country that you love so much from the Russians.

Instead, he got on a dangerously overcrowded train full of desperate refugees.

In this video, you can see him filming the hordes of desperate refugees seeking shelter in the underground train stations.

In the above video, you can see the actual train journey.  Of course, he also complains about rude gypsies in this video.  Johnny FD loves complaining about “foreigners” even though he’s more a foreigner than anyone who he’s complaining about.

So he gets on this train, a big guy who works out a lot, and the train is full of women and children.  Not many men.  He sits down, drinks some alcohol that he brought with him, eats a pastry, and turns to a young woman who’s standing in this packed train and says, “Are you comfortable standing there?”

It doesn’t occur to him to offer this woman or any other woman, his seat.  He’s just going to relax, put his feet up, and take in the sights.  He’s going to enjoy the “refugee bag” that he was given, which is full of tasty snacks.

He’s completely clueless.  

Then he made a few videos about life in Hungary.  Some videos with sexy Hungarian women in bikinis.  Like this one:

Then he went to Greece.  Talked to some sexy local ladies there.  Made some videos about it.

Then about ten days ago, he went back to Ukraine.

What a gutless coward.  He ran away on this refugee train full of women and children and then when he thinks that everything is safe, he goes back.  

So what does he do now that he’s back in Ukraine?  Does he join the military?  Does he volunteer at a food bank?  Does he help the war effort in any respect?

No.  He urinates on tanks.

There’s a burned out tank in a woman’s front yard, he approaches it with his male Ukrainian friend, they unzip their trousers, take their penises out, and urinate on a tank.  

What you boys want to do in your private lives is your own business.  Nobody’s judging you.  It’s 2022.  But gay watersports on the front lawn of a woman who just lost her home?  

And he’s filming the boots and flak jacket and whatnot of, presumably, the soldiers from this tank.  The bodies are probably still in the tank.  And these two bumboys get their ding-a-lings out and have fun together.

Then the woman who owns the rubble that used to be her home comes out of the rubble to see what the hell’s going on.  Why does this fat Asian man have his little pee pee out on my lawn?  I just lost my home.  How much more can I take?

It’s disgusting on so many levels.  And once again, he’s behaving like a complete fucking buffoon.  He has no awareness of what’s going on.  He’s just the loud, stupid American.

People in the comments all gave him shit for this.

In the above video, Johnny is in a grocery store in Kiev and asks a woman why there aren’t any potatoes.  She can not get out of there fast enough.  “Who is this creepy fat American guy asking me about potatoes?  Is he coming on to me?”

He does these awkward “interviews” of strangers all the time and they’re all like this.  He has no charisma.  

By the way, maybe there’s a lack of potatoes because there’s a war going on.

Back to urinating.  Johnny decided to double down on the ugly American behaviour.  So he made a 40 minute video of him urinating on tanks with his male companion.

The video starts with a Ukrainian soldier saying that he found wounded Russians in the tank and killed them.  Pretty sure that this is a war crime but Johnny puts it up on Youtube.

Then he urinates on the tank with some different gay man.  Multiple times on multiple tanks.  Tanks that probably still have people inside of them.

Later, a soldier shows him a bunch of different guns that he has.  Why doesn’t Johnny say, “Hey, you sure have a lot of guns here.  Why don’t you let me use one and I’ll join the war effort”?  Because he’s a total coward.  And gay.  

Everybody in the comments gives him shit for this.  What the fuck is he thinking?  He’s a fucking moron.  He’s harming the reputation of both Ukraine and America with these videos.  And we can throw China in there as well.

Here’s a comment that sums things up:

– “I’m sure I’ll be the minority here, and I’m sure I’ll get bashed, but as a former Marine, I find this disrespectful. You don’t have to love the Russian soldiers, but I can at least respect them for fighting for their country. Most are probably forced into this horrible situation, just as I was. These people have families, just like most of us, that now have to deal with a dead son or daughter. Pissing on a tank is not going to help things. Johnny, you call Ukraine home, but you fled. Now, you want to come back and piss on tanks. Where was all that bravado when you were fleeing? Stick to fundraising and helping the Ukrainian people. This is not a good look for you. IMHO. I’m pretty sure Ukraine will throw an AK in the hands of a brave man, such as yourself, and use them to help protect the homeland. Any man that pisses on a dead enemy tank, that once fled, must be brave.”

And he’s not in the minority.  EVERYBODY is shitting on this fucking gay man and his corpse pissing fetish.

Here’s another good one:

– “A bit childish and immature to do, not to mention it could have been women and children in passing cars that drove by and had to witness your little Asian ding dong. Let the soldiers and brave men who stayed behind and fight do that if they want, you were a bit too giddy and excited for someone who quickly got the first train out when it started. Typical American jackassery, you’re in a foreign country, show respect. Be better Johnny.”

It’s not like Johnny even has a job.  So what’s stopping him from joining the military?  Or at least offer your services as a “comfort man” like your grandmother did for the Japanese.  

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