What is The WORST Terminator Movie? – Tony from Hack The Movies


Well, it’s not horror for once so I’ll check it out.  Although, I’ve only seen the first two movies…possibly parts of the third one.  I’ve seen the first two multiple times, though.  I like them.

My 9th grade art teacher actually showed us Terminator 2 in class.  He was pointing out the CGI or whatever, like we’re going to fucking replicate this.  We weren’t even using computers.  Can I do this with coloured pencils?  What’s the point of this?  He just wanted a day off, I guess.  Not that art is even a difficult class to “teach”.  “Okay everybody, get your projects out and start working on them.”

I never had an art teacher tell me a single fucking thing that would help me improve my art.  I mean, there are tips that can be shared.  Facial proportions, or maybe some sort of perspective advice.  Something.  But nobody ever even did this.  It’s just, “Here’s the assignment.  Those of you who are naturally gifted at art will do well, those of you who aren’t, won’t do well.  Have fun.”  What a joke of a class.  Those “teachers” should all be ashamed of themselves.

Speaking of high school, this guy on the left in this video, Tom, is wearing an unbuttoned flannel shirt over a t-shirt.  The 90s!

It’s important to update your look every so often.  I guess.  I’m not saying chase all of the latest trends but if you don’t make any effort at all, you end up looking like these clowns.  Flannel shirts and t-shirts with comic book characters on them and whatnot.  You’re grown adults in 2022.

I just get fucking button down shirts and jeans.  Decent quality.  And every three to five years, I try to get new clothes but of the same type.  Jeans and button down shirts have been in vogue for at least 60 years so it’s a safe bet.  

I’m not saying that I’m fashionable by any means.  But I’m not grossly unfashionable like these guys.

12:00 – Tony is telling a story about how Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t want to say “I’ll be back” because he had trouble pronouncing it, so wanted to say “I will be back” instead.

I just saw a video, not long ago, wherein Arnold Schwarzenegger told a similar story but his reason for not wanting to say, “I’ll be back” is because robots wouldn’t use contractions.  Sort of how like Data from Star Trek doesn’t use contractions.  

So who are we going to believe?  Tony from Summarise the Movies or Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Ha!  I found it.  Or at least one example of him telling this story.


It’s at 1:15.  Take that, Tony from Summarise the Movies.

Back to the video.

15:00 – They’re talking about Terminator 2 now.  For the first 15 minutes, they were talking about the original Terminator.

I’ve just realised what he’s doing here.  He’s just going to summarise every movie in chronological order.  Is there not a more engaging way to do this?  Why does he always just summarise the movie?  Where’s the analysis?  I’ll look for any analysis in this next segment.

It starts with that douchebag from Movie Dumpster literally reading the movie summary from the back of the VHS.  Fuck that guy.  I think that he’s one of the moderators on the Cinemassacre sub-reddit and he banned me.  The reason given: “We know that you have a blog where you shit on Cinemassacre.”

Well, no shit.  It’s not a secret.  I openly advertise the blog on Reddit.  It’s in my profile.  But why is that a reason to ban me?  Every single thing that I wrote on that sub-reddit was positive.  I didn’t talk about how everything sucks, as everybody else does.  I intentionally wrote positive messages, specifically about Screenwave, to keep things light.  And I got banned for this.

They just don’t like having somebody smarter than they are on their precious sub-reddit.  So I made my own sub-reddit and there’s a hilarious story behind it but let’s focus on this fucking moron reading from the back of a box cover.  What could be more interesting than that?

17:00 – Oh, there’s a brief shot of what’s his name, Budnick from Salute Your Shorts.  I was a big Salute Your Shorts fan as a kid, even though I was probably a bit too old to be watching it, and when questioned about this, I would say that I only watch it because this guy used to be on Diff’rent Strokes. Like that would be a good excuse.  But he was that annoying little kid in the later episodes when Mr Drummond got married.  Sam, I think.  

And yeah, he was in Terminator 2 as well.  I think he also voiced a character on Tiny Toons or something.  And he went on to do other voice acting jobs.  So good for him.

27:45 – They’re talking about the causality loop wherein the Terminator hand was found by Cyberdyne Systems and this lead to the company having a great technological leap that lead to Skynet, and ultimately the creation of Terminators.  But how could that have ever happened without a Terminators being invented in the first place?

This has been explained.  I don’t know where I got this from, maybe I was researching Terminators, but in the original timeline, Cyberdyne Systems created Skynet through some other means.  So not from getting the hand of a Terminator.  We don’t know what this other means was.  

Then when they went back in time to try to change the future, Cyberdyne Systems created Skynet through this new means (getting the hand).  It’s to show that the future can’t be changed, the timeline will always find a way to correct itself.  

This is a major premise of the first film, and to some extent the second: that the future can’t be changed.  They completely discard this idea with the rest of the films in the series, which is what makes them uninteresting and not worth my time.  But the first two movies are pretty solid, logical, and self-contained.

28:45 – Tony mentions that he can’t pronounce “saw”.  Has anybody else ever pointed this out?  I pointed it out semi-regularly when I reviewed these things.  Crystal is the same, I think that Newt and Johanna are also the same.  I stopped mentioning it because I just figured that it was a regional thing.  Now I feel bad for giving him a complex about this.

35:00 – They move on to Terminator 3.  I can stop here.

Oh, I was supposed to be checking for analysis.  I don’t know.  I guess in all of these “reviews” there’s a light sprinkling of analysis throughout the summary but…it’s 90% summary.  At least.  

So comments.  383 comments?  Is that more than usual?  I was thinking maybe 100.  

It’s slightly more than his previous video but not anything too significant.

No, I’m not seeing any interesting comments.  

Oh wait.  Here’s one:

– “It was mind blowing to me as a kid seeing Danny Cooksey in T2 as John’s friend. Was like ‘it’s Budnick!'”

I also remember seeing that girl Dina in a Skittles commercial and I was blown away by that.  Oh, I found it.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBuLvQcliqI]

3 thoughts on “What is The WORST Terminator Movie? – Tony from Hack The Movies

  1. This episode seemed really tame compared to Horseface being a cringelord through their Tank Girl one.You should watch it. She rants about feminism, sex, genitals, and dildos the entire episode; and frankly I knew she would since Tank Girl is precisely the type of thing an idiot like her cannot handle in anything but a moronic manner at all.I find it really funny also how she is always late as shit to all these things that her “type” and age have seen for decades now. She's such a poser and the only reason she ever sees half these things is because she's forced to for the reviews.

  2. I made it 30 minutes into that one and it was just the same old shit about hot actresses who she wants to have sex with. I didn't think that it was worth continuing or reviewing. Maybe she says something outrageous later about dildos or something but I'd have to re-watch that first 30 minutes and I just can't do it.

  3. They talk about beastiality multiple times and she constantly brings up people she would have sex with and then she does this really cringey thing near the end where she shows off her outfit and shakes her chest and acts retarded.I can only imagine how much she embarasses her family in public.

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