My Haunted Movie Theater Story 2 – Newt Wallen

0:15 – Newt introduces his “friend” and, I guess, employee “Metz”.  I’m not sure of the spelling.  I don’t think that this is her Christian name.  But she’s there, in the theatre, wearing PVC bondage gear and she’s holding up the metal devil horns.

What in the name of fuck is this?  This is considered appropriate work attire?  Outside of a strip club and MAYBE a tattoo parlour, there is no job on earth where this is appropriate work attire.  

0:30 – Newt says that the previous general manager at the cinema he worked at had a “considerable drug problem.”  As a result, the building was in bad shape and “the staff was a mess”.  

So Newt came in and cleaned things up.  One of the first things he did was to hire Metz.

Let’s stop and think about this.  How bad must those employees have been that METZ was a step in the right direction?  

0:45 – Then Metz says that on her first day on the job, she was trying to learn how to work the register, but the employees just ran outside to smoke.

Well, that’s certainly unprofessional and I can see it being annoying.  I had a similar experience at a job.  We were working on New Year’s Eve into New Year’s Day and had to clean up after some event.  There were three of us.  And when I left the room temporarily to put some stuff away, the other two guys I was working with ran off.  So I quit right there on the spot.  Let those assholes clean this shit.  I don’t need this shitty job.  A woman from HR was begging me not to quit.  No chance.

Nevertheless, back to Metz’ situation, not teaching her how to work the cash register, it’s unprofessional but…look at what she’s fucking wearing.  It seems that the cinema isn’t a venue that attracts particularly high calibre job applicants.  Who the fuck would leave the house like this.  Look at this.  She’s wearing a PVC or leather…bustier of some sort.  And those black arm warmers that emo kids used to wear 20 years ago.  And a dog collar.  

She’s going to WORK like this.  Not in a brothel but in a cinema.  Just a regular cinema.  Nothing weird going on here, as far as I’m aware.  

1:00 – Newt claims that people on Reddit and Twitter accuse him of inventing these movie theatre stories.  I’ve not seen that but I don’t really look for such comments.  He’s said this before, though.  Why would anybody…whatever.  

1:30 – “This guy who used to work for me looked like a puppet and his parents wished that he was a real boy and then as soon as he became a real boy, they had buyer’s remorse.”

Oh.  Yeah.  He looked like that.  

First of all, note that Newt claims that this was “his” employee.  He does this all the time.  He lords it over the teenage workforce at the cinema.  

But secondly, this is Newt “Please Feel Sorry for Me” Wallen insulting a former employee’s appearance on his Youtube channel.  To what end?  What did that guy do to deserve to be insulted?  

Then Newt talks about a gypsy putting a curse on him.  Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining just unsubscribed from the channel.

1:45 – Metz says, “I remember Christmas Eve, he texted me like, ‘Wait, you have nipple piercings?’ because I posted on Instagram, and I was like, ‘I’m on my way to my aunt’s house'”.

Well, maybe you shouldn’t have posted your pierced nipples on Instagram right before Christmas then.  She’s so outraged by this guy destroying  the sanctity of our saviour’s birth but she posted pictures of her tits a few hours earlier.

“We don’t know each other like that.”

You just posted your tits for the whole world to see.  Everybody knows you like that.  Suddenly she’s Katharine Hepburn.

2:15 – Newt tells a story about a tall woman (why he mentions her height, I have no idea, Little Man Syndrome, I guess) who, upon seeing Fifty Shades of Grey, said that she wet her seat from being sexually excited.  I told this story in a far classier manner than Newt did.

3:30 – Metz tells a story of when she was eating her lunch and a customer asked her if that sort of food is for sale.  Not an unreasonable question.

Why is Metz having her lunch in a place where customers can see her?  Is there no room in the back where employees can eat?  I’ve never seen this in my life.  I’ve never seen an employee eating their lunch in a customer area.  Who the fuck does this?  

You’re working the cash register while eating your lunch?  That should be an instant firing.  It’s grossly unprofessional.  But if this woman comes to work dressed like this and THAT’S not a reason to fire her, I don’t know what is.

3:45 – Metz reveals that they didn’t get breaks.  I considered this.  I thought that this might have been a Newt problem, and indeed it was.

Are companies in the US not required to give employees breaks?  Not according to Newt “Who Gives a Shit About Labor Laws” Wallen.

Somebody should report him for this.  This guy is fucking terrible.  Look at the state of this woman.  He doesn’t see any problem with that.  He doesn’t see any problem with workers not getting lunch breaks.  

I’ve done some shit jobs.  Not one of them didn’t have lunch breaks.  Shitty jobs will only have 30 minute lunch breaks but still, every job that I had would have breaks.  Not just the lunch break but usually you’d get a 15 minute break (or two 15 minute breaks) in addition to the lunch break.

Not at any place where Newt is the manager.  No breaks.  Fuck Newt.

6:45 – Newt is now talking about a different employee, he was a cleaner.  Newt says, “I’m not going to body shame anybody but this dude was 500 pounds.”

Any tiny bit of compassion that I felt toward Newt has completely gone out the window with this video.  Newt is a total fucking scumbag.  Doesn’t give “his” employees the legally mandated breaks, lords it over the teenage employees, has no problem with employees dressing like literal prostitutes, and makes an entire video where he makes fun of former employees.  

So this large man was watching porn in the theatre.  How that’s possible at any properly-run cinema, I have no fucking idea.  But this is a theatre being managed by the completely incompetent Newt Wallen.

Newt, upon seeing this large man watching porn, and presumably masturbating, threw a bottle of bleach at a wall.  Why he did that, I have no fucking idea.

9:15 – Newt claims that he was in the theatre, “working”, every day.  He would sometimes fall asleep in his office.  He’s just a hard worker, that Newt Wallen.  Too bad he couldn’t figure out how to give his employees breaks.  Or hire competent staff who aren’t going to masturbate in the cinema or dress like whores.  

By the way, I don’t want to spoil Newt’s ghost story but only because it’s boring as fuck.  You can watch it yourself if you’re interested.  Spoiler: don’t bother.

10:15 – Newt tells a story about another tall employee.  Newt…we’re all sorry that you didn’t grow to the height that you wanted.  But get over it.  

So Newt told this tall employee to bring him some food because they were trapped in the theatre due to snow.  The employee came back with pancake mix.  Newt proceeds to berate this guy for being an idiot.  

Why didn’t you go yourself then, Newt?  Why send an employee to get food?  That’s not his job.  That’s a management job.  Fucking idiot.

Metz says that her mother offered to let Newt stay in her home during this snow-in.  I’m not sure how any of this works.  If he’s snowed in, how can he…why wouldn’t he just go home…how is this woman’s home any better?  Whatever.  

Anyway, Newt suggests that Metz’ mother wanted to have sex with him.  I guess.  Just watch this.  I have no idea what’s going on.  But yeah, everybody wants to have sex with Newt Wallen.  He’s a lady’s man.  At least in his warped mind.  He’s as bad as Horseface.  

Marijuana laugh from Metz. This must have been who it was in previous videos.

11:15 – “I’m not going to wake up to your masturbating to me, am I?”

No, Newt.  Why…why would this happen?  Why any of this?  

And if this tall employee can bring Newt food, how snowed in could Newt possibly have been?  None of this makes sense.

By the way, there’s some other teenage girl employee filming this.

11:45 – There’s a picture of Newt from a few years ago pretending to drink bleach.  This is at a cinema that he worked in.  And there are literally two teenage girls behind him, in pyjamas, smiling.

When I said that Metz was a teenager, I was exaggerating.  Mentally, she’s clearly in high school but in reality, she’s probably in her late 20s, I’d guess.  

But these are literally teenage girls in this picture.  It must have been some…I don’t know…work party or “Pyjama Day” at the cinema or something.  Some stupid shit.  And these are the employees.  Kids in high school.

13:00 – Newt is telling this stupid ghost story and Metz says, “I remember you texted me”.  Newt says, “Yeah.  And I remember I texted Crystal.”  Metz has an annoyed expression.  Like, “Here we go with Horseface again.”

Newt…there’s a woman dressed like a dominatrix three feet from you.  She’s your employee.  And you’re a scumbag who takes advantage of situations like this.  So get to work, you fucking moron.  She’s significantly more attractive than Horseface McGee.  And she’s clearly sexually promiscuous.  Pierced nipples.  Wearing a PVC outfit.  She’s marijuana laughing at all of your stupid jokes.  She’s there, presumably on her own time because there are no breaks, to watch you record this stupid video for Youtube.  What the fuck are you doing?  Why are you talking about Horseface?  Why are you not trying to have a threesome with this woman and the woman filming all of this?

He’s that broken up by Horseface.  It boggles the mind.  He can’t get over it.  HORSEFACE.  That horrible, horrible woman.  He can’t let it go.  And it’s to the detriment of getting it on with other women.  Receptive women.  Women who don’t seem terribly bright.  Women who want to advance in their careers.    

Are women lining up to have sex with Newt Wallen?  I don’t understand any of this.

 14:45 – 

Newt: Wayne, Pennsylvania is a very affluent area.

Metz: My former friend describes everyone who lives there as a “cheesecakes” because they are rich and white.

Newt: Yes.  That is true.  The less I say about white people, the better.

In case there’s anybody reading this who doesn’t know who Newt Wallen is, let me state that he’s a white man.  And Metz is a white woman.  They don’t like white people.  And they live in rural Pennsylvania, where everybody is white.

These people have completely wasted their lives.  This is a phase that white suburban kids go through in high school.  “Yo, yo, yo.  I’m down with the homeys.”  You’re not down with shit.  You’re a loser who’s going to grow up to be a meth addict working in a cinema.  

15:45 – Metz says that she hung out with Newt a month after he left that last cinema job and she claims that he looked ten years younger.

Can this be any more blatant?  But Newt is just going to keep talking about Horseface.  

16:15 – There’s a picture of Newt at this previous cinema and he’s with a costumed character and either a 10 year old boy or a teenage girl.

Then there are some more pictures of Newt and the teenagers who worked there.  Newt has an exaggerated sad expression in every picture.

16:45 – Newt explains that he didn’t own the theatre or the comic book store that he worked at but he considers himself the owner because he paid some of the bills.  That’s…first of all, that’s clearly incorrect.  Paying bills doesn’t make one an owner.  But secondly, why was he paying the bills?  I’ve never had a job where I said, “You know what?  I want to start paying the electric bill of this place.”

You’d have to be a complete fucking moron to do that.  Enter Newt Wallen.

17:00 – “When you feel ownership of something, you call it ‘mine'”.

No, it doesn’t work that way.  It’s also telling that he refers to the people who work there as “his” employees.  This is how he sees himself.  He’s lording it over these high schoolers working at the cinema.  It’s pathetic.

Then he calls out Reddit and Metz has a coughing fit, partly due to her marijuana addiction, partly because she’s really sucking up to her boss Newt Wallen.  Marijuana-laughing at all of his “cringy” remarks.  

17:30 – Then Newt tells yet another story about Horseface.  This guy doesn’t have a fucking clue.

He gave an interview to…somebody…and it appeared in the local news.  He said that he liked some movie and that he’s dead inside.  When the news item aired, Horseface saw it.  Newt also says that people wanted to come to the theatre after to see the “sad boy”, referring to himself.

18:30 – Then Metz tries to cheer Newt up.  This is her boss, I remind you.  She says, “You’re not hopeless and depressed any more.”  Newt says, “Well, I’m not hopeless any more.”  She laughs her marijuana laugh.  

I can’t believe that I’m still watching this.  It’s uncomfortable as fuck.  I just want to give these people some fucking job advice.  Send some fucking resumes out and when you go for interview, don’t dress like a prostitute.  That’s it.  That’s all you have to do.  And this nightmare of working for creepy old Newt Wallen and his no-break-giving ass will all be over.  

Then Newt says that he asked his psychiatrist to up his “meds” because he’s depressed a lot.  This man is running a fucking theatre.  Poorly.  REALLY poorly.  And it seems that he’s been mis-managing theatres for YEARS.  Way before this whole Screenwave bullshit happened.  

I’ve never had a job where my boss talks about his mental health problems.  Not once.  This isn’t what you want to hear from a boss.  Or from any co-worker.  You don’t want to hear any of this bullshit at the job.  

There’s a time and a place.  Friends, family.  You can confide in them if you think they’re close enough and suitable.  Also, Newt goes to a psychiatrist.  Presumably, he talks about his mental health problems with the psychiatrist.  Why not end it there?  Why does he have to tell everyone he knows about his mental health problems?  People don’t want to fucking hear this at work.  From their boss.  Their creepy and incompetent boss.  They want to know that the place is being run by somebody who’s mentally sound and knows what the fuck he’s doing.

18:45 – “I took a lot of heat from people who said I failed and had to go back to a movie theatre.”

What a fucking scumbag.  He’s saying this in front of his employees, who all work in a movie theatre, and are subordinate to him.  This guy is not fit to be working here.  He should be fired immediately.  What the fuck is this?  

All he had to do was go to work, give the employees the legally-mandated breaks, impose a dress code, and make sure that the theatre is run properly.  That’s it.  None of these cringe videos.  Just do your fucking job like a professional.  

He’s going to get fired from this shit too.  Maybe.  I’m not sure if it’s possible to get fired from this job.  Look at what that woman is wearing.  

But then what is he going to do?  Get a job in a hotel?  He’s going to end up doing cringy videos there.  Talking about how stupid the cleaners are.  How they don’t even speak English.  And he’s going to be yukking it up with the high schoolers working in the hotel restaurant.

21:15 – “White ladies love wine.”

That’s a Newt Wallen quote.  

I’ve probably known…I don’t know…tens of thousands of white women?  Hundreds of thousands?  You see them a lot when you live in predominantly white countries.  

I don’t find that they’re particularly keen on wine.  I think that white women cover a white range of tastes and interests.  

What Newt is presumably talking about is class.  Middle class women like wine.  But it’s not a race thing, it’s a class thing.  

There are plenty of white women who don’t have these middle class sensibilities.  Fucking Metz is right there.  Is she interested in wine and running marathons and musical theatre?  

These are the dumbest fucking people on earth.  This suburban adolescent contempt for caucasians, when you yourself are caucasian.  They lack the knowledge to understand what it is that they’re angry about.

22:00 – Newt tells a story about an employee who found urine in a bottle.  There was discussion about whether it was actually urine.  So the employee smelled it.  When he did so, Newt smacked the bottle, causing the urine to go into this employee’s nose.  The employee then left for the day.

This is the world’s worst boss.  And he’s on fucking Youtube bragging about all of this.  With his teenage employees.  Who are dressed like prostitutes.  If there’s any justice, Newt will be fired by the time you read this.  And I have zero sympathy for Newt getting fired from Screenwave.  He was justly fired and he should have been fired much earlier.  Newt should never have a job where he has any authority over anyone else.  He should never have a job that has any responsibilities whatsoever.  

The video ends with the camerawoman doing a marijuana laugh.  This must be Mel.  Everybody there seems to have a marijuana laugh.  

Fuck.  This was awful.  Let’s check out the comments.

– “You didn’t fail, man. You got brought into something else because of your talent, mistreaated(IMO) and were kicked out of a shitty place to go back to where you belong. You’re like Happy Gilmore if he was in his happy place 24/7. Literally living the dream, man.”

Newt replies, “Thanks. Thankfully I have less fake toxic people in my life now. The people I have now are cheering me on .so just don’t want to let anyone down”

No, Newt, YOU’RE the toxic person.  You fucked up at Screenwave because you were lazy and untalented, your movies ideas are shit, your comic ideas are shit, you’re a shit manager of the cinema.  It’s all on you.  

Why would anybody cheer you on?  You’re the fucking problem.   Anyone cheering you on is just adding to the problems.  

But Newt wants everyone to feel sorry for him.  Even though he’s a giant dick to everyone.

– “One of the greatest mysteries of mankind is how charisma trumps good looks every time. How making people smile makes you beautiful in their eyes. You are a man after my own heart. I hope I get to shake your hand one day. Peace”

Newt replies, “Lets make that happen. I have been very down since feb. Lot of drama from old friends and old job keep popping up. But any time friends come see me at the theater. Or in can talk about things I love. That feeling of sadness an anger an loneliness goes away for a bit”

Please love me, ladyboys of Youtube.

Work on not being an asshole, Newt.  Then maybe you’ll get a better reception from people.  Even from those terrible white people, of which you’re one.

4 thoughts on “My Haunted Movie Theater Story 2 – Newt Wallen

  1. Between the video itself and the comment replies he made on it, this is quite possibly the most insane I've ever seen him.He's taken this big nosedive the past couple weeks into true sociopathy and his obsession with theater nostalgia stories is so beyond what any normal person would keep doing regardless if “good times” were had at some old job etc.Also that bizarre leather tranny is not what I would call better looking than Horseface. In fact I'd say she's uglier which makes the fact he's prowling around company like that even funnier knowing all that he has lost. Like what in god's name is this lifestyle and crowd you're rolling with dude? Are you going to be making videos like this when you're 60?

  2. Eh, I'd give Metz some loving. Yeah, I think that she's chubby, as goths/emo tend to be. I suspect that the PVC thing is acting as a corset. But I like the long hair. And personality-wise, well…she beats Horseface. But I suppose that everybody does.It's just a woman working in a cinema in rural Pennsylvania. She got into drugs and the emo scene. Never managed to do anything with her life. Still in this dead end town and this dead end job.That's just life, though. That's what just about everybody does.

  3. LOL Newt in the comment section:”My two oldest friends both cut me out of their lives last fall. Trying to never let that happen again.”Yes they did, but I highly doubt you didn't have some arguments with them and said too much and regret it now. Also god, are Tony and Horseface really your oldest friends? Sad.

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