Ten Awesome Enemies from Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow – Erin Plays


Erin is always careful not to label something as a “Top 10” or whatever.  Because she doesn’t want to get called out.  “Hey, you only played this game once, on stream, for money, how can you say that these are the top ten (whatever)?”  So these are just ten enemies.  She makes no claim that they’re the top ten.  

On the one hand, it’s sort of acknowledging her complete lack of experience with the subject matter, but on the other hand, why even make the video then?  Ten random enemies?  Who gives a shit?  I’m only interested in the top ten, from somebody who’s an authority on the game.  

0:00 – “Hey everyone.  It’s Erin.  I recently played through Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on the Game Boy Advance Switch Collection.”

On stream, for money.  Why does she always leave that part out?  She shows footage of the stream.  She doesn’t have to use the exact phrase, “on stream, for money”, but just say, “I played it on Twitch”.  What’s so hard about that?  It’s not even admitting that this is the ONLY time that you’ve played the game, although, with Erin, that’s the case.

0:15 – “It was so much fun running into new enemies and bosses in every playthrough that I decided that I just had to make this video.”

She played it ONCE.  On stream, for money.  Why does she say “every playthrough”?  When was the second playthrough?

You know what she’s doing here?  This is new.  She’s including “witty” remarks that she made on stream, for money.  And naturally, this being Erin, NONE of these remarks are even remotely funny.  

A lot of these comments are just Erin not knowing what’s going on.  “Who are you?” for example, when she encounters an enemy for the first time, never having played the game before.  This isn’t funny.  It’s stupid.  It’s exposing the fact that you’ve never played the game before.  

3:00 – Shout out to Sailor Moon.  You guys like Sailor Moon, right?  What 40 year old man (the average age and gender of her demographic) doesn’t.

Even if these people are retarded, which they are, so have a lower mental age, are they interested in Sailor Moon?  

3:30 – “It’s pretty fun sending cats to attack enemies.  I wish I could do that in real life.”

Hilarious commentary, Erin.  We all love the half-jokes.

She wants a “little figurine” of this character.  Because he’s cute.  

Why would she want a figurine of a game that she played once, on stream, for money?  She has no interest in this shit.  At all.

4:00 – Some ghost enemies, “Remind me of the ghosts for the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.”

Oh, this doesn’t get tiring.  Fuck Disneyland and fuck you.

6:45 – Shout out to an enemy who looks like a penis.  Shishi is changing his underpants right now.

7:15 – “I had no idea just how much fun this game would be and I’m actually already getting eager to play through it again.”

Why?  Nobody wants to see another stream of this shit.  And you’re certainly not going to play it in your spare time like a normal person.

Absolute trash, no effort video.  It’s just footage from her stream.  She’s refusing to play games any more because of her fake carpal tunnel syndrome.  So this is why we’re getting these complete shit videos like this and the previous video where she looked at Mike’s game collection.

– “Erin plays uploads are the kind of news i want nowadays. Erin,your my favorite news anchor now. I will expect uploads at 5,6 and 11 pm now.”

In what way is any of this news, you fucking retard?

– “The Headhunter is very similar to a character in “Return to Oz”. I would suggest that movie, it’s pretty weird”

She’s never seen it before, you fucking moron.  She’s never seen The Wizard of Oz before.  She’s never seen any movie before.

But yeah, it was a creepy movie.  I had the novelisation as a kid.  In the centre, they had pictures from the movie.  

-“If I was Dracula, I would suck your blood!”

He expects to get a date out of this.

– “It’s about time we see you gorgeous”

This guy too.  At least his message wasn’t about feasting on her blood.

– “Wow almost at 100k. I remember the days of 5k erin”

Erin replies, “I still have a LONG ways to go! haha. Thanks so much for sticking with me :D”

What an ungrateful bitch.  Is she really at nearly 100,000?  No, 68,000.  Oh.  Maybe that’s what she meant.  She’s a long way from 100,000.  I thought she meant that she had 100,000 and still had a long way to go to whatever number she thinks she deserves.

– “Erin you are a goddess.”

I don’t get it.  It’s like these people have never seen a woman before.

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