I'm Back With INSANE RETRO PICKUPS! – Retro Ali


Wow.  That is…some makeup.  This is like clown-level.  I know that this is insulting and maybe Ali doesn’t have much experience putting makeup on but what the fuck?  She wasn’t always like this, right?  Let me look at previous videos.

No, she’s normally much more toned down than this.  

This is…it’s honestly reminding me of Marcel Marceau.  I learned about Marcel Marceau from school.  It’s the only time I can recall ever seeing or hearing anything about the man.  I remember that he was in a textbook that I had in maybe the fifth grade but what fucking class would possibly have had a lesson about Marcel Marceau.  He was a mime, by the way.  

I wasn’t taking French classes.  Maybe it was like a history class or something but the man was still alive at the time and what historical…I don’t know.

Let’s check out his Wikipedia.  I’ll go straight to “personal life.”  Oh my god.  He was married?  Three times, apparently.  And had children.  Who would have guessed?  He also had a decades long affair.  With a woman.  

Oh wait.  He was also a long-time friend of Michael Jackson.  Now it’s starting to make sense.  

Back to Ali.  I’m thinking that maybe all of this makeup is to try to compensate for her larger physique these days.  Just start eating right, Ali.  I don’t know what else to tell you.  Or if you’re happy as you are, keep doing what you’re doing.  But the horntards…I don’t know…they might not go for it.

Ali says that she hasn’t uploaded in a few months because she moved.  But she promises regular uploads from now on.  She’s said this before.  Personally, I’m hoping that she doesn’t keep this promise.

0:30 – “I have a lot of spicy pickups so I recommend watching the whole video if you like this kind of content.”

Well…I’ve been burned on this before.  Ali’s definition of “spicy” differs greatly from mine.  I’m thinking like Rumble Roses or Strip Fighter or something but no.  It’s just Pokemon games and whatnot.  What’s spicy about that?  Well, maybe Pokemon has some kind of erotic element for Ali.

5:00 – She got a couple of Game Boy Colors.  How many does she need?  She must have dozens of these by now.  Who cares about this crap?  

5:45 – This upcoming item is the big, spicy content that she mentioned.  She’s really hyping it.  What is it going to be?  Don’t keep me in suspense.

An Analogue Pocket.  Who cares?  

8:00 – She also got some comics from this video game store and says that she used to collect comics.  Eugh.  Pokemon comics.

That’s the video.  What was spicy about any of that?

Maybe these videos just aren’t for me.  I can’t really think of any collection that I’d want to see.  “Not in a, “Here’s a bunch of crap that I just got” fashion, anyway.  What do I care?  This isn’t my stuff.  I’m supposed to cheer Ali on for her poor spending habits?  Mindless consumerism?  

Even if it was my stuff, I wouldn’t care.  That’s why I don’t buy anything.  Accumulating garbage doesn’t bring me joy.  Quite the contrary.  I want as little stuff as possible.  You become a slave to your possessions.  It becomes difficult to move house.  

What did Buddha say about possessions?  He was also pretty anti-possessions.  He must have moved a lot too.  

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

That’s a good one for *nostalgia* but I’m looking for quotes about possessions.

How can this be so fucking hard?  There’s a fucking billion sites about Buddha quotes but they have nothing to do with possessions.  Why are they in my fucking list here?  The top result is GoodReads and it’s just a bunch of quotes from people who aren’t Buddha.  I don’t want this.  Go fuck yourself, Ray Bradbury.  What do you know about inner peace?

Anyway, Buddha had a lot to say about possessions and suffering and whatnot but it seems to be lost to the ages.  

Ha.  I found some.  Here’s a good one for Jimmy:

“I’ve got children’, ‘I’ve got wealth.’ This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself.  He does not even own himself, so how can he have children or wealth?”

I wonder what Buddha’s position on balding was.  If those fat Buddha statues can be believed, he shaved his head, so I suppose that we can draw our own conclusions.  Plus, again, there’s the whole trying to maintain ownership of your hair leaning to suffering.  Hair is fleeting, Jimmy.  Let it go.  

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