Destiny Fomo Planning to Move to Japan 

I started my Japanese classes (smiling face emoji) and they went so well, finally taking steps for some big things in the future. I’m so excited

Somebody replies with, “おめでとう” which means “congratulations” according to Google Translate.  

Madam Fomo replies with, “Thank you so much dude. I’m going push it to hopefully 2-3 classes a week. The end goal is to move out there.”

On what basis is she planning to move to Japan?  Does Japan have a special prostitute visa?  I think that they have enough prostitutes there already.  

Oh, Super Geoff replies.  I forgot that he went on Madam Fomo’s stuff.  He’s also a big Erin Plays fan.  Also, he’s legitimately mentally challenged.  

Somebody else replies with, “You have tiny feet.”

She does a lot of feet stuff on her Only Fans.  It’s an easy way to get money from horny losers without actually taking your clothes off.

But really how is she planning on moving to Japan?  First of all, she’s never going to learn the language.  She struggles with English and it’s her native language.  She’s a complete moron.  How is she going to learn another language?

But let’s assume that she becomes fluent in Japanese.  So what?  They’re not letting people in just because they speak Japanese.  You need a fucking in-demand skill.  Let me check the actual visa requirements for Japan.

Well, if you want to do some reading it’s here:

It doesn’t describe the actual qualifications, as far as I can see, but I’m thinking that she doesn’t qualify for any of that.

You can have a company sponsor you but even then the company has to show that there aren’t any native people who can do the job.  I mean…that chubby blonde woman who appears on Metal Jesus videos somehow got sponsored by some video game company, even though she has no experience in the industry, but I’m thinking that that’s an anomaly.  That woman is still in Seattle, by the way.  She got that visa to go to Japan like two years ago at this point.  When is she going to go?  It’s going to expire before she even gets there.

Madam Fomo can get sponsored by some English language school but, again…Madam Fomo struggles with English.  And I think that you need a university degree to do that job.  Let me look this up.

It’s just a blog so I don’t know how accurate this is but it looks right.  And yeah, you need a degree.  Madam Fomo probably didn’t even finish the 9th grade.

You also need a clean criminal record.  She’s legitimately been a prostitute for many years.  What are the chances that she’s never been arrested and convicted of a crime?  

You also have to pass a drug test.  Again, there is no way that she would meet this requirement.

She could just go and not have a visa.  It’s not like she’s living legally as it is so she can continue this in Japan.  She managed to get in at least once so I’d imagine that she could do it again.  Then just continue with this OnlyFans shit and the prostitution.

What’s it like getting a property, though?  If you’re buying, surely you need to provide a lot of paperwork and I don’t know if non-citizens can own property.  Certainly, people who are there illegally can’t own property.

So what about renting?  Do landlords require to have proof that you’re in the country legally?  They might.  But surely people find places.  There must be many thousands of prostitutes living in Japan illegally.  

They’re not coming from the US with stacks of ill-gotten money, though.  They’re surely impoverished women from China.  

Anyway, it’s preposterous.  She’s not going to do this.  File this one under her comic book writer career and her editing job.  And if she’s going to take classes, she should take ENGLISH classes.  How embarrassing would it be to take a TEFL class as a native speaker but that’s what she needs.  Focus on learning English first and then you can try Japanese.

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