EPIC Game Room Tour in 2022! – ZapTV


Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal is showing off her “epic” game room.

By the way, in case anyone missed the original post, she really did say, “People tell me that I’m too attractive to be an influencer”.  This was at some nerd convention panel that she did.  THIS woman said that.  Zap Cristal.  

Even if it was a hot chick (which it by no means is) and this thing was actually uttered by some horny retard, what a monstrously conceited thing to repeat.  She has no self-awareness at all.  

0:30 – “I’m excited to show you guys everything I’ve added, everything that you guys have gifted to me.”

She also accepts gifts from the mentally retarded.  Who the fuck would do this?

0:45 – “I have two bookcases.  Honestly, I don’t own a room.”

So…this is going to be a bookcase tour.  Not a game room tour.  Why not just call the video, “Here’s my game collection” or something?  

1:00 – “I have these two book cases.  They’re called billy bookcases.”

Come on.  We know what they are.  They’re the cheapest bookcases that Ikea sells.

So she’s showing this glass display case with all of her most prized possessions and…I mean…it’s just junk.  Back to the Future trash, Flintstones trash, Who Framed Roger Rabbit trash, Ms Pac Man trash.  It’s just shit from the 1990s to the present.  Video games and drinking glasses and stuffed toys and McDonalds toys.  The total value of these shelves is probably…I don’t know…two hundred bucks?  Even that seems high to me.  

I don’t know.  This is just sad.  I don’t want to continue the video.  

I’m trying to think what kind of shit I would get if I wanted to collect things but…I don’t do that.  I’m an adult.  

But if I had like a display cabinet that I wanted to fill up with items…antiques?  I know that that’s gay and all but at least it’s something that an adult would collect.  I don’t know…antique…pottery or…glassware…or…watches.  Something.  I wouldn’t just go to Ebay and get McDonald’s Happy Meals toys.  

This collection of hers it’s something that children would have.  Let’s look at The Flintstones.  What about Flintstones stuff from the 1960s?  You know…when the show was actually on.  That might be something interesting.  But drinking glasses from Hardee’s that were released in the 1990s?  No.  

I’m seeing some 1960s Flintstones stuff on Ebay and it’s pretty reasonably priced.  Most of it is $50 to $100.  Pebbles dolls and an uncut fabric panel for making your own Fred and Wilma dolls.  That has to be rare and it’s only $40.  It’s a drawing of Fred and Wilma, front and back, and the idea is that you’re supposed to cut this out, fill it with stuffing, stitch it together, and you have like a stuffed toy.  It’s interesting.  I don’t think that they’ve made these sort of things in 40 years.  I had one as a kid.

Here’s A Flintstones pull toy for $300.  Wilma pushing Pebbles in a stroller.  That’s cool.  

So there’s interesting stuff out there but…a DVD of The Flintstones 1990s movie?  No.  That’s not interesting.  And it’s not even the original 1990s movie with Rosie O’Donnell, it’s one of the shitty sequels. Come on.

2 thoughts on “EPIC Game Room Tour in 2022! – ZapTV

  1. Besides the depressing aspects of it, she looks like a hispanic stay at home mom of three that wears pajamas and an oversized t shirt all day long and is self-convinced after some wine that she is “hot” and isn't just staving off suicide.

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