KONAMI Grey Box NES Games! – Erin Plays


Fifty-seven seconds of pure ignorance.  It’s not even worth discussing.  It’s exactly what you’d expect.  Erin talks about colours; cute games; and games that she played once, on stream, for money, and then never again.  Oh, and “remember cellophane”?  

But you know who replied?  Joe from Gamesack.  

Just ask her to go to the movies with you, Joe.  And maybe have a nice meal at Burger King afterwards.  The worst she can do is say “no”.  

– “Oh comments are finally enabled again. I guess Youtube feels that “Shorts” are like TikTok, and TikTok is for kids, so comments must be disabled, because kids.”

I review Erin’s HORRENDOUS TikTok experiment here:



She put absolutely zero effort into that shit, as per usual.  I don’t know.  Maybe this is her trying.  But if that’s the case, it’s absolutely baffling.

I used to take martial arts as a kid.  I went to one place when I was like 10 and I did that for maybe three or four years.  Then he shut down and I tried some other places but they were all scams.  They call them McDojos on the internet.  Those people didn’t know shit and you could see it in the students.  I was kicking the shit out of those kids because they weren’t taught anything.  It exposed these places as scams.

So as I got older, I really got tired of it.  I’d go to a place for three to six months, it would suck ass, and I’d look for another place.  They were all terrible.  

I ended up running out of taekwondo places so went to a karate school.  They didn’t even do any free sparring or whatever it would be called.  “Free sparring” might be a taekwondo term.  But I mean fighting.  Fighting against the other students.

Presumably, they didn’t do this because it was yet another scam, nobody was taught anything, and as a result they all sucked ass.  I was like 16 by this point.  

The guy who owned the place would come in, do the initial bowing, and then hang out in his office until it was time for the class to end.  The person who actually taught the class was just another student.  He was some middle aged guy and he seemed to be fairly experienced in various martial arts but why is this guy teaching?  Why isn’t the owner of the place teaching?  What is he doing in that office?  This is his fucking job.  His job is to teach karate.

He was also a giant creep.  I didn’t wear a cup because what’s the fucking point?  We never fight.  There’s never any contact whatsoever between anyone.  

So one day he’s “teaching” for a few minutes and we’re supposed to demonstrate a block or something.  And he hits me in the testicles.  The “lesson” was like a simulated attack and he was “teaching” how by not blocking, you’d get hit in the testicles.  

So he did that.  Then he did it again.  And again.  And again.  And he said, “are you not wearing a cup?” and I said, “no”.  

He was obviously just feeling my crotch.  And this all happened with like ten people around, including this middle aged guy who’s the actual instructor, and nobody said anything.  They might not have exactly seen but it’s just weird.  

So I didn’t much care for this guy.  He did a lot of creepy shit.  

Time comes to do the belt testing.  I had previously skipped the belt testing because I didn’t care about belts and I didn’t plan on being in this place for very long anyway.  But he decided to do an impromptu belt test for me and some other guy there.  We needed to get that coveted yellow belt.  By this time, I had already been doing taekwondo for like six years and was kicking everybody’s ass.  

By the way, I never got a black belt because the first guy I went to didn’t care about belts.  Years went by between belt tests.  For reference, in most McDojos, there’s a belt test every couple of months and you get a black belt in about two years.

So I’m doing this impromptu belt test.  This was all sprung on me as a surprise.  And I was feeling sick.  And I didn’t give a shit about belts anyway.  

We had to demonstrate some punches and kicks and whatnot.  Then we had to do the forms.  Whatever they are.  Kata?  It’s probably called something else in karate.  But it’s a series of blocks and punches, mostly, and you move in a particular pattern.

So I’m doing this, and I’m sick, and I don’t want to be there, and I hate this creepy owner so I don’t put full effort into it.  Or much of any effort.  

The owner gets upset.  Makes me do it a couple more times.  Then he says, “That can’t possibly be as well as you can do it.”  I don’t say anything.  Then he ends the test.  By the way, I don’t even think that he indicated that this was a belt test until afterwards, but I suspected that it was.

So then as we’re leaving, we were required to shake this guy’s hand.  That was a normal thing at every place I went to.  You line up and then shake the instructor’s hand at the end of the lesson.  

We do this and he gives the other guy his yellow belt.  Great.  Then it’s my turn and he says that I didn’t pass the test.  I’d have to try again another time.  I didn’t say anything.  He says, “oss?”  I said, “yes.”  So he yelled, “OSS?” and I meekly said “oss”.

“Oss” was a common word at this karate McDojo.  I didn’t know what it means but it was used all the time for anything.  “Yes”, “no”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “can I touch your penis?” whatever.

According to the internet, that seems to be right.  It’s one of those stupid made up words that American karate schools would use.  It’s another way to veil everything in mysticism.  Oh, we have magic Japanese words that we use so you know this is legit.  You can definitely win a fight on the street with this shit.  Just say “oss” and people will run in terror.

Kiai was another one.  That’s the yelling that’s so commonly associated with martial arts.  Like when Bruce Lee would yell after kicking some guy in the head.  It’s bullshit.  I hated it.  That was my single most hated aspect of martial arts.  Even worse that the molestation.  I knew that it was ridiculous and I was right.

If it’s so effective, why don’t any MMA guys do it?  It’s idiotic.  

So where was I?  Oh yeah, I failed that yellow belt test.  So yeah, that was the last time that I went to that McDojo.  And I gave up on martial arts after that because there was just nowhere else to go and I had been burned so many times before on shitty schools.  

But I was really good.  Had I stuck with it and found a proper school and had proper training and started lifting weights and whatnot, I could have been in the UFC.  It was just starting when I was like 15 years old.  I’m not saying that I would have won but a lot of these guys in the early UFCs were terrible.  I probably could have given Ray Wizard a run for his money.  

2 thoughts on “KONAMI Grey Box NES Games! – Erin Plays

  1. erin removed my comment, i had said that her content was becoming increasingly sloppy and low value. even for erinplays standards.maybe she was in one of her difficult moods

  2. Yeah, Youtubers don't much care for criticism but these shorts are shockingly bad. It's just concentrated crap. Everything that's horrible about Erin Plays videos, remove the filler, and condensed into 57 seconds.

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