Why you should play Astalon: Tears of the Earth – Cannot be Tamed


0:00 – Ooh.  I think that the camera is marginally lower for this video.  Or maybe Pam is just sitting up more straight.  She’s giving us a full view of the udders.  Views must be going down.

3:45 – “You know that old idiom that you can’t have pleasure without pain?”

Umm…no.  Wait…let me go through my idiom rolodex.  I have a vague sense that people have used the words “pleasure” and “pain” together but specifically the phrase, “You can’t have pleasure without pain?”  No.  I’ve not heard that one.

And it’s so pretentious that she said “idiom” instead of “saying.”

Let me DuckDuckGo this shit.  


Right there in the “idiom” section of Dictionary dot com.  So it must exist.  This one just passed me by, I guess.

But yeah, I can dig it, Pam.  Like with your videos.  They’re really painful.  But the pleasure comes at the end when I realise, “I never have to watch this shit again.”  

But then you release another video.  And I watch it anyway, knowing that it’s going to be painful.  It’s just an endless cycle.  Day and night.  Spring and autumn.  Life and death.  

This cyclical view of the world is big in Asia.  It’s been the basis of their major religions for thousands of years.  Yin and yang and whatnot.  

As a kid, I read that samurai, who were in a high-ranking caste in Japan, considered themselves to be the lowest thing on earth.  They were big on reincarnation so they thought that they did something really horrible in their previous lives to be doomed to live this life as a samurai.  The only way to break this cycle of life and death, looking at things through the lens of reincarnation, is to perform admirably as a samurai and die in combat.  

The Western view of humanity is that things are always getting better.  But we know that that’s not true.  You can look at the standard of living in the US, for example, and how it peaked in the 1950s and has been on a steady decline ever since.  

Just look at the state of society today.  We have gamer grrls getting fucked in the ass for less than $10,000/year.  That wasn’t going on in the 1950s.  It wasn’t going on in the 1970s.  It wasn’t even going on twenty years ago.

Every year since the 1950s, inequality has grown and this has lead to a lower standard of living.  Millions of jobs have gone away, either to China or to robots.  This is why you now have a situation where people think it’s a good thing to get fucked in the ass by Mike Matei for $10,000/year.  This is a sensible career path in 2021.  Because there are so many fewer options now.  It’s either get fucked in the ass by Mike Matei or work at the record store.  There are very few jobs these days that pay a good wage.  

It also doesn’t help that you have people like Elon Musk with $280 billion.  People will say, “Oh, it doesn’t matter that somebody else is rich.  We can all make $280 billion.”  No.  It’s ridiculous.  Wealth is finite.  Resources are finite.  The fact that somebody else has more, means that you have less.  

I talked to a Polish guy twenty years ago at some shit job that I had and I asked him his views on the Polish workers’ state.  He was old enough to remember it, it ended in 1989.  And he said, it was good.  Everybody had jobs.  But for some reason he didn’t like it.  He suggested that it was better now and that people who can’t find work should just die.  

I don’t know what the answer is but the present situation can’t be the way forward.  You can’t have Elon Musk with $280 billion and Erin Plays getting $10,000/year from scamming the mentally retarded while Mike Matei fucks her in the ass.  This can not be the basis for the economy.  There should be good, dignified, well-compensated work for everyone.

Consider the following:


Super Awkward Gal quit her job at Disney (I think) because Disney refused to give a 46 cent raise to the workers, workers who are doing skilled jobs and getting near minimum wage salaries.  Metal Jesus Rocks gives Disney’s recent near $6 billion profits for the last quarter.  John Riggs also lends his support.

Yeah, these guys are horny and just trying to have sex with Super Awkward Gal but there also seems to be a mass awakening that things aren’t as they should be and it’s possible for things to change.  

Who’s the first retro gaming Youtuber who’s going to do a video on dialectical materialism?  Let’s get the ball moving.  Raise awareness of the real issues that matter in people’s lives.  Fuck this Mario shit.  And I want to see gamer grrls leading the charge.  

As for the horntards, they’re clearly on the lowest strata of society.  They’re being taken advantage of by these gamer grrls, and of course, the gamer grrls are themselves being taken advantage of by Youtube.  But I wouldn’t dismiss the horntards at large as lumpenproletariat.  Sure, that guy who just says “HUGS” probably lacks the mental acumen to understand the dynamics of all of this but for the horntards who aren’t wearing taekwondo helmets all day, they can perhaps be reached.  

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