Cinemassacre's Monster Madness 2021 Review (part 2 of 2)

Part 1 is above.

8: A South African Horror Story –

0:00 – Weird pronunciation of “annexed”.  

Jimmy didn’t have much to say about this one.  He did list the South Africans who he knows, though: Nelson Mandela, some actress, and a writer or something.

I lived with a couple from South Africa.  They were white.  Openly racist.  The guy once described black people in South Africa as a “plague”.  I would bring my black girlfriend to the house and he was always polite to her, though.

I find this open racism refreshing.  You don’t often see it in the UK and you almost never see it in the US (except maybe in the South) but if you go to other parts of Europe, you’ll see it.  This is how people actually think.  It’s just masked in the US and UK.  There’s societal pressure not to say these things.  It’s not that the people in the US and UK aren’t racist, it’s simply that they’re being disingenuous when talking about race.

I remember talking to my girlfriend about this guy and his beliefs and I said that in South Africa they have like walled communities of white people with armed guards and barbed wire, et cetera, and that’s probably why he has these sorts of views. She actually defended these compounds.  She said something about it being a dangerous country and they’re trying to defend themselves.  She compared it to the foreigner compounds in the Middle East.  I’m not sure that she understood the situation.  Or maybe I don’t understand it.  But through open dialogue, there’s an opportunity to learn shit.

Let the Right One In –

2:00 – Shout out to a scene where a kid’s pants get urinated on.  Jimmy loves this shit.  Cue the bathroom scene!  

Anyway, it’s some vampire shit.  But Jimmy was mostly interested in the urinating scene.  If only there was a pooping scene.  Jimmy would have made an hour long review on this one.

Terrified –

3:30 – Jimmy suggests “watching a few funny fail videos on Youtube” to avoid being scared by this film.

What?  Funny fail videos?  I guess that I know what he’s talking about.  Kind of.  America’s Funniest Home videos stuff?  Man Gets Hit in Groin?  But this is…really dated.

Anyway, it’s some fucking zombie shit.  Who cares?

Juan of the Dead –

0:30 – Jimmy says “rationing” with a long “a” sound.

No.  I put up with a lot of Jimmy’s weird pronunciations but this is just idiotic and wrong.  I know that the guy spent seven and a half years in special education but didn’t anybody watch these before they were released?  Make him do this line over. It’s ridiculous.  “ray-shun-ing”.  Learn the language, Jimmy.  It’s not even a difficult word.

2:00 – Jimmy shows his favourite kill.  It’s more dumb zombie shit.

2:30 – Bunch of naked guys.

3:00 – Jimmy talks about a male character wanting a blowjob from another male character.

So these are more references to make Jimmy look gay.

A Chinese Ghost Story –

1:30 – “Moundain” for “mountain”.  What a dope.

Looks like another piece of shit.  Like those bad 70s kung fu movies with people flying and whatnot.

Lady Terminator –

Some disgusting shit that features “penis mutilations”.  

2:00 – Jimmy has to dwell on a scene where a man is urinating in public.  He jerks off to this shit.  There’s no doubt about it.

Jimmy never mentions the obvious: many of the characters, including the the titular one, are Caucasian.  Didn’t he find this surprising for a movie made in Indonesia?  Anyone else would have.

Also, I’m surprised that the Asian movies he’s chosen are mostly from the 1980s or earlier.  Even the Japanese one.  You’re telling me that he couldn’t find a more current Japanese horror film?  For most of the other countries, he chose fairly current stuff.

Run –

Another shitty zombie movie.  But Jimmy just glosses over the recent history of Cambodia.  He mentions that the filmmaking industry in Cambodia came to a stop in the 1980s.  Yeah.  Do you want to tell us why, Jimmy?  

Maybe instead of watching this brainless horror shit, Jimmy could have watched The Killing Fields instead.  

I’m not some kind of Khmer Rouge historian but I’ve read a fair bit about this.  It has to be the craziest shit in recorded history.  They evacuated entire towns, put the people in rural areas, and forced them to become farmers.  And since these people weren’t farmers, they had no idea what they were doing and they starved.  

How could anybody think that this is going to work?  Like 25% of the population died.  And this didn’t happen that long ago.  

Sauna –—Sauna:9

0:45 – Sexy guy in a sauna.  Another attempt to make James Rolfe look gay.  Or maybe he is gay.  I don’t know.  But this is one hella gay Monster Madness this year.  

1:15 – Naked old men in a sauna.  There’s no way that this is all innocent.  Is James coming out of the closet or is somebody at Screenwave setting him up?

1:45 – Horrible pronunciation of “atrocities.”  Just unbelievable.

Anyway, Jimmy talked about the different places that saunas exist but he didn’t mention the most important type of sauna: the gay hangout.  

Night Watch –—Night-Watch:0

0:00 – “During the Russian Empire”?  What?  That can’t be right.  

And then he’s talking about some Russian film directors.  Or something.  “During the Russian Empire”.  

The Russian Empire was a country…but not a time period.  I don’t even know what he’s referring to.  

According to Wikipedia dot com, the Russian Empire lasted from 1721 to 1917.  Is that the period that Jimmy is talking about?  Because I don’t think that there was much filmmaking in the Russian Empire prior to…well, I’m surprised that there were even films made in 1917.  Were there?

Wikipedia says that it started in 1917.

So what would somebody who didn’t spend seven and a half years in special education call the era immediately preceding the Soviet period?  Tsarist Russia?  I suppose that’s kind of the same problem as “During the Russian Empire”, although, not as idiotic.  

As long as we know that we’re talking about the reign of Nicholas II, it would be fine but…how many non-Russians are going to know when the reign of Nicholas II was?  

So…I don’t know…”During the early 20th century”.  This way everyone knows what you’re talking about.  You don’t have to make it particular to Russia.

0:15 – I…what?  Did that just happen?  Let me listen to this again.

Oh my god.  Jimmy said “ka-zar Nicholas II”.  Holy fucking shit.  

You have two options here: Tsar and Czar.  I think that Tsar is the preferred Romanisation of the word these days.  They’re both pronounced the same: “zar”.  Maybe there’s some nuanced pronunciation in Russian but this is the standard English pronunciation.

So Jimmy not only opted for the old spelling…but he said “ka-zar”.  Holy shit.  How can he be this fucking stupid?  

And why is nobody checking these videos?  

This is what seven and a half years in special education leads to.  I’m reminded of the podcast where Jimmy said, “Don’t quote me on this, but isn’t the Russian army called ‘The Red Army’?”

He didn’t even know that.  And I have no doubt, that in his autistic brain, he thought that the army was literally red.  An army of red-skinned men.  

So anyway, Jimmy says the coronation video of Ka-zar Nicholas II was the first Russian film.  I don’t know about that.  I think that a film has to have some kind of narrative.  But whatever.  Who am I to argue with the genius of James Rolfe?  

0:15 – “Russia joined the Soviet Union after the Revolution.”

What?  God, I would love to hear Jimmy’s understanding of Russian history.  

Who the fuck did Russia join when entering the Soviet Union?  Russia became the Soviet Union.  One could say that other countries joined the Soviet Union, becoming Soviet Republics.  For example, Estonia joined the Soviet Union.  Whether these countries joining was peaceful or otherwise is a different issue.  But Russia didn’t join.  It’s just unbelievable.

Anyway…the movie…it’s some Matrix shit.  But holy shit.  Ka-zar.  What a moron.

Muoi –

2:45 – There’s a scene where a woman gets beaten and raped by some guys while the boyfriend films it.  And Jimmy says, “I know relationships can has (sic) its ups and downs but this is overkill.”

This comment is bizarre on so many levels that I don’t even want to dissect it.  

Ghoul –

Some lost film movie like The Blair Witch Project or whatever.  Jimmy doesn’t like the movie and he says that he hasn’t even seen most of these films that he’s allegedly reviewing.  I’m thinking that he hasn’t seen any of them.  Why would he?  Newt wrote most of these.  Maybe all of them.  So why would Jimmy watch the films?  He has no reason to.  And obviously no time.

Rabid –

1:45 – A scantily clad woman for a change.  

It’s some disgusting shit.  I had to turn it off.  I don’t mean the woman in the wet t-shirt, I mean Jimmy’s low-brow love for bodily functions and gore.


1:15 – Resident Evil reference.  Maybe Kieran wrote this one.  In any event, I can’t imagine that James would have written this.

It’s just more zombie shit.

Big Bad Wolves –

1:15 – Jimmy says, “bullet roll-ette”.  

Let’s forget about the odd pronunciation of “roulette”.  “Bullet roulette”?  I’ve never heard that in my life.  

Jimmy has some kind of problem with Russia.  I don’t know exactly what it is.

It’s more degenerate torture.  From Israel, of course.  This is what James likes.  I’m turning this one off early too.

Inferno –—Inferno:4

I didn’t even make it 30 seconds into this one.  This is more degenerate shit.  Jimmy shows every gory scene he can find.  

Bad Taste –

So the grand finale.  Let’s see what this piece of shit is.

1:00 – Jimmy shares his ignorance of not knowing what showing somebody two fingers mean.  It’s the British equivalent of showing the middle finger.  

No.  I’m done.  2:30.  Suck a dick, you faggot.  This lowbrow shit doesn’t work for me.

So that’s Monster Madness 2021.  It was just Newt cataloguing the goriest scenes of random movies.  

And a lot of these would start with, “Today we’re in (whatever country)”.  And then Jimmy would make some ignorant comments about the country in question.  The comments would be really superficial, insulting, and/or factually incorrect.

I don’t think that he did this for any of the Asian countries, though.  That might not have gone down so well.  But Jimmy thinks that it’s fair game to make derogatory comments about European countries.

And as I said before, nobody would even be offended by these comments.  But Jimmy is just exposing his gross ignorance about the rest of the world.  And fucking “ka-zar”.  Come on.  How did anyone let that get uploaded?  

This was total trash.  All 31 episodes.  Newt should be thankful that he got no credit for any of these, as is typical with Jimmy Rolfe.  But Newt did get 100% of the blame.  Jimmy loves putting the blame on other people but he’s remarkably stingy when it comes to giving credit to other people.

Newt took his Twitter down.  You can still jerk off to his Instagram, though.  If Newt doesn’t toss your salad, there are also a lot of pictures of Crystal Quin.  Everybody likes Crystal Quin.  She’s a professional model.

He actually got fired over this.  Over these shitty videos that I don’t think anybody even watched.

It’s a blessing, really.  Now he can do something better with his life.  Fucking Screenwave Media.  Writing scripts for a retarded man.  Rural Pennsylvania.  The only direction from here is up.

You can go wherever you want.  I understand that there’s a big hiring boom in the US.  Companies are desperate for workers but people don’t want to work because they’re petrified of coronavirus.  Surely, you can get a job wherever you go.  

I don’t mean some “creative” bullshit.  I mean a regular job.  Grocery store.  Retail.  Office.  Just something to pay the bills until you find a more suitable job.  

I’ve done it like five times.  Just got up and moved across the country or across the world.  Usually on something of a whim.  It’s not a problem.  Pick a place where you want to go, and go.  

New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, whatever you want.  What’s holding you back?  You’ve got no job, no family.  Is it fucking Horseface McGee?  Tony from Hack the Movies?  There’s a Horseface McGee and a Tony from Hack the Movies in every city.  Hundreds of them.  Thousands of them.  Maybe even better versions of them.  

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