Chill 'n Chatty TurboGrafx-16 Variety Stream! – Erin Plays (part 3 of 3)

Parts 1 and 2:

24:30 – Shout out to her imaginary asthma.

26:00 – Somebody asks her if she played Trouble Shooter.  She says that she has.  Presumably, on stream, for money.  Let me look this up.  Oh yeah.  I remember this.  It was either for a Youtube video or she played it on stream.

“I think that I uploaded the stream of that on Erin Plays Extras”.  

Yeah, I was right.  I mean…when else would she play a game?  In her spare time like a normal person?  Don’t be ridiculous.

She’s playing Gunboat.  Or “Gunboats” as Erin likes to call it.  She can’t figure out how to get the game to run and edited out A LOT of stuff but I don’t want to bother checking what she edited out.  Presumably, it was her doing and saying stupid things.

28:00 – “How are my fingers doing?  They’re still not great but the carpal tunnel is a lot better.”  Then she just smiles broadly.  Like she’s nervous.  

So…the carpal tunnel is in her fingers now?  Is that how carpal tunnel works?  I guess that Erin “forgot” that carpal tunnel affects the wrists.  Erin “always” “forgets” that carpal tunnel affects the wrists.

Then there are loads more edits.  Then she decides to play Truxton.  But the Japanese version.  So this is for the PC Engine.  And Erin “really likes” the PC Engine.

28:30 – “I didn’t see any difficulty settings so we’ll see.”

She’s disappointed that she can’t put it on easy mode.

The game immediately starts and she says, “Look how…great this is.”

She was going to say “cute” but caught herself.  And I don’t even know what’s cute about this.  Or great.  The game just fucking started.

28:45 – She dies to maybe the third enemy.

Then more shit is edited out.  She puts a hilarious “One Eternity Later” graphic up.  

Why did she even release this?  This is a mess?  Why is edited to shit?

29:00 – Some horntard is talking about Erin’s carpal tunnel gloves and how she should sell them and market them as “Erin’s Badass Gaming Gloves”.  Or something.  Yeah.  That’s a good idea.

These fucking retards just encouraging Erin’s lies.

29:45 – “I should be sponsored by like carpal tunnel wrist braces and like Benedryl.”

Maybe Seroquel would be more suitable.

She’s really bad at this game, by the way.  Even though I think that she’s played it about five times at this point and just edited the other playthroughs out.  She dies to the early enemies.  Repeatedly.

Then she’s unable to get though the first level.  She didn’t even get to the boss.

31:30 – “Somebody asked if I played any of the PS2 Castlevania games.  I’ve played them briefly.  I think on stream also.”

Where else?  Why is she suggesting that she plays games not on stream, for money?

32:15 – She gets a power up and says, “Oh shit.  It locks on?  I didn’t know that.”

How could she not know this?  Didn’t she say that she played this game before?  I didn’t write it down, I don’t think, but she said that she played Truxton on the Genesis.  It’s the same game.  So why doesn’t she know how the weapons operate?  The weapons that are in the first fucking level?  She just “forgot” about the weapons, I guess.

34:00 – “Okay, we’ll move on.  Final Soldier.  I do like Truxton, though.”

Well, obviously.  She demonstrated such a deep understanding and mastery of the game.  

“It takes me a really long time to like…get into the groove of it.”

Oh.  So that’s why her gameplay was atrocious.  She “forgot” how to play.  

What about a full Truxton stream then?  Actually, warm up off-stream.  Then when you’re ready to show your mad skillz, start streaming.  Let’s see a deathless run.  I mean, all she needs is to warm up, right?  So let’s see it.

34:30 – Then she plays Final Soldier.  This is another shooting game.  Well, she got warmed up on Truxton so she should do great here, right?

34:45 – She cycles through the options, looking for an easy mode, there isn’t one, but she’s surprised to see that there are timed mode options.  I’m surprised that she didn’t know this.  Final Soldier was one of the more well known “PC Engine” games, wasn’t it?  I never really liked these shooter games so I didn’t play many but Erin “really likes” the PC Engine.

36:00 – “It’s been a very long time since I’ve played this.”

I assumed that she hadn’t played it at all.  Because once again, she’s surprised by every single powerup.  She played this one time, on stream, for money, briefly, and she counts that as having “played the game” before.  

You know, it has been quite a while since Erin has said, “I’ve never played this before.”  Because she’s done so many of these stupid “variety streams” that now she can technically say, “I’ve played this before.”  

But…if it’s for a matter of seconds, no normal person would count that.  It’s fucking insane.  

Oh, you know what I just noticed?  There are “Super Thanks” on Youtube now.  At least on some channels.  And Erin is trying to cash in on this.  

This seems to be a way to give money to your favourite “content creators”.  You can give £2, £5, £10, or £50.  That will come in handy.  A way for the literally mentally retarded viewers of Erin’s to completely empty their bank accounts.

“A lot of this I don’t remember.”

What an understatement.  She doesn’t remember ANYTHING about this.  Just like with every fucking game.  Whether she claims to have played it or not.

36:45 – “I feel like the guy in the umm…is it Maxwell or Memorex?  Remember he’s like in the chair and he’s being blasted back by the sick sound.”

I’m going to plead ignorance on this one.  Let’s look it up.


Oh.  This thing.  A commercial from 1983.  No, I don’t remember it.  You know…being under the age of 55 and all.  

37:15 – Erin is surprised by the bombs in this game.  

I’m fucking done.  What else does she play?  Oh.  Nothing.  She plays this for the rest of the stream.  

That’s good enough for me.  If you want to want to watch the last 20 minutes, enjoy yourself.  But I’ve reached my limit.

3 thoughts on “Chill 'n Chatty TurboGrafx-16 Variety Stream! – Erin Plays (part 3 of 3)

  1. I recently found out she blocked me on Twitter. I’m so sad now I can’t see her tweets kissing Tony’s hack the movies bullshit. What or why she did this , whatever bitch.

  2. again, it happens exactly as predicted in this video. you're allowed in as long as you keep bestowing endless praise on them and dispensing cash on the strength of their existence alone. no other criteria needed. as soon as you step out of line, it's an instant permaban

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