Playing Castlevania: Rondo of Blood Again! (PC Engine) Part 1 – Erin Plays 

0:00 – “I really like this game.  It’s been over two years since I’ve played it.”

0:15 – “My name is Erin.  Nothing funny or interesting.”

2:15 – “So this is the part, if I remember correctly, you kind of play but then you die but we just got to let it happen.  It’s all part of the plan.  I think.”

3:00 – “Oh.  I was thinking of something else.  I don’t know.”

3:15 – “I forget.  Can you jump on these stairs?  Oh, this is the one where you can do the backwards thing.  I got to try to remember that.  Where you can do the backflip.  Remember that?”

3:45 – “Oh, yeah.  And the moonwalk.  See, I don’t remember how to do any of that.  So if somebody remember the controls for that, I’d be glad to try it.”

4:00 – “I feel like it took me a while to get a hang of the backflip.”

4:30 – “He screams.  I don’t remember that.”

4:45 – “So I guess we’re going down.”

5:00 – “Everything is on fire!”

“Jump twice for backflip?  Ah!  Cool.”

5:30 – “Oh, does that not do anything?  No, it does.”

5:45 – “What’s that?  I don’t remember that.  Is that like a flag pole?”

6:15 – “I always worry that I stream too much Castlevania but I’m like ‘fuck it.  I like it.  It’s fun.'”

6:30 – “I haven’t played any of the Game Boy Advance Castlevanias or DS ones but those are going to happen eventually.”

“Oh yeah, the ultimate subweapon.  That’s like the item crash, right?  When you press like run and select at the same time.  I think.”

6:45 – “Does Dracula summon rock monsters?  I don’t know.”

8:45 – “I have not played Jump King.  I don’t think that I’ve played it.  I know of it, though.  I don’t think that I’ve played it.”

9:00 – “Oh my god.  Castlevania…uhhh…Adventure Rebirth.  That’s the other one I need to play.  I keep forgetting about that.”

9:15 – “I forget why I didn’t.”

10:00 – It took her three attempts to beat the easy level 1 boss.

“Keep reminding me about…uhhh…Adventure Rebirth.”

10:15 – “Did I get the Castlevania Collection thing yet?  Oh, you mean the one from Limited Run?  I pre-ordered it but it’s not out yet.  I forget when it comes out.”

10:45 – “I forgot about these birds.”

11:00 – “Oh wait.  I think that I remember how to handle them.”

“Like you can hit them up here?  Oh, I was supposed to get the dagger.  Or I guess that works too.”

12:00 – “I know that I’m going to sound like a broken record but the music is fucking good.”

(Falls off stairs).  “No.  That was a rookie mistake.”

13:00 – “I don’t think that I have the soundtrack to this.”

14:15 – “What other PC Engine games are out there that are good?  (Rolls eyes, exhales audibly) There’s a lot.  Every time I do a variety stream, I have like a list of ones I want to play all the way through.”


I’ve been trying to do something different for this “article”.  I’ve been trying to just catalogue every time Erin says that she “forgets” something.  She can barely go one fucking minute without mentioning something that she’s “forgotten”.  

She’s on the first fucking level of the game and everything is new to her.  She’s “forgotten” about EVERYTHING.  On the first fucking level.  

Erin has said that she “really likes the PC Engine”.  It’s right here:

Mike then asked her to name some PC Engine games that she likes.  The only games that she was able to list were “Rondo” and Sexy Parodius, which wasn’t even a PC Engine game.  This was a couple of months ago.

Now this fucking horntard is asking her the same exact question that Mike asked her two months previously and she STILL can’t come up with any games other than “Rondo”.  

Then she just drops the subject.  She was unable to name a single fucking game on the PC Engine that she likes.  And why does she even call it the PC Engine?  Why does she use the Japanese name?  Yes, “Rondo” was only released in Japan so it’s a PC Engine game but she doesn’t know any of the fucking games.  So why does she specify that she’s a fan of the PC Engine as opposed to the Turbo Grafx?  

Here’s the very next thing that she says, after being unable to name a SINGLE game on the system.  It’s in reference to the level 2 boss that she’s fighting and clearly knows nothing about:

14:30 – “I think on this one, I just run.”

Five seconds later, she’s dead.

14:45 – “See, I’m rusty.  That’s okay.”

(Reading from the chat who are “reminding” Erin of games that SHE likes) Yeah, there’s Splatterhouse.  I mean, if you include Turbo-Grafx, there’s just so much.  Like (long pause) I like the Star Soldier game.”

It’s called Super Star Soldier.  She must have “forgotten” the extra adjective.

“Is it called Star Parodier?”

It is.  Why aren’t you certain?  And that’s a PC Engine game.  You played it recently, on stream, for money.  That’s why you know about it.  But we’re talking about Turbo Grafx games now.  Name some Turbo Grafx games that you like.  There are “so many”.  Name some.

What about Bonk’s Adventure?  She couldn’t even come up with fucking Bonk’s Adventure.  She never played it before.  Show me the video.  She’s never done a video on Bonk’s Adventure so she never played the game before.

Then she gives up.  She couldn’t name ONE game in the appropriate section.  And she’s not even sure if Star Parodier is the right name.  And, again, it’s not a Turbo Grafx game.  If she’s going to make the distinction between Turbo Grafx and PC Engine, she has know which games were only released in Japan.  And she doesn’t.  She doesn’t know anything about “either” system.  She doesn’t know anything about ANY video game system.  She’s a complete fucking fraud and she’s just straight up stupid.  It’s not mere ignorance.  She’s really fucking unintelligent.

15:15 – “See, I’m forgetting about keys and everything.”

“That’s true.  The Turbo Grafx Mini has a lot of good stuff on it.”


“There’s a lot of good PC Engine games on there too that you can also access.”


She can’t name one motherfucking game.  Why doesn’t she just admit it?  “I don’t know anything about video games and I don’t give the slightest of fucks about this nerd bullshit.  I just don’t like working for a living so I’m getting fucked in the ass every night by Mike Matei.  Give me a fucking break.”

I could respect that.  If she said that, I’d shut the fucking blog down.  Finally, Erin admits the truth.  But it’s the constant lies.  And BAD lies.  HORRENDOUS lies.  This is why it’s literal retards who comprise the vast majority of her viewership.  Anyone with half a brain is seeing right through this bullshit.

15:30 – “I don’t know.  That’s probably a good way to get into it.”

19:15 – “Now I have to start whipping candles because I don’t remember which one has the thing.”

19:30 – “Now let’s see if I remember what to do with it.”

19:45 – “I forget what you do with the keys.”

“I don’t remember.  I don’t remember.  I don’t remember.”

20:30 – “(Reading) Oh, if you don’t whip the cage, the eyeball stays asleep?  Oh!  Did not know that.”

20:45 – “Oh, look at that!”

21:00 – “Oh, I go in here.  How do I –?  Can I not go in there? (reads chat)

“Up and attack?  Oh, that’s how you use it?”

She “forgot” how to use items.  

“See, I got to remember the controls.”

You know how Erin could “remember” the controls of these games?  And just basic stuff like how to defeat the level 1 boss?  By playing the game.  Just play the game.  That’s all you have to do.  Play it in your spare time.  Everything doesn’t have to be on stream, for money.  

21:30 – “Cut scene!  I think…”

21:45 – “I remember I liked her.  I forget.  She makes things a lot easier.  And I think she attacks with a bird?  Or something.”

She’s talking about one of the playable characters in the only game on the PC Engine that she can sort of name: “Rondo”.  It’s a “cute” girl character.  And she doesn’t “remember” anything about her.  Because she doesn’t play the fucking game.  Why not just admit it?  Why the constant lies?  

22:45 – “I feel like I had trouble using her the last time.”

She “forgot” this too.  She played the game one fucking time in her life.  TWO YEARS AGO.  On stream, for money.  Why pretend that it’s anything more than that?  Why try to portray yourself as some kind of Castlevania expert?  She has zero fucking interest in this shit.  She only does this on stream, for money.

I think that we get the idea.  Let’s skip to the end.  

1:35:00 – “I don’t know.  Maybe I should go down.  Or should I go straight?  I don’t know.”

“Chocolate waffles sound good?  I’ve never had chocolate waffles.”

1:35:15 – “Baby Jo is a super bad platformer where you play as a baby that got ported to the PC Engine?  I have never heard of that one.”

1:35:45 – “I don’t know.  I don’t know.  Should I go down?”

Oh.  It’s this for one hour and forty-one minutes.  She doesn’t know anything about the game.  Everything is new to her.  She claims to “forget” everything.  It’s not that she “forgets”.  She doesn’t play these fucking games.  That’s why doesn’t know anything about them.  

It’s this for every fucking video.  Every game is the same.  Every stream is the same.  And any time one of the horntards asks her something about video games or popular culture, she’ll say, “I don’t know/I’ve never had one/I’ve never heard of that/I’ve never seen that/I’ve never played that before.”

Why is anyone watching this?  

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