Decoding Screenwave's Job Advertisement

 Here it is:

Or in text form:

We are looking for partner managers with demonstrated experience in talent/influencer management with a strong track record. This position requires building and maintaining close relationships with creators. Screenwave Media channel managers are experts in talent management, brand strategy, and client acquisition.

Our approach to management is to assess the needs of the individual creator and to pair them with our wide range of services. We primarily work with midsize to large personality driven creators with a heavy YouTube presence in gaming, anime, music, and pop culture and a predominant US audience. Our channel managers are experts in YouTube trends, features, and practices through internal training, YouTube certification programs, and continual analysis of our existing brands. Most communication with channels is online, but there are generally domestic travel opportunities to industry events to provide service to clients.

The ideal candidate has more than 3 years of experience in talent management in the gaming industry and a deep understanding of YouTube. This position requires a person who is equally sales oriented and customer service driven. We are open to remote work for this position, determined by the level of experience of the candidate.

Please include a cover letter and resume in your application that incorporates examples of how you’ve helped content creators build a successful brand. We want to hear about your successes and how they will translate to the position. Please also include salary requirements.

It’s ridiculous.  What the fuck is the job?  Tell me what the job is.  What are we expected to actually do on the job?  

Fortunately, we have an inside woman in Super Awkward Gal.  I’m pretty sure that this is the job that she did.  For four days.  I talk about it here:

The second link is the more relevant one.  Yeah, she worked as a “community manager”.  That’s what this is.  They’re just calling it “partner manager” now.  Is there a pay rise associated with that or just a title change?  

From what Super Awkward Gal had to say, in this now deleted video, she would call “Youtubers” up and say, “Hey, can I interest you in joining the Screenwave family?”  

That reminds me.  I worked for a guy who described his business as “like a family”.  Then he tried to lowball me on a job because he thought that I didn’t know any better.  REALLY lowball me.  You know…like families do.  So I refused to work for him ever again.  This was years ago but he still calls me occasionally.  Hoping to reconcile, I guess.  Families have disputes, after all.  But no, I went no contact with that NBoss and that’s how it’s staying.

So yeah, these companies don’t give a fuck about you.  They’ll fire you as soon as you’re no longer needed.  And didn’t Screenwave recently get rid of a bunch of smaller channels?  Just like in a family when you get rid of your children.

Anyway, the “partner manager” job.  One of the boys on Reddit pointed out that they’re looking for skills that can only be acquired through working at Screenwave.  It’s true.  I mean, how else are you going to have experience in “talent management” for “gaming” “Youtubers”?  Are other companies doing this?  They want three years of this sort of experience.  No, more than that.  They want “more than 3 years”.  What a weird way to phrase that.  So…three years and one day is what they want?  Most job ads would put “minimum of three years.”

But yeah, how are you going to get this experience?  Here’s a list of Multi-Channel Networks, which I think is what Screenwave is:

Screenwave isn’t even on the list.  But let’s see…it has to be a “gaming” MCN.  

RoosterTeeth used to have something like this?  I guess?  Same with Yogscast.  I thought that these were just “Youtubers” who formed like a collective, as opposed to there being some corporate overlord.

That’s it.  So I guess that Screenwave is looking for somebody who worked at the now defunct MCN that RoosterTeeth MIGHT have had at some point OR anyone who worked at Yogscast, assuming that there even was such a company.  But only if you’ve worked there for over three years.  And specifically in the role of a client manager.

Screenwave might want to broaden the net just slightly.

And let’s look at how people ACTUALLY get hired at Screenwave.  You have to know somebody who works at Screenwave.  That’s how absolutely everybody got their job there.  Justin was hired because he knew Ryan.  Tony was hired because he knew Justin.  Kieran was hired because he knew Justin.  Johanna was hired because she knew Tony.  Newt was hired because he knew Tony.  Crystal was hired because she knew Newt.  Super Awkward Gal was hired because she knew Justin.

I’m not making this up.  This is what actually happened.  If you ask them, they’ll tell you.  It’s not a secret.  It’s a cabal of nerds from rural Pennsylvania.  

Super Awkward Gal mostly knows them through the internet but she also apparently dealt with Justin at nerd conventions and whatever.  But everyone else, they all knew each other, they were all hanging out, they were doing shit projects together, and then Ryan got the bright idea to start a company, with his father’s fortune, and sign up his close personal friend: the autist and easily manipulated James Rolfe.  

That’s the company.  These are the hiring requirements. Just know somebody who works there.

Well, I happen to be close personal friends with Tony from Hack the Movies.  He’s a regular at Gamer Grrls.  So I’ll apply for the job.  Let’s try to work out exactly what I’ll be doing, though…

Calling “Youtubers” to get them to sign up with Screenwave?  That’s out.  I’m not doing that.  No fucking way.

“Youtube certification programs”?  No.  I’m not doing any of that made up bullshit either.  Who’s going to be impressed with a “Youtube certificate”?  That’s just a waste of everyone’s time.

They mention, “continual analysis of our existing brands.”  So…like making spreadsheets and whatnot?  I can do that.  I mean, I know how Excel works.  But I’m not a data manager or whatever the job is called.  So I’d rather not.  

“Domestic travel to industry events to provide service to clients”.  Well, if you want to pay for my flights from the UK, that would be fine.  I don’t mind going to nerd conventions, as long as I’m getting paid, and helping the client with making sure that his shitty panel goes smoothly or whatever.  It’s fine.

But any kind of sales?  Trying to get new business?  Selling people on how great Screenwave is?  No.  I won’t be doing any kind of sales at all.

Writing scripts for “Youtubers”, I can do that.  It would have to be worth my time and creative juices but we can get to salary requirements later.

But editing or filming or anything like this, no.  I don’t know anything about it and I’m not going to learn.

So what’s left…data entry.  I can do that.  I can take minutes of meetings.  Shit like this.  Any kind of typing.  I don’t mind.  

No answering phones.  No reception work.  No packing.  Like I saw in one of the videos, some woman was packing t-shirts that were sold.  I’m not doing that.  

Oh, and I’m not going to relocate.

So we’re talking remuneration…for somebody with my skills, my experience, my creative tools….I’m thinking $90,000/year.  I think that that’s a reasonable figure.  Also looking at the amount of work, I think that Kieran is writing one AVGN a month.  Something like that.  If I had a similar workload, minus the editing and whatever other shit that Kieran does but I won’t do, I think that $90,000 is fair.  

I mean, the average Hollywood screenwriter makes about $110,000/year.  I don’t really have script writing experience so I think that a reduction by $20,000 is reasonable.

I’m not going to give any references either.  Or send my resume.  Or fill out any application.  But that’s all par the course for Screenwave anyway.  It’s just knowing somebody who works there.

1 thought on “Decoding Screenwave's Job Advertisement

  1. You do realize almost every single job description out there is written like this right?They're all about as pretentious and overly wordy as this blog, so I find this pretty ironic.You've obviously never tried to find a job after being at a university and being met with hundreds of job listings worded like this lol. It's very commonplace.

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