Erin Plays Mega Fan #4 – Super Geoff

This guy is regularly in Erin’s streams and Mike’s streams.  That seems to be pretty common.  Like I know that Shishi also goes to Mike’s streams on a regular basis.  

By the way, I’ve discussed other Erin Plays super fans here:

Shishi –

NewWaveJunkie –

Marcus –

SuperGeoff seems to be a bit…off.  

Here’s a video of him playing Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends:

At 22:30, he tells a story about how he called Gamestop and asked if they had The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends in stock.  The year that this took place isn’t revealed but this is an SNES game and Gamestop wasn’t around back then, were they?  

Anyway, the Gamestop personnel told SuperGeoff that they have the game.  So SuperGeoff went over and said, “I called earlier.  I’d like a copy of The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, please.”

At this point, the staff started laughing and confessed that they thought that it was a prank.  SuperGeoff had to inform them that it wasn’t a prank, he was dead serious, and he wants his copy of The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends.  And if he doesn’t get it, people are going to get fired.

Oh, he suggests later in the story that this was years after the game was out of print.

It’s an amusing story and Super Geoff seems like a nice guy but there’s clearly something…different about him.  Just watch the videos and you’ll see what I mean.  These are Twitch streams that he uploads to his channel.

He plays a lot of games based off of cartoons.  

Here’s his Twitter:

He works in a grocery store and lives in Ohio.  He posts a lot of pictures of cartoons.

He also re-tweets a lot of shit from gamer grrls like Erin, Destiny Fomo, Sunpi, somebody called AshSaidHi, CannotBeTamed, oh here’s one from Tony from Hack the Movies too.  SmashJT.  Dinosaur Dracula.  So some guys but it clearly skews gamer grrl.  It’s a lot of general *nostalgia* shit.  And cartoons.  Lots of cartoons.

Erin is taking money from this guy.  How can anybody not feel bad about that?  This is clearly a disadvantaged person.  

This is what she does.  These are the people watching the videos, these are the people giving money.  The mentally retarded.  

Who else would give money?  You see these people on Patreon or whatever.  Give me money and I’ll pretend to be your friend.  That shit never tempted me in the slightest.  There is nothing that anyone on Patreon can possibly offer that would cause me to give them money.

And you look at stuff like MyFreeCams.  Twitch stole their entire business model from MyFreeCams.  But with MyFreeCams, you give the woman money and she takes her fucking clothes off.  With Twitch, you give the person money and…nothing.  You might get a “thank you”.  

Anybody with any sense whatsoever would spend that money on MyFreeCams.  It’s not a hard mental exercise to carry out.  You can take that ten bucks and give it somebody who will show you their tits or you can take that same ten bucks and give it somebody who will say “thank you”.  Which is the better value for money?

But these people are retarded.  They don’t think these things through.  That’s why everybody who goes to these streams and everybody who gives these people money is mentally challenged.  

It’s like these charity people out in the street holding clipboards.  I haven’t seen them since this whole coronavirus thing.  That’s one good thing that came from this.  But they used to be out there stopping people and trying to guilt them into giving their bank account details.  “Do you care about kids with cancer?  Then give us £20/month.”

These scumbags would specifically target the elderly.  Because who else would give these morons their bank account details?  If you target the elderly, some of them are bound to be less sharp than in their prime.  Maybe they have dementia.  Whatever.  These are the people giving these charity workers on the street their money.  Nobody else.  There has to be something seriously wrong with you to give a stranger your bank details so agree to have money deducted from your account every month to be sent to some charity for some nebulous reason.

Twitch, Patreon, OnlyFans, MyFreeCams, street charity workers: they’re all business models that are preying on the mentally challenged.  

2 thoughts on “Erin Plays Mega Fan #4 – Super Geoff

  1. The fact you stalk out and find “intel” on various fans of Youtubers you also hate is….pretty creepy.Lol you actually think people will click on links to their channels or Twitters and care as much as you, an insane person, too.

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