Godzilla Singular Point Episode 5 Review – Castzilla VS The Pod Monster


I listened to a few minutes of this before I figured out what they were even talking about.  It’s an anime.  

3:45 – The first mention of the word “anime”.  And it’s an indirect reference.  Why didn’t they just start the podcast by saying, “We’re reviewing the new Godzilla anime on Netflix: Singular Point”?

Are we just supposed to know this?  Everyone listening to this follows anime?  Well…they probably do.  

So they talk about this anime and Bill Cosby and Britney Spears for ten minutes and I don’t even know what’s going on.  

11:30 – Shout out to the new podcast studio at Screenwave.

12:15 – Shout out to the young, probably unpaid intern.  I think that this woman edits Talking About Tapes too.  Fucking ridiculous.  

What the fuck does Screenwave need with an intern?  And what valuable job experience is anyone going to get from Screenwave?  

12:45 – Shout out to the horntards sending stuff to Johanna.  This is shameful.

14:15 – Shout out to pre-paid Nokia phones.

I’ve always used pre-paid phones.  Whatever they’re called.  Where you have to top up whenever you run out of credit.  I never had like a year contract or whatever.  I don’t even know what the options are.

So I’ll put £10 on the phone and that will last…fuck…two or three months.  Maybe longer.  Especially now that free wifi is all over the place.  You can make free Skype calls and there’s free internet, of course.

Maybe things are different in the US.  Maybe you have to get a contract.  Maybe free wifi coverage is less than total.

These are the things that make me not want to go back to the US.  I wouldn’t know what the fuck to do.  I wouldn’t know how anything operates.  

And there would be no sympathy because I sound American.  People wouldn’t understand why I don’t know what’s going on.  

I left when George W Bush was in office.  And things were getting weird.  Jingoism was on the rise.  All of those crazy laws were passed.  There were fucking terrorist drills.  Like a tornado drill back in school but for terrorists.  I had to fucking do this at my job.  I had to sweep the building looking for pretend bombs.  Are you fucking kidding?  I’d be first one out the door if I was told there was a potential bomb in the building.  I’m not going to risk my life for eight bucks an hour.

And it seems like things have gone downhill since.  More jingoism.  More crazy laws passed.  

Everything has become politicised.  Even fucking vaccines.  If you want to get the vaccine, you’re a “liberal” and if you don’t, you’re a “conservative”.  How does that work?  What about this is political? 

I was reading about Trump suing Facebook and whatnot for banning him.  Good for him.  How insane is it that they ban the fucking president?  And for what?  Having a contrary political view than somebody else has.

I wouldn’t vote for Trump, I wouldn’t vote for any of these clowns, these people don’t represent me, but how is it possible that we’ve reached the point where the president can get banned from social media?  These companies should be held accountable.  This is a common problem.  People get banned all the time from various websites and whatnot, for no good reason, and there’s no appeal, no explanation, you’re just fucked.  That can’t be right.

But people support it.  It’s insane.  Who are these people?  How is it possible that large swathes of the population have become so misguided?  They’re not teaching Voltaire in the schools any more?

I get some wacky people who come to the blog.  Somebody promoted my blog on some weird, right wing blog.  It’s the usual shit about white folk and Christianity and the problems with Western women.  And somebody posted an article that I wrote and said something like, “Oh, we need to see more of this stuff” and people agreed.

I don’t support any of that shit.  But because of the way the political discourse has been framed in the US for the past 20 years, these are your options.  You’re either a “progressive” who thinks it’s cool for men to wear dresses, everybody should get vaccinated, and anything that a woman does is beyond reproach; or you’re a Nazi.

I’m not happy with either of those options.  It’s barely even a choice.  Those are both regressive options.  Do you want to be one kind of reprobate or the other?

You see this a lot with Tony from Hack the Movies.  He always hits the American “right wing” talking points: how awesome Trump is, building walls, transgender shit, casual sexism.  It’s just a script.  These are the things you have to talk about if you don’t want to be “progressive”.  And how many people would want to be “progressive” when it involves all of the wacky shit that I’ve described above?

So it’s this duopoly.  You’re either some weirdo who wants men dressed as women to be taking dumps in the ladies room or you’re a hardcore Nazi.  This is the only political discourse that Tony from Hack the Movies knows.  This has been how the discussion has been framed since he was a child.

What happened to sensible discussion and debate?  What about building a society free of hatred and bigotry?  It’s okay to think that debasing men isn’t what “feminism” should be about.  But you don’t have to be a woman-hating “incel” to think that.  Maybe you just want to build an equitable society.  

Maybe you think that coronavirus is a little overblown.  But that doesn’t mean that you necessarily think that vaccinations are a sign of the end times, as prophesied in Revelation 13:16-17.   Maybe you’re just not worried about a flu-like illness with flu-like death rates.  Maybe you’re concerned about the increase in poverty and depression that comes from shutting the world economy down.  

So in conclusion, Tony from Hack the Movies really needs to up his game.  The last 15 minutes of his video is blank.  Didn’t he watch this before uploading?  It wasn’t even worth reviewing, hence the extended filibustering.

6 thoughts on “Godzilla Singular Point Episode 5 Review – Castzilla VS The Pod Monster

  1. I mention that podcast here:https://gamergrrlsofficial.blogspot.com/2021/06/super-silly-n64-stream-with-erin-plays.htmlIt wasn't worth reviewing. Nor was this one, frankly. That's why I just talked about off-topic shit. And to clue you in, not everybody in the UK is British. Even in this fucking post, I talk about going to school and working in the US. And I was clearly an adult when I moved to the UK. But yes. I am British. I took a test and everything. Thanks for appreciating my effort. So I'll overlook that “fucktard” and suicide comment.

  2. Wait wtf? You literally said you weren't going to review castzilla or talking about tapes anymore.How full of shit are you? Lol

  3. Actually you're nothing but a redcoat, and that's all you ever will be to history. Your failed empire is hilarious to make fun of and will continue to be. You guys have a worse mess of a government than the U.S. by leagues.

  4. Are you fucking retarded? I'm an American and I moved to the UK as an adult. What aren't you getting?And I said that I was done reviewing anything involving Crystal Quinn or Newt. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Godzilla podcast has neither of these people in it.And anyway I'll probably go back to reviewing some shit involving Crystal Quinn and/or Newt. This is a light-hearted blog about little-known Youtubers, you fucking cretin. I'm not sworn to uphold every throw away joke comment that I make here.

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