Pick-ups! Valheim, Neofeud, AI: The Somnium Files and other March updates – Cannot be Tamed


0:00 – Pam is sitting on the couch with her new life partner: her dog.

There’s a lesson somewhere in this.  You know how people talk about how hot Pam is?  She isn’t but let’s go with it.  She’s a horrible, horrible person.  So it doesn’t matter how attractive you are.  People don’t want to be around horrible people.  Looks fade, being a bitch is forever.

Back to the video.  She talks about Bobdunga’s “documentary”.  She had a role as an “automated robot voice”.  She describes this as, “The role I was born to play.”  A little humour from Pam, acknowledging her boring as fuck nature.

Then she starts showing the shit that she bought last month.  And some horndog gave her a game.  I’m not watching this.

4:30 – Wait.  She bought some Leisure Suit Larry book?  How odd.  She says that she played the game as a kid.  Her aunt gave it to her.  And she eventually got all of the games.  She doesn’t mention the obvious sexism in these games at all.  How peculiar.

19:15 – Let’s skip to what she’s been playing this month.  Not that I give a fuck.  Why would anyone?

22:00 – Valheim.  She doesn’t like it.  She says that she doesn’t like any popular new games.  That’s because you’re so much better than everyone else, Pam.

Then she talks about some other games and that’s the video.  I didn’t really watch.  She’s unwatchable.

God, this is too short.  I can’t publish this.  I’m going to have to pad this out with totally off-topic shit.

Tony from Hack the Movies released another video.  He’s reviewing Darkman with Justin Silverman.  I haven’t watched it yet.  I don’t think I’ll do a review on it.  I’m not even sure if I’ll watch it.  Without Mint, what’s the point?  

And fucking Darkman.  I don’t give a fuck about this.  All Tony does is review films from “the 90s” or 2000s that are geared to an audience no older than 15.  What the fuck is wrong with him?  Stuck in perpetual adolescence.  It’s a psychological problem.  He should talk to SupaPixelGirl about it.  Get the help that he needs.

He’s doing like three videos a week.  Three one hour videos a week.  It’s too much.  Way too much.  Who is that interested in Tony from Hack the Movies, with his boring fucking teenage movies, and his awful guest hosts to watch 3+ hours of this shit per week?  

But yeah, I did end up finishing that one with Mint.  Oh god, it was terrible.  They made out like this was a joke but it wasn’t a joke.  She’s just incapable of having a conversation.

I’ve had many similar situations.  You’re in school or something and have to do group work.  Fucking awful.  You just wish that you were anywhere else.  You don’t want to talk to anyone, you don’t want anyone to talk to you.  You just want to be left alone.  But you have to fucking get through this shit.  

Everyone is uncomfortable as fuck.  Why isn’t this guy talking?  They start thinking that there’s something wrong with them or that I don’t like them or whatever.  Then they start making fun of me to other people in the group, to try to ease the situation.  And then I start laughing about it to show that I’m in on the “joke”.  But everybody fucking hates having me in the group because I don’t fucking contribute at all.

That’s what we were witnessing with Mint here.  Somebody who doesn’t want to talk to anyone and doesn’t know how.  I assume that she’s been like this her entire life.  It’s extremely difficult.  Probably less difficult as a woman because being “shy” can be “cute” as a woman, as some of the Youtube comments confirmed, and she obviously found a boyfriend, but it’s still difficult.  

It doesn’t end at school, unfortunately.  Any social situation.  Work, roommates, dates, neighbours, taxi drivers, grocery store checkout workers, whatever.  You can’t avoid it.  

She just has to start making an effort or it’s going to be this same painful bullshit that we saw on the podcast for the rest of her life, in every social situation.  It’s fake and it’s forced but you just have to put on a fake persona in social situations for this to improve.  Otherwise, people are constantly going to think that you’re a lunatic or simple-minded or just don’t like them.  Also, you probably want to avoid podcasts.

So that’s my advice.  Maybe it doesn’t even apply to Mint.  I only know her from that one podcast appearance.  But I identified.  When I was her age, I would have been at least as bad as her.  Even now, it would be fucking brutal.  Not that I have any immediate plans to appear on Talking About Tapes.

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