REVIEW | Grandia (Nintendo Switch) – Pelvic Gaming

0:00 – “I know I’m late but Happy New Year.  Happy 2021.”

No.  I can’t accept this.  It’s March.  This is ridiculous.

Speaking of ridiculous, she’s wearing her blue lipstick.  

0:15 – “Thank you so much (some horndog) for gifting me this game.”

It’s just disgusting.  Why do these women keep accepting gifts?  These guys are clearly mentally challenged.  But even if they weren’t, why accept gifts from strange men?  What does that make you if you accept them?  Don’t you feel bad about yourself?  

These gamer grrls have absolutely no shame, no compassion, and no empathy.  

She can’t even be bothered to pronounce his name in an intelligible fashion.  It’s (something) Soda, I think.  Somebody in the comments suggests that it might be HerbSoda.  That commentator doesn’t know who it is either.

Indeed, I’ll wager that Pelvic Gamer doesn’t know who it is either.  She just accepts games from strange men because why not?  She loves taking advantage of people.

I’m two minutes in and I’m bored out of my fucking mind.  She’s just describing the characters.  I think that I’ve hit my limit.  

Let me skip around.  Maybe just by sheer luck, I’ll stumble across something halfway interesting.

9:45 – There’s a “comedy” segment here that is so drawn out, unfunny, AND FUCKING ANNOYING that I won’t even describe it.  But if you’re some kind of masochist, check it out.

15:45 – “It’s Black History Month and…”

What?  No it isn’t.  But she promotes some business that is allegedly owned by a black American.  

So for all of your Pelvic Gamer fans out there who need hair products designed for black women, check them out.  How many fucking people does this apply to?

And Black History Month was in February, right?  Yeah.

She also has her Amazon wish list, of course.  It’s some weird “art” books.  

Her PO Box is also listed if you just want to straight up send her shit.

I don’t get it.  Pelvic Gamer has always been particularly baffling for me.  She has no personality and…look at her.  Why would you give gifts to this woman?  

I suppose it’s like people who like Z-list actors.  I used to see this on IMDB back when they had forums.  You’d go to the forum of some little known actor and there would be some woman on there talking about how hot he is and whatnot.  I think that the idea is that this guy is more obtainable.  You have no chance with, whoever, Zac Efron, but maybe the guy who played Donkey Lips would go to Burger King with you.

Still.  I think that I’d rather go out with Donkey Lips than Pelvic Gamer.

– “Your final line of the review was a great overall summary for my thoughts on Grandia. And I’ll tell my wife about the products you recommended!”

That was from Bryan Truong…and his avatar is a picture of him and his wife (I assume).  His wife is indeed black.  And he’s…Truong is an Asian name, right?  Yeah.  Vietnamese.

It’s of course unusual for an Asian man to marry a black woman.  That’s probably the least common racial combination that there is.

So for the guy to be commenting on Pelvic Gamer’s videos…he must have some fetish.  Yeah.  You go to his channel and he just has two videos: they’re weird Boys II Men shit.

It’s usually some weird fetish with interracial dating.  You see it with this guy.  He’s trying to be black..

In any event, Pelvic Gamer’s mother is a white woman.  So her going all out for Black History Month (in March, no less) is a little “try hard”, as the young people say.

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