Day in the Life of a Japanese Delivery Worker

It’s some gay Japanese guy narrating a video about a young female delivery driver.  He’s fucking awful.  This is not remotely real.  It’s like watching Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, without the charm.

Somehow, this camp fellow got two million subscribers.  It’s baffling.

I worked in some delivery company once.  This was maybe two years after I moved to London.  I was desperate for work.  I’d go to employment agencies and usually nothing would come of it but once in a while, you’d get some shitty job for a short while out of it.  

So I went to some local employment agency and the guy said, “Yeah, we have a job in a delivery company.  I can drive you there right now.”  A little weird but whatever  I was desperate for work.

So he drives me there and during the drive he explains what bus to get for the way back.  Shit like this.  

This was around Christmas time.  They were looking for temporary staff to cover the busier Christmas period.    

The first manager shows me around the place.  Different sorting facilities and whatnot.  Then he shows me where I’ll be working.  It’s a conveyor belt.  I have to load boxes on to this conveyor belt.  

He also talked to me about the US and why I decided to come to England and whatever.  The usual shit.  

Then he leaves and some old guy takes over.  This old guy says that I have to move to a different part of the packing process.  Now I have to take the boxes off of the conveyor belt and hurl them like twenty feet into the air into the truck.  The packages weighed…I don’t know…up to twenty pounds?  More?  It was crazy.  You had to throw them into this cavernous truck and pile them up to the roof.

So I did that for, whatever, an hour and then I just physically couldn’t do it any more.  I struggled from the beginning.  

So I go to this manager and I say that I can’t do this, can I be moved back to the loading of the conveyor section of the job.  And he said, “How come?”  So I said, “I physically can’t do it.”  And he just said, “Oh.”  So I said, “Can I go back to the loading section then?”  He said, “What if someone else said that they want to move?  Am I just supposed to allow it?”  I said, “I physically can’t do it.  And I’m here on a temporary basis.  So what am I supposed to do?  Quit?”  He said, “I don’t know.  That’s up to you.”  So I left.

The next day, I’m talking to this employment agent and he asks how the job went.  I told him that I had to leave and I explained what happened.  He said, “Why didn’t you just ask to go back to the conveyor belt section?”  I said that I did.  He didn’t seem to believe me.  

So that was a day in the life of a British delivery worker.  

But yeah, you watch that video and it seems like way too much work.  I contacted some Australian woman about working in Hong Kong.  She was working in Hong Kong.  Years ago, I wanted to move to Hong Kong for my job.  And she said, “Yeah, you can do it but it’s a lot of work.  I work like twelve hours a day, six days a week.”  So I decided against it.

You hear that about these shitty TEFL jobs in Asia too.  They make you do loads of work.  It’s not for me.  

There’s no virtue in “working hard” while somebody else profits off of your labour.  That’s just a myth propagated by the very people who are profiting off of this system.  

You hear people like Super Retro Gal talking about what a “hard worker” she is and whatnot.  It’s nothing to boast about.  It’s like a slave boasting that he’s the hardest worker on the plantation.  Who gives a fuck?  Where is it going to get you?  

I used to go to the unemployment office (“Job Centre” it’s called).  The people working there were the most disgusting human beings I’ve ever seen.  

There was some obese fucking Indian woman in a sari and the sari didn’t cover her midriff.  So you had to fucking look at this.  And they would make you do busy work in order to get your money.  So I neglected to do one of these little tasks, I don’t remember what it was, and she said, “Why didn’t you do it?”  I said, “I don’t know how necessary it is.”  She said, “It’s necessary because I told you to do it.”

There was another guy working there, he was an immigrant from Somalia, and he was just covered in gold or “gold” jewellery.  A ring on every finger, including his thumbs, chains, maybe bracelets, gold teeth, whatever.  He looked like shit.  And THIS guy is giving people job advice.

So he starts talking to me about self-employment.  “Have you considered started your own business?”  Oh sure.  I have £60 in the bank.  Let me start my own auto manufacturing company. 

So I said, “No, I’m looking for a job.”  He said, “Okay.  Being your own boss isn’t for everyone.”

What the fuck was he doing that was so entrepreneurial?  Possibly selling khat but other than that, he’s working in the fucking Job Centre making £8/hour.  Fuck off, scumbag.  You’re only one paycheque away from being on the other side of this desk.

And as you walked into this building, you’d be greeted by a white English guy.  The only white English guy in the building.  

One day, I come in and this guy is wearing a full Muslim robe and the little hat and he’s grown a scraggly beard.  And I think it’s a fucking joke at first so I have a little chuckle when I see him.  

It wasn’t a joke.  This guy apparently converted to Islam and went all in.  I mean, even most life-long Muslims don’t dress like this.  Few people wear the robe and almost nobody wears the hat.  But he wanted to show Allah and all the people at the Job Centre what a devoted follower he is.  He’s probably in a Syrian prison camp now.

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