AnimeOtakuDrew (SupaPixelGirl fan)

I found this guy by searching for SupaPixelGirl videos.  He did a jerk off montage of her, as above.

Then in the description he says:

At the request of Queen of Rabites, I am disabling comments for this video. I also want to express my extreme disgust for everyone who previously used this birthday tribute to her as a forum to spread malicious lies and general hate for such an amazing person. 

They were probably calling her fat and whatnot.  Well…we can all see the video.

Not that it’s right to call people fat but when you’re presenting yourself as some kind of sex symbol, as SupaPixelGirl clearly does, I think that comments on your appearance are open.

But she couldn’t take it so asked this creep to disable comments.  So of course he did.

Who is this guy?  Some guy who’s WAY too old to be interested in anime.  Here’s his Twitter:

Wait…he’s only three years older than me?  I thought that he was like 70.  

What’s an “otaku” anyway?  I’ve seen this word before.  

A young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of popular culture to the detriment of their social skills.

Oh yeah.  I read an article about such people in Japan.  They don’t have jobs or girlfriends and they never leave their parents’ home.  That’s really something to boast about.

Anyway, he just did that one video on SupaPixelGirl.  Most of the rest of his videos are vintage footage from 2015 of him at some anime convention.  They were published in 2020 but the footage is from 2015.

He hasn’t uploaded in nine months.

His second channel also hasn’t been updated in nine months.

His Twitter hasn’t been updated in nine months.

Drew might no longer be with us.  

What a sad life.  Born in Tulsa, jerked off to anime and gamer grrls, died in Tulsa.  

How could you get to 45 years old and still not get it together?  It’s obviously some mental health problem, autism or something, but it’s still sad.

These are the people who are watching these gamer grrls.  Massive social rejects.  They’re being taken advantage of.  

It’s not right.  Sure, they’re giant nerds but so what?  That doesn’t make them fair game for abuse.  Nobody would say it’s okay to knock old ladies down and steal their purses because it’s their fault for being an old lady.  Nobody would say that it’s okay to make fun of the mentally retarded because it’s their fault for being mentally retarded.  But it’s okay for these sleazy gamer grrls to shake these socially inept losers down for money?  

To complicate matters, most of these gamer grrls are not lookers.  So do we give them any leeway for that?  For once in their lives, these average (at best) looking women have found a pool of men who are interested in them.  Does this mitigate anything?

Of course not.  Neither hotties nor notties should take advantage of anyone.  

These guys are leading sad, pathetic lives.  I would not be at all surprised if Drew never went on a date in his life.  

I went to school with a guy who was a giant nerd.  He seemed to revel in it.  He had strong fixations on stuff.  Looking back, it was clearly autism.  But at the time, I would see him behaving like this, the kids making fun of him, and I’d think, “Why not just be normal?  You know that making Legend of Zelda boomerangs in art class is not going to go well for you.”

He couldn’t help it.  But I looked him up on Facebook and he got married and he’s doing some nerd job related to one of his autistic obsessions.  So good for him.  He did as well as could be expected, given his limitations.

Anyway, Drew, wherever you are, may the Force be with you.

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