Hey, a semi-normal opening. Not her usual awkward as fuck one. Good job.
1:30 – She’s talking about how she found her job at Screenwave. “I reached out to Justin, a friend, a dear friend of mine from my expo world. He actually helped bring in James Rolfe, who is Angry Video Game Nerd. And just in general we’ve become friends.”
I find it odd that she explains who James Rolfe is but we’re just supposed to know who Justin is. It’s Justin Silverman of Screenwave fame.
1:45 – “I really appreciate him. I just want to first say that. He is super kind, super caring, and super just like, one of the nicest dudes you’ll ever meet.”
This is her boss. I mean…it’s a job. He’s not doing you a favour. You’re exchanging your labour for money. He’s profiting off of your labour. You don’t have to doff your cap to him.
I never understood these bootlickers. I’ve had jobs in the US, shitty jobs, but whatever. I’d go in, do the job, and leave.
Not once did I think to say, “Wow. Thank you so much for letting me work here. You’re a super boss.” Who the fuck does that? It’s not a charity. These people are making money off of your work. They need you working there at least as much as you need the job.
I had a job where you got fucking demerits for wearing the wrong colour socks. Believe me when I say that this does not happen in any civilised country. But worker rights in the US are ridiculously weak. So companies can do whatever the fuck they want. And that breeds this kind of ass licking behaviour that SuperVideoGameGal is demonstrating.
Calling your boss “Mr” or “Ms” whatever. Doesn’t happen in civilised countries. It happens in the US. Because there’s always this mentality of somebody lording it over you. Employees have to know their place.
So anyway, she asked her BFF Justin what a community manager at Screenwave does. And he said, “We don’t have one. Is that something that you’d be interested in doing?”
What kind of answer is that? They had one at least as recently as July 2018.
That was a blog post from Ian, the new community manager. Why didn’t Justin just give the job description? How can she possibly say that it’s something that she’s interested in if she doesn’t even know what the job entails?
Anyway, she agreed to do this job that she apparently knew nothing about.
2:30 – “So that kind of broke open the egg of what is now this lovely tart or this lovely quiche that we have made of Screenwave goodness.”
What a bizarre metaphor. Broke open the egg of this tart…do tarts even have eggs in them? God, now I have look up fucking tart recipes.
Well, a lot of recipes seem to use an egg but not the ones on Martha Stewart’s website. Like this one:
I don’t even know what a fucking tart is, to be honest. That is not what I had in mind. I did a Google image search and they all look like pies. So what’s the difference between a tart and a pie?
I don’t really know what a quiche is either. What the fuck is wrong with this woman? She’s fucking awful. Talking about this food that nobody fucking eats. Some hippie California tofu bullshit.
Then she explains what Screenwave is.
2:45 – “When you watch Youtube videos, there kind of has to be a middleman between promotional deals. There has to be somebody who helps with copyright claims. There has to be somebody who’s doing all of these behind the scenes things.”
No, there doesn’t. James Rolfe could do all of this stuff himself if he wasn’t a lazy autistic man. Or if he wants to hire somebody to do this shit, he can do that. But it’s not required.
3:15 – “So they do have quite a few content creators/Youtubers underneath their…their…umm…their little home. As I call it. I call it a “home”.”
She’s been working there for, I don’t know, a month? Six weeks? And she’s already fully indoctrinated.
Oh, it’s a home. How cozy. That’s such wonderful corporate speak. I think that I’d like to join Screenwave’s home. I don’t have a channel but since Justin is such an amazing guy, maybe he’d let me in anyway. I can prop my feet up on the ottoman and watch some delicious “content” from such Screenwave “creators” as BringBackTheBooty and SuperDerek. Could you make me a tart, please, SuperVideoGameGal? I bought some fresh eggs today.
“Screenwave is the home of Youtube.”
I’m not even joking. That’s a direct quote.
“We’re trying to make sure that things are working right.”
It’s just unbelievable. She works in a place for six weeks (at most), REMOTELY, and she’s fully committed. Who the fuck has this kind of corporate loyalty? It’s ridiculous. It’s like she was fighting in the trenches of WWII with Ryan Schott and formed a strong lifetime bond as a result.
She’s just so fucking obnoxious. This is all fake. At least I hope it is. She’s a fake person.
3:45 – “RetroWare is actually part of Screenwave now and that is definitely a passion project in my heart because as you all know, retro gaming.”
SuperVideoGameGal, listen. It’s a JOB. It’s a PART-TIME job. REMOTE. You don’t have to devote your entire life to them like you’re a part of some doomsday cult. Do the job and then move on with your life. Screenwave isn’t the second coming of Christ.
4:00 – She’s talking about future videos of hers that you can enjoy. “You will be seeing a lot of RetroWare content, me in some RetroWare content for sure, you’ll be seeing a lot of Screenwave stuff, me talking about Screenwave. They’re an amazing company and they’ve been nothing but able to help me during a really tragic and dumb time of people’s lives.”
That’s a direct quote. She muddled her words at the end. But…I mean…it’s crazy.
I used to work in a pizzaria. I didn’t devote the rest of my life to spreading the good word about this place. Singing their praises to anyone who would listen. Hey come on, guys! It’s the best sauce in the city. Just try it. That’s all I ask.
But this woman is out there evangelising for fucking Screenwave. Trying to convert the heathens.
I had some lunatic knock on my door once, when I was living in the US, and he asked, “Do you think you’re going to Heaven?” What the fuck? I’ll get there before you do, you fucking scumbag. He was from some fucking heretical bullshit. Jehovah’s Witness or something.
And I had another guy, this was in London, I was just walking down the street, coming home from work, and he stopped me. It was a black guy and he was with his young son. And the son starts nervously talking about Jesus.
This is just child abuse. If you want to harass people door to door and risk getting punched in the face, that’s your business. But don’t bring your children into this. He did this to mitigate the chances of getting punched in the face.
So when I told this kid that I wasn’t interested, the father got an attitude with me. Fuck you, you piece of shit. What sort of response do you expect from this?
So my point is, we can’t be too far away from SuperVideoGameGal going door to door and saying, “Have you heard about the good news of Screenwave Media?”
Back to the video. She says that the links are in the description so you can see what Screenwave Media is all about. It’s just madness. This is a fucking proselytizing video. She’s proselytizing for Screenwave Media, a company that she’s worked at for SIX WEEKS AT THE MOST! PART-TIME! REMOTELY!
Even if she worked there full time for decades…I mean…who has this sort of devotion to their employer? It’s not even remotely normal. Nobody wants to hear about your fucking job. Even if the job is interesting, nobody wants to hear it. She’s a fucking community manager….something. I don’t even remember. For some company that…I don’t even really know what they do. Some middleman who handles promotional shit for “Youtubers”? Like those Raid Shadow…whatever ads that appear in Cinemassacre videos now? How can you possibly be passionate about that?
I’ve had these admin jobs. They’re boring as fucking shit. I wasn’t going around boasting about my administrator job. I wasn’t regaling people with “fascinating” stories about spreadsheets. I wasn’t telling everyone who would listen that this company was the pinnacle of civilization.
It was a fucking job. It was boring. Nobody wanted to hear any stories about that shit and I didn’t want to tell them about it.
4:45 – “I’m super blessed to have my job. I’m super blessed to be able to work hard for them.”
It’s crazy. She’s literally injecting religion into this now. God wants me to work hard for Screenwave Media.
This is just a crazy person. I would not want this person working for me. This sort of fanatical devotion to a company is not at all normal.
Then she goes on about how much she loves everyone on the “team”.
Fuck. I mean, this video is 15 minutes long. I’m not even five minutes into this and this has already gone on too long. It’s a crazy woman singing the praises of Screenwave Media. What more can I say?
5:00 – Oh thank fuck. She moved on. New Years resolutions. I think she’s going to resolve to get the Screenwave logo branded on her forehead to show her total devotion to the company.
Aw. No, it’s just fucking lose weight.
6:15 – “I take massive supplements every single night.”
Yeah. I don’t know. Supplements? I’ve never done this shit. It strikes me as abnormal but I’m sure it’s common in California.
Her goal is to get her her health “in check”. She goes on to say, “That also means mentally.”
Well, now we’re getting to it. At least she recognises that she is not well.
“Toxicity is out there. Especially on social media.”
What? No. That’s not the problem. YOU’RE the problem. It’s not “toxic” people on social media. It’s crazy people trying to convert people to the cult of Screenwave Media.
And what she’s talking about is people posting pictures and whatnot of them having a good time and what a great life they have. She doesn’t like that.
I’m not on any of this shit. I don’t use social media. I was never interested in any of that. So…I just don’t use it. But I wouldn’t describe people talking about how much fun they’re having as “toxic”. Even if it’s fake. Even if their lives aren’t as amazing as they portray on Twitter or whatever, that’s not “toxic”. That’s trivial bullshit. Who cares?
7:30 – “I’m very independent and that being said, I have a very different way of thinking than most people because I question it first instead of just going with what happens.”
And yet, she’s jumped in with both feet on the Screenwave Media hype train after working there, remotely, part-time, for six weeks.
8:00 – “I’m on social media all day for work so I don’t want to be on it all night for work too.”
All day? How long does it take to run Screenwave’s Twitter account? Whatever.
10:00 – She teases a “collab” video with “Erin”. First name only. We all know Erin Plays, right? That big time “Youtuber”.
Oh, that would be great. Two women with absolutely no personalities combining forces. Who will be more off-putting?
10:15 – “It just sucks that she’s on the other side of the US.”
Give it six months. She’ll be back.
She says that she’s going to do videos on things other than video games. I’m all for this. I’ve always said this. Video games, fucking boring. Give us something else once in a while.
Then she starts going on about her “tiki stuff”. Whatever that is. “The tiki community”. Like the Hawaiian idol statues?
Then she says the word “tiki” literally like…30 times? Something like this.
Then she says that she wants to travel to England (and Paris) to meet some online friends of hers. This post is already too long so I won’t talk about my trip to Paris. But spoiler: it’s a fucking dump.