Erin's Pathetic Christmas Stream 

She did a stream where she makes a gingerbread house.  The above tweet shows the end result.

So she starts the stream with an ad.  She’s advertising that same fucking Castlevania “shadow box” that she advertised in an earlier tweet.  It’s prominently (and awkwardly) displayed behind her and she starts the stream by taking it off the wall, showing it off, and saying that it was given to her by the kind people at RetroBit.  She advertises for these people A LOT.  Never mentions that these are advertisements.

She then boasts about the amazing hook that it has on the back.  And then she’s unable to re-affix it to the wall.  So much for that revolutionary hook.

Shishi starts with, “you look great Erin!!!”  He then continues, “I have to put my mom’s Christmas present together tonight, I’ll do it now D:”

I suspect that he lives with his mother.  Like so many of these gamer grrls do.  Well, with their respective mothers.  Not with Shishi’s mother.

What do you suppose the gift is?  He’s assembling it, I guess.  Something homemade?  Children do that kind of thing.

Anyway, speaking of developmentally-stunted people, Erin Plays.  Her mother sent her this Mario gingerbread house.  Why?  Erin’s mother must know that Erin isn’t interested in video games.  I think that Erin lived with her mother until the age of 29, when she moved in with Mike in a buttsex for Youtube promotion agreement.  Her mother must have noticed that Erin never played video games and only started this shit when she started her Youtube channel.  And even then, only played for the purposes of making videos.

Then Shishi makes numerous comments about Erin’s hair and Erin replies.  This is her biggest fan, after all.

Erin says that she doesn’t think she’s going to eat this gingerbread house because she can’t find the expiration date.  Don’t let that hold you back.  

You can find this thing on Amazon for $60.  It has pretty bad reviews.  3,600 calories.  That would be good.  Keep working on your chubby physique.

7:00 – “They come with some cups.  They’re little Solo cups.”

This is just awful.  Nobody fucking cares.  She’s just going to point out everything that’s in the box.

“These are actually really cute.  They’re little star candies.”


So, I’m not going to watch this shit but from what I’ve skimmed, she puts this thing together, poorly.  REALLY poorly.  It looks like shit.  She put zero effort into this.  She does not want to do this.

So this was yet again something that she did solely for “content”.  She plays video games solely for content.  Why would this be any different?

Shishi made a clip:

The gingerbread house falls apart while a disinterested Erin was looking at the chat.  Then she says, “This is a metaphor for my hopes and dreams.”

It’s true.  She has totally wasted her life.

English degree.  Music store.  Fake gamer grrl on Youtube.  Fake relationship to try to become famous gamer grrl.  Fails hard.  That’s been Erin’s adult life.

It’s not just her.  None of these gamer grrls have done anything with their lives.  Most of them still live with their mothers.  The few that have managed to move out have only done so with the assistance of their sugar daddy or their pimp.  I suppose that Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining has achieved at least somewhat normal adult independence.  She has a job and she lives with her lesbian beard friend.

It’s just crazy.  What are these people doing with their lives?  No job.  No family.  Sponging off of either their mother or their sugar daddy/pimp.

When I was 25, I was living in London.  It was difficult.  How am I going to move there?  You need visas and shit.  Difficult to get.  But I figured it out.  It was a complicated process but I brainstormed how I was going do to this.  I researched.  And it all cost money.  Over $1000.  How did I pay for all of this?  I had a fucking job.

Then I moved.  It was difficult.  I was homeless; I lived in a squat; I lived in over-crowded, shitty apartments; I lived in rat and cockroach infested apartments.  Horrendous.  But nobody helped.  I did it all by myself like a normal adult.  

I went there with no job lined up, no place to live, didn’t know anyone.  I survived on peanut butter sandwiches for two years.  

I didn’t ask my family for money once.  I told my family to sell my car because I’m not coming back and I told them to keep the money.  

Eventually, I got a job.  I went out with dozens of homely Asian women.  I met a woman at a job that I had and we’re still kind of together.  I got a better job   I eventually moved elsewhere in the UK.  Whatever.  This is what normal adults do.  

I could not imagine sitting in my childhood home, at the age of 30+, no job, and playing video games, poorly, on Youtube and Twitch, for a handful of horny losers.  That’s pathetic.  

What stories are you getting out of this?  Listen to Erin’s stories.  They’re awful.  They’re always about about things that she DIDN’T do.  Because she’s totally wasted her life.  She’s never done anything.

Retro Ali lived in Korea for, I don’t know, a year?  Maybe just a semester.  She was doing some program for college.  But then she just moved back in with her mother and never worked and just plays video games, poorly, for a handful of horny losers on Twitch and Youtube.

How can she do this?  Doesn’t she miss living like a semi-independent adult?  She was in Korea.  She saw how other people lived.  She saw the opportunities that are available.  And then she just goes back to her family home and continues her prolonged adolescence.

I went out with a Korean woman.  Really short.  Really crooked teeth, like some Asian people have.  But huge tits.  I didn’t even notice that she had teeth until the third date.  

My original idea was to move to Asia.  Anyone can do it.  Teach English.  The bar is low.  You just have to research how to get visas and the different schools, whatever.  You might need to do a little course to get some certification.

I sometimes watch gameshows from like the 60s or 70s.  And there’s some young woman contestant and she’ll introduce herself.  “I’m 22 years old and I’m married and a mother of three children.”  You hear that today and it sounds crazy but there’s no reaction from the host.  This was normal.

How did we get from that to these lazy gamer grrls doing nothing with their lives?  In the 60s and even into the 70s, women didn’t really work once they had children.  And everybody would get married and have children fairly young.  

When I was about 30, I did some Facebook stalking of my former classmates.  They mostly still lived in the same area that we grew up in and most of them had children.  And I used to think, “Well, that’s kind of depressing.”

But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realised that it isn’t.  If you’re not motivated to get a good job or make a lot of money or do interesting stuff with your life or whatever, what about filling that void by having children?  Be in a nice relationship with somebody and raise a family.  That’s something that normal adults do.  You could even work AND have a family.  So modern!

I’m not suggesting that you have to do all of this.  These are all options.  People make different choices in life.  If you don’t want children, that’s fine.  If you don’t want to move abroad, that’s fine.  If you don’t want to date big titted Korean women, that’s fine.

But normal adults don’t sit in their mother’s home and play video games all day for Youtube and Twitch for a handful of horny losers.  Normal adults aren’t in a buttsex for Youtube promotion agreement with their sugar daddy.  These people are completely wasting their lives.  It’s sad, of course.  

It’s the end of the year.  It’s a time for reflection.  Reflect on your own life and how you’re going to move forward and become an adult.  I know that there aren’t many jobs now because of this bad cold situation.  Things are obviously more difficult.  But have a plan.  This Youtube shit is not it.  None of these gamer grrls I talk about are ever going to make money from this.  

So let’s hope that next year, Erin isn’t sitting there on Twitch, with a shitty gingerbread castle that her mother bought for her, and entertaining horny losers like Shishi.  Maybe this whole thing with Mike no longer owning Cinemassacre will be a wake up call for her.  Maybe she’ll finally realise that this fake gamer grrl scam is not going to work.  

It’s difficult.  She’s wasted a lot of years on this stupid shit.  But it’s never too late to try to get it together.  Get a job; be in a normal, healthy relationship; whatever.  Don’t use people. 

Happy Holidays, Everyone!!!

7 thoughts on “Erin's Pathetic Christmas Stream

  1. I don't think she'd go back to California. I think she'd just go with one of the “beta orbiters” that she keeps around like Joe from Gamesack. Mike's “variety streams” where he plays games for two minutes, says, “This is shit”, and moves on are unwatchable. But some of his other streams are okay. I watched his recent 13 hour Crystalis stream so he must be doing something right.Anyway, Erin would be doing Mike a favour. This was clearly a scam to begin with. She was spamming loads of retro gaming “Youtubers”. Mike was just the one who took the bait. And she continues to keep people like Joe from Gamesack around. Mike must know that she's totally disingenuous and just using him. He must just be in it for the buttsex. It's sad that anyone would trade their self-respect in for buttsex but maybe he has really low self-esteem.

  2. What does it say about you if you're constantly watching these streamers and commenting that they're wasting their lives? Aren't you wasting your life just as much or more than they are? Shouldn't you be the one to reflect on your own life?

  3. Well, I do reflect but no, it's not comparable. I have a job and I moved out of my childhood home when I was 20.I'm not saying that you're a loser if you live at home and don't have a job. But surely, we can all agree that this is the goal. Your goal should be to get a job and get your own place. Not sit at home and play video games all day for fifty bucks a month.Writing about gamer grrls, no, I don't think that's a waste of time. I enjoy doing it. It's a hobby. You could say the same thing about any hobby. Stamp collecting is a waste of time. Whatever.And with writing the blog, it's something that other people get some enjoyment out of as well. Not tonnes of people but whatever. I get 100 hits a day. That's 100 people reading long-form articles. That's good. Encouraging people to read. It's something of a lost art. I know that the articles are about how shit these videos are and it's “negative” in that sense but I try to keep it fairly light-hearted. And the videos are genuinely awful. I can say that, right?

  4. You're probably not even allowed to say that the videos are awful without being called an incel. lolAs a woman, i appreciate what you do and i enjoy the blog. Happy new year!

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