Hi OfflineTV (Casting Call) – Bobdunga


According to Wikipedia, Offline TV is a group of “content creators” who live in a big house together.  They all seem to be people with millions of subscribers on Youtube and/or Twtich.

1:00 – “I would love for the opportunity to share my ideas and get to know the people over at Offline TV.”

1:15 – “One reason I’d love to be part of Offline TV is that I want to be creative with you guys.”

1:45 – “I would even be down to work behind the scenes if you guys need any extra producers on deck.  I know that you guys do a lot of cool challenges on the top of the podcast side that you already have and I feel like I could add that extra bit of…diversity.”

I was thinking “craziness” but she went with, “I’m a black woman.”

By the way, four of the six people in this house are Asian, one is Moroccan-Canadian (but looks Asian), one is white.  There are four former members.  Two of them were Asian, one was Hispanic, one was Jewish.  

So it’s not diversity in the way you might be thinking.  It’s basically an Asian thing.  

Then she ends the video in a completely insane fashion.

I don’t want to crush anyone’s dreams but there’s zero chance of this happening.

But let’s explore this.  

This is a group of young, mostly Asian, “content creators” who all live in a big house in Los Angeles.  Well, most of them live there.  We’ll get into the reasons why not everybody lives there in a moment.

These people have more money than brains.  They don’t know what to do with their money.  So they’re blowing it on this stupid shared mansion in Los Angeles.  They think that the Youtube/Twitch gravy train is going to last forever.  

Pokimane is the only name I recognise from this list.  She’s the one who was selling her bathwater.

So these young, dumb Youtube/Twitch millionaires decided to live in a house together.  Most people operate the other way around.  You live with roommates when you’re poor but as soon as you get some money together, you get your own place.  Because most people don’t want to live with roommates.  

But this is what they decided to do.  And what happened?  Some guy said to some woman, “Hey, you want to do some sex stuff some time” and the woman (Pokimane) wasn’t down for that and things got uncomfortable.  So the guy got kicked out of the group and Pokimane left the house but is still in this group somehow.

He also came on to two of the Asian women who later came forward about the travesty.

What the fuck did these people think was going to happen?  Let’s get a group of horny, young, single people together and see what happens.  

Wikipedia describes what happens as “inappropriate touching” and “inappropriate advancing”.  This is a fucking joke.  

Now, does every guy behave like this?  No.  Some are shy, lonely, losers like these Asian guys living there.  But there are other guys who are more aggressive and are going to try get a date with these women.  

And indeed, that’s what happened.  One of these Asian women who claimed to be somehow “abused” by this guy, is now in a relationship with the white dude living there.  

So what’s the difference between this Mexican guy coming on to her and the white guy coming on to her?  She was interested in the white guy.  That’s it.  

I mean, how did this white guy express his interest in this woman if not through “advancing”?  It’s only “inappropriate advancing” when the woman isn’t interested.  But you don’t know until you try.  

Fucking morons.  And you put fucking Bobdunga in this group and she’s going to claim to be abused within ten fucking seconds.  This is a woman who has been on a hate campaign against her former boyfriend for YEARS over some nebulous “abuse” allegations.

And what about the visa issues?  A lot of these people seem to be from Canada but they’re making millions of dollars from Youtube and/or Twitch.  So that’s probably how they’re able to get the visa.  Some kind of business visa.  

But Bobdunga isn’t making millions of dollars.  She’s making fifty bucks a month.  I don’t think that the Department of State will look too favourably on that visa application.

It’s just sad.  Why would anyone even want to aspire to this?  These idiots are all going to be broke in five years.  

And there are millions of “content creators” on Youtube and/or Twitch.  How many of them are making vast amounts of money?  One in a million?  Probably not even that high.  

You would be much better off devoting your time to finding a job.  Learn a trade.  What about blacksmithing?  How many blacksmiths must there be today?  Fucking none.  But horses still need shoes.  People still need fancy, ornate gates.  They’d have to come to you.  And you can put your creativity to good use.

What about locksmithing?  That’s maybe a little more practical and easier to get into.  Don’t have to buy as much equipment.  There might be three locksmiths in town.  All old dudes.  It’s a license to print money.  These old guys won’t be around forever and then you have 100% of the market.  

Shoe cobbler.  Same thing.  It’s two fucking old guys about to retire.  But people still need new soles on their shoes.  Not a lot, of course.  Most people just throw their old shoes out.  But if you have high quality shoes, you’ll want a new sole put on rather than throwing it out.  It’s money.  And when these old guys retire, it’s all Bobdunga.  Bobdunga is cobbling ALL of the shoes.  

Pest control.  Again, it’s three dudes in their late 60s doing this shit.  Get in on this.  Is there ever going to be lack of cockroaches and rats?  

Now, blacksmithing, locksmithing, shoe cobbling, pest control, these seem like difficult trades to get into.  And it’s going to cost a lot of money to get some bellows and a furnace and whatever.  And what if this doesn’t work out?  

Of course it’s difficult and of course it’s a gamble.  But it’s much easier and much less of a risk than trying to be a millionaire “content creator.”  The odds of Bobdunga even making $30,000/year from Youtube/Twitch is infinitesimally small.  But the odds of her becoming a successful shoe cobbler and making $30,000/year…pretty good.  If she puts the work in and she’s properly trained and she an affinity for it, I’d say it’s very likely that she could make a career out of it.  

She wouldn’t have to open up her own little store at first.  She could do it from home.  Advertise on the internet and people can drop their shoes off at your mother’s home.  Or they could mail them in.  Take work from all over the world.  

She just doesn’t want to work.  That’s the problem.

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