Erin Plays "Merch" – Erin Plays

I said I’d think about merch if my channel reached the 50K sub mark. Well, that happened (thank you!) so for those who care . . ERIN PLAYS MERCH IS HERE! 

So I realize it sounds like I’m saying I JUST hit the 50k sub mark but that happened a few months ago. Just meant that I started working on merch once that milestone was passed, lol. I can’t tweet sometimes I’m sorry (laughing emoji) but thank you for the kind words regardless (heart emoji) 

Here’s the link to said “merch”.

Poor Erin Plays decision #10,000,000,000.

What the fuck do these shirts have to do with her?  Here’s the “VHS” shirt:

What makes it “VHS”?  I don’t know.  I have no fucking idea.  Is that supposed to be like the tape inside of the…tapes?  The magnetic tape?  I don’t know.  I would never look at that shirt and think “VHS”.  Even when I know it’s supposed to be a VHS shirt, I don’t understand how.
And what does VHS have to do with Erin?  She’s never talked about VHS once.  Why would she?  She makes videos about video games.  
I associate VHS with the 1980s.  By the 1990s, people were talking about laserdisc.  And DVD came out in the late 90s.  Erin was born in about 1988.  She doesn’t remember this shit.  I’m ten years older than her and I only remember it from being a child under the age of about 12.  
And look at this fucking…you have to squint to see the “Erin Plays” text.  And even then, it’s in a hard to read font.  
I get it.  Few people want to have “ERIN PLAYS” in huge letters, emblazoned upon their chest.  People would say, “What the fuck is Erin Plays?”  But then why sell the shirt?  If you’re not popular enough to have people who want to buy your shit and proudly wear it, don’t sell it.
Here’s the second shirt:

Same issues.  It’s the back of a 3.5″ PC disc.  Erin rarely plays PC games.  I mean…it’s just mind boggling.  Why…every fucking move is the wrong move with Erin.  Does nobody help her?  Does she not accept any help?  What’s the problem?
And again, it’s a weird design.  It’s the back of the disc with the protective metal cover removed.  The back of the disc is never decorated in any way but it is here.  This would be fine as some kind of modern art (although, what message the artist is conveying, I’m not sure) but not as a fucking t-shirt.  
The same problem as before: “Erin Plays” appears in a small font and it’s hard to read.  
What the fuck was she thinking with this?  Here’s an idea: use the Erin Plays logo.  The pink one with the bubbles and the bubble letters.  It appears on her fucking Teespring page.  She must have the rights to it.  Put it on a shirt.  Pink shirt, white shirt, black shirt, doesn’t matter.  
That’s another thing.  Shirts are only available in black.  I thought that Teespring was like a…what do you call it…on demand printing company.  So she didn’t actually buy any shirts, it’s just that they make them as the orders come in.  So aren’t they able to do any colour shirt?
Here’s another design idea: Erin’s giant face on a t-shirt.  Just put it right on front.  Then “ERIN PLAYS” in big bold letters.  Like fucking…wrestling shirts from the 80s.  Let me see if I can find an example.

Exactly.  Imagine Erin’s face where Warrior’s face is and then you have “ERIN” in huge letters at the top and “PLAYS” in huge letters at the bottom.  And it would work.  You have the retro angle.  I’d buy one.  

Or what about some kind of cartoony picture of her falling down on the Power Pad?  And “ERIN PLAYS” in big letters at the top.  And on the bottom it says, “It’s so hard”.
That’s another thing.  Slogans.  Why not some Erin Plays slogans?  “I’ve never played this before”.  “X looks like Y”.  “It’s so cute”.  “This is stressful”.  “I have to stop because my hands hurt”.  You could put these on the front or the back, it doesn’t matter.  Be creative.  
I would buy any of this shit.  Embrace the shittiness of your content.  Have fun with it.  Instead, we get this fucking abstract art bullshit.  
What about parodies?  Instead of the iconic Che profile picture, there’s a stylised Erin picture.  Or rip off that Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol painting.  
What about like a band t-shirt?  And on the back, instead of their tour schedule, you have a list of games that Erin has beat or “beat”.  
There’s just loads that can be done.  Sit down and fucking brainstorm some ideas.  She puts absolutely no effort into ANYTHING.  
And the guy making these shirts probably did it for free.  He’s some weird Erin Plays obsessive who has apparently given her hundreds of dollars (at least) in subscriptions.  He also makes Mike’s Twitch avatars.  I don’t know what he’s getting out of all of this.  If there’s not some weird sexual stuff going on with this, that makes the whole thing even more bizarre.  If he’s getting nothing for all of this work and all of these “donations”…I don’t know.  It just doesn’t make sense.
But you have this guy, he’s working for free, he doesn’t want any royalties for this work that he’s done and is being exploited for profit.  Take advantage.  That’s one thing that Erin is good at.  Taking advantage of people.  But look at what we got here.  An alleged VHS tape image and the back of a stripped down PC disc.  Why?
It’s just one bad decision after another with her.  How could she possibly think that these designs were a good idea?
And now let’s look at the potential market.  Even if it was a good shirt, a cool design, an interesting design, whatever.  Who’s buying it?  Shishi, NewWaveJunkie, Sergio.  Then who?  You got three fucking sales here.  Are people clamouring for Erin Plays “merch”?  
You look at something like Cinemassacre, I’m not wearing that shit.  And I don’t know anyone who would.  But I can see HARDCORE nerds wearing that to some nerd convention or something.  I don’t think that even hardcore nerds would wear such a shirt in public but to a nerd convention?  Maybe.  One of those logo shirts with the chainsaw.
Erin Plays shirts?  No.  Nobody would know who the fuck it is.  Nobody would be impressed.  What is this weird shirt that you’re wearing?  Why do you have a picture of the back of a stripped down 3.5″ disc on your shirt?  The whole thing is insane.  

3 thoughts on “Erin Plays "Merch" – Erin Plays

  1. I don't know. Ten years from now, Erin might actually have played enough games (on stream, for money) to be almost competent. But by then, Youtube will be long gone and Shishi will be busy with his Erin Plays sex robot.

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