For the First Time in Forever – Viral TikTok -Frozen Parody – SupaPixelGirl

I’m going to get some today

My panties will be dropped to the floor

I’m going to get some dick, that’s for damn sure

I knew I’d finally get the chance to fornicate

My pussy will be like Niagra Falls

What’s an orgasm with no balls?

Finally, it’s time to open these legs

It will be an actual, real-life penis

It will totally be strange

Wow, am I so ready for this change

Because for the first time in forever, there will be foreplay and candlelight

For the first time in forever, we’ll be fucking through the night

It goes on for another three minutes but I can’t understand the next lyric and that’s a good place to stop anyway.

And the video is her mouth and eyes through a still image of various Frozen characters.  The mouth and eyes of the characters are cut out and replaced with her eyes and mouth.  Conan O’Brien did a similar thing.

Are you going to go to this person for help with your mental health issues?  Not in a million fucking years.  This is a complete lunatic.  Your mental health professional shouldn’t be crazier than you.

So one of the horndogs in the comments says:

– “your voice is really nice, did you do theater growing up?”

SupaPixelGirl replies, “Yes :3 and voice lessons”

It makes sense, I guess.  She’s unbelievably self-obsessed and needing constant attention.

So let’s check out her…what do you call it?  I can’t even remember now.  I was so disturbed that video.  Twtich?  No…the one where you tweet.  Twitter.  I had to check.

“What video game track from the NES, SNES, or N64 era gives off SEXY vibes? XD Needing more inspiration. <3 <3"

Uh huh.  I mean…it’s like those losers in Erin’s streams who have obviously conflated sex with video games.  If you’re having sex to the Super Mario Bros theme music, there’s something really wrong with you.

This is one of two pictures that she posted of her in the 11th grade.  This is another obsession of hers.  “I’m still cute, right?!?!?!”  It’s like fucking What Ever Happened to Baby Jane.

“When you kiss someone for the first time please don’t attack their face with your mouth “

Look at me, guys!  I’m doing sexy stuff with guys!  I’m still attractive, right?!”

“What song on the SNES is the most romantic sounding to you? Looking for inspiration :)”

“Wait a minute…didn’t you just post that one?”

No, this is a different tweet about “sexy” retro gaming music.

“Don’t think it’s lost on me that Peach used to be thicc af”

I’m not fat, I’m thicc.  And Princess Peach was thicc!  I’m still sexually appealing, right?

“What I like about making music is no one is judging me for my appearance, how many views I get, who I know in the industry. YouTube can be a very toxic place in many ways (also wonderful people on the platform too!!) but when it’s not your job and more of an escape”

Can somebody please just tell me that I’m attractive already?  I need validation.

“Is nostalgia a painful feeling for anyone else? I really wish I could focus on enjoying the present because one day it will be “retro” too…”

It’s in absolutely everything that she does.  This bottomless need for strange men on the internet to approve of her appearance.  “I’ll still be sexy when I’m retro, right?”

Speaking of strange men, JOHN RIGGS replied to that post.  What a sick fuck.  YOU HAVE A WIFE, MR RIGGS!  AND CHILDREN!  STOP THIS SHIT ALREADY.

And some guy named Arkus replies:

We romanticize our past because we remember when our lives were simpler. I wish I could go back to only caring about reaching level 99 instead of trying to make the rent.”

I don’t think that I’ve ever experienced this.  I mean, I’ve been poor.  I’ve been unemployed.  I had almost no money.  But yeah, I’ve never been late with rent.  Not once.  How poor do you have to be that this is a concern?  

I lived in a place where half of my income was going to rent.  I still paid it.  Where the fuck is the money going for these people that they have to budget for rent?  

I survived on £69/week.  Rent was £50/week.  I was never late with rent once.  

So Arkus is even more impoverished than that?  How?  

I mean, if you have children or something then I guess.  You’re unemployed, unexpected expenses arise.  Whatever.  But let me check Arkus’ profile.

Probably a single guy.  Oh, here’s the problem.  He streams on Twitch.  Yeah, £69/week is big money for Twitch streamers.  That’s like $90.  He could only dream of making that much.

Well…you know…there are jobs out there.  I know that it’s tough, especially with the bad cold going on, and the whole world shutting down, but…I don’t know.  Apply for welfare?  That’s what my £69/month was.  

1 thought on “For the First Time in Forever – Viral TikTok -Frozen Parody – SupaPixelGirl

  1. Wow. She deleted it already. I posted this at like 3 am EST (which I think is the time zone she's in) and it's now 6 am EST. What the hell is she doing? She's on the GamerGrrls blog in the small hours? Just constantly refreshing the page? “That guy's going to write something mean about me I just know it…any minute now…no? Okay, I'll refresh. Now? No. This time? HA! I knew it!” and then she erases her video in shame.

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