B.O.B., Run Saber and Jim Power on SNES! – Erin Plays


0:00 – “Hey guys!  Happy Saturday night.  It is Saturday, right?  I think it’s Saturday.”

You know what this reminds me of?  Being unemployed.  When you’re unemployed, the days just run together because you don’t have any responsibilities.  Of course, Erin is unemployed so that’s what’s happening here.

I’m so *nostalgic* for being unemployed.  I used to work for three months and then quit and be unemployed for three months and repeat this process.  Three months on, three months off.  I did it for about three years.

I remember telling a housemate that I quit my job but I wasn’t worried because I have money and I’ll get benefits (welfare) anyway.  He was surprised by this.  “Won’t you get bored, though?”  Fuck no.  It was great.  I recommend unemployment to everyone.  Fortunately, this bad cold has given everyone the opportunity to experience the joy of unemployment.

Anyway, back to Erin.  She never played this game before.  Will wonders never cease?

0:30 – Weird edit.  Let’s see what we missed.

Well, she said “hello” to everyone like it’s fucking Romper Room.

Then she showed off her Contra shirt that she bought three years ago.  When she started the channel.

Then somebody in the chat says, “Erin doesn’t like hard games” and Erin replies, “Well, you know that’s not true.”

Really?  We do?  Every game she plays, the first thing she does it put it on easy mode.  The second thing she does is die a lot.

Then she talks about various “cute” things in the game.

Then she talks about her Arby’s video.  “This is only the second sponsorship I’ve done.  That was fun.”

Some horndog compliments her voice and Erin says, “Some people think that I have vocal fry or that I sound really ditsy.”

“Hey Shishi.  You think the main character’s cute?  I think he’s cute too.”

What a fucking loser Shishi is.

Am I crazy?  She eliminated all of this from her Youtube video, right?  Let me check again.  She’s on fucking level 3 now.

Yeah.  All of this is gone.  Her entire first attempt at the game.  Why did she erase all of this?  Yeah, she sucks but she sucks at her second attempt too.

There’s a lake of fire and a platform moving back and forward.  She doesn’t understand how she’s supposed to get across.  Ummm…jump on the platform maybe?

Shishi says, “Erin’s hair is cute tonight.  Just noticed.” Erin thanks him.  It’s fucking pathetic.

Somebody in the chat mentions a game and Erin says, “I have not heard of that game.”  I think it’s Contra: Legacy of War which is the game in question.

And then yeah, we’re back to the Youtube video.  Why she cut all of this out, I have no idea.  It’s like ten minutes of gameplay.  Nothing particularly scandalous happens.  She must have just thought, “Oh, no.  I can’t let anyone know that I’m not very good at the game.”  Her reputation as a top level “gamer” is at stake.

2:00 – “What kind of robot would I like?  I’d really like an OmniBot.  I have to get an OmniBot.”

This is a reference to something that she saw in one of her fascinating videos where she flips through the Sears catalogue or whatever.  JC Penny.  Can she reference ANYTHING that she didn’t do on stream, for money?  Does she even do anything when she’s not on stream?  She just goes in a hyperbaric chamber when she’s not on stream.

2:30 – Somebody in the chat says, “Bingo or bowling?”  She went bowling one time for a work outing and didn’t like it.  She never played bingo.

It’s…I mean…this is a boring woman.  She’s never done ANYTHING.

But yeah, these “team building” exercises for jobs.  They’re god awful.  Fortunately, I never had to go to any that took place outside of the workplace.  But yeah, parties and whatever.  It’s fucking brutal.  I don’t give a fuck what this quarter’s profits are or who wins the employee of the month award.  Can we all just get back to work?

I’ll tell you what else I hated.  Casual Fridays.  It’s not like I was in a fucking suit from Monday to Thursday.  I was pretty casual anyway.  But now I have to buy more clothes.  Jeans and…I don’t know…less formal shirts?  Not that I was wearing formal shirts anyway.

It’s just more shit that you have to buy.  And I wasn’t making a lot of money at these jobs.  So I have to buy all of these work clothes (fucking chinos and whatever) and now I have to buy all of these “casual” clothes.  And jeans are expensive in the UK.  It’s like fucking £100 for a pair of Levis that would cost $20 in the US.

So then Erin says that her back hurt after bowling.  Is there anything that she can do without crippling herself?

4:15 – “So this is all because he was trying to get laid?  Yes, Shishi.  We’re trying to get this robot laid.”

There’s no context to this.  It’s just Shishi, horny as always, making a bizarre sexual comment.

4:45 – I think Mike is yelling “fuck” in the other room.  That seems to be happening a lot lately.

7:30 – “Did I like Megaman 11?”

Just listen to her answer.  I can’t type it all out.  She dances all around the answer before finally saying, “I didn’t play it.  Or did I play it?  If it I did, it was just briefly and wasn’t on stream or anything.  I didn’t really like it”

What does this even mean?  She says that she didn’t play it.  Or if she did play it, it was briefly.  How can she even not know if she played it or not?

I’m at nine minutes.  That’s enough.  I also watched 10 minutes of like “Too Shit for Youtube” footage.  So I’ll just skip around.  Maybe I’ll stumble across something amazing.

Oh.  She quits the game after 20 minutes.  There’s another weird edit.  Maybe she cut out her first attempt again but I’m not going to hunt for this shit.

21:15 – “As a kid I just had my…fixed amount of Super Nintendo games and I loved them but it’s like I didn’t explore that many.”

I was expecting her to list the games that she had as a kid.  But she obviously didn’t want to do that, that’s why there’s that pause so she could think of what to say instead.  She had two games.  At best.  Yoshi’s Island and Super Mario All-Stars.  And you watch her play those games and you would never in a million years guess that she played them as a child.

21:30 – “I just love SNES so much but it’s like, ‘Come on Erin, play other stuff'”.

Uh huh.  She sure is passionate about those video games.

30:00 – Absolute shit tier gaming.

59:00 – Erin is talking about some other game.  She claims to have played it on a different system but doesn’t know which.  Neo Geo?  PC Engine?

You know who says, “PC Engine”?  People in Japan.  But Erin doesn’t know any better.

1:20:00 – She starts listing the Castlevania games that she’s played.  On stream, for money, of course.  We don’t fucking care.

1:28:00 – She plays Jim Power.  “I’m going to put it on easy if that’s an option just because I’m — oh.”

I’ll finish the sentence for you, Erin.  “Bad at video games.”

She never played any of these games, by the way.

“What’s my favourite Genesis game?  I really liked Splatterhouse…3 but probably Castlevania Bloodlines.”

Two games that she played on stream, for money.  Of course.

That’s the video.

Here’s an interesting comment:

– “You being a streamer… Do you feel weird not streaming while you play? like when you play off stream to practice a game…”

Erin replies, “When I play games and I’m not streaming, sometimes I feel like I SHOULD be streaming, yeah.”

Anyway, Erin does NOT play video games when she’s not streaming.  That’s obvious to anyone who ever watches any of her videos.  How do these doofuses not get it?

5 thoughts on “B.O.B., Run Saber and Jim Power on SNES! – Erin Plays

  1. Did you notice how she never has an opinion of her own? “Mike doesn't like that game. I don't either.” “Mike loves that game and I do, too” When she doesn't have an opinion to copy off of, she just goes to the usual “I don't know how I feel about it.” This applies to anything. Games, movies, tv shows, etc.I'm also starting to notice sub-categories of her fans. They all fall under the delusional blanket, but you can break it down even further from that. You can just see it as you read the Youtube comments or listen to the comments she reads in chat. You have the ones that actually have some knowledge of the games she plays and they're the ones explaining how things work to her since she can't be bothered to take the time to learn things herself.The obsessed, horny ones that are only looking at her webcam and can't be bothered to watch any of the content she's making. These are the ones that only comment on her looks and nothing else.The worst ones are the oblivious ones. They're the ones like the comment you mentioned. They actually believe she's a knowledgeable gamer with tons of experience. They value her opinion on the few games she has played as if it mattered. They believe she actually plays games off stream on a regular basis. They're also the ones that usually ask if she's played a game and still haven't figured it out by now that she hasn't if she hasn't done a stream or video on it.Shishi somehow falls into every category.

  2. Yeah, I noticed that when she was talking about Megaman 11, she said that she didn't like the game and then a short while later said that Mike didn't like it. I have no idea how she can even have an opinion on the game when she said that she never played it before. Or if she did play it, she can't even remember doing so, presumably because it was only for a few minutes, on stream, for money.And yeah, fucking Star Trek and shit. There is NO WAY that she's interested in Star Trek but she goes along with it because Mike is interested in that shit. It's okay to have your own interests but I don't think that she has any genuine interests so she just goes along with what Mike is interested in and dislikes what Mike dislikes.

  3. God she's such a fraud. “It's funny you ask that because me and Mike were just thinking like 'what was that new mega man game that just came out last year?' I think I played it”First of all, there was an 8 year gap between 10 and 11 so it's not like you lost track of all the mega man games.Second of all, I'd bet everything I own she never played it. And like, that's fine. But why the fuck does she have to lie about this stuff? No one cares if you've played it or not.

  4. I heard her say that and I had to laugh. Any time Mike doesn't remember something he just looks it up online real quick. There have been plenty of times during his stream where he'll pause the game he's playing just to look up something. He's not sitting there and trying to remember shit like she pretends to do. To answer the question of why does she have to lie about this stuff, that's easy. She has to keep throwing out these little lies to make the delusional fans keep thinking she's actually into this stuff. She wants people to believe that she spends her free time playing games and thinking about them. As GamerGrrls has mentioned plenty of times in these posts, it's really confusing and yet somehow amazing that these people aren't catching on by now that she never seems to get any better at games. She's not gaining experience. She's not remembering anything. Every game is always confusing and stressful to her. Nobody wants to question it, though. We're sitting here in our little corner of the internet trying to point this stuff out and vent about it, but we're just the crazy haters that are being realistic about it all.

  5. Lol ROCKET knight adventures… doesn't use the rocket. I bet a psychologist would have a field day with her. Id be interested to find out what its called when you live vicariously through a 40 year old unfunny cuck. I know Mike knows his games but his elmo and joker laugh and shit is nails on a fucking chalkboard to me. Id rather watch Erin honestly. At least then I can laugh at her inability to have a unique opinion. As soon as I see her new video suggested I check this site and there's always a video waiting for me. Thanks for all the additional at Erin's cost laughs.

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