Spyro 4: It's About Time Bootleg?? – Bobdunga


The triumphant return of Bobdunga!  She recently re-opened her Twitter.  It’s just…she’s still talking about that nerd who “gaslighted” her.  She called the police on him or something.  There’s a lesson somewhere in this.  Stay away from the crazy chicks, I guess.

0:00 – I…don’t know what this is.

Oh god.  I have a headache already.  Then she has a hyperactive opening with a bunch of different zoomed in angles of her that change every second or so.  And she’s talking a mile a minute.   And there’s some dumb clip art shit that keeps changing.

2:00 – It’s some fan-made Flash game loosely based on Spyro the Dragon.  A lot of crazy shit is happening all throughout this video.  Then Bobdunga starts dancing.  And it just goes on.  STOP DANCING!  The camera continues to zoom in and out.  She looks particularly deranged in this video.  I’m done.  I can’t do it any more.  This is really uncomfortable.

Help is out there, Bobdunga.  Find it.

So I was talking to my girlfriend recently.  She’s a black woman.  This information will become pertinent later.

So we’re talking about masks and whatever.  We’ve had this conversation before.  I say that it’s obvious that a homemade mask is not going to prevent the transmission of airborne  diseases.  She kind of disagrees but in any case, her main argument is always, “It’s not me who says to wear the mask.  It’s the government. . It’s the law so I’m going to do it.”

So I said, “What if there was a law that said you had to wear a jester’s cap.  Would you do that?”  She asked what the point of that would be.  I said that there’s no point in wearing a mask either.  She said, “What’s the harm in wearing a mask?”  I replied, “What’s the harm in wearing a jester’s cap?”

I was clearly winning the argument, which is easy when you have the facts on your side, but it’s not about point scoring.  I just wanted to have a discussion with my fellow man to try to figure out why she’s so compliant about this mask issue.  Because most people are like her.  I was trying to get an insight.

So she again starts talking about how it’s the law and you have to follow the law.  I suggested that there have been many laws which were unjust.  I said, “What about laws saying that black people have to drink from one water fountain and white people have to drink from another.  Would you follow that law?”

She thought about it for a second and then said, “You know, I probably would.”  I appreciated the introspection.  She’s right.  She absolutely would.  And most people would.  The overwhelming majority of people were following this law.

It’s very difficult to get people to do any critical thinking.  If masks are the answer, why didn’t it work in China?  Those people have been wearing masks for years.

Are Muslim women who wear burkas the healthiest people on earth?  They must be.  They’re always wearing their homemade masks.

It’s all obvious bullshit.  Anyone with a brain knows that putting a bandana on your face isn’t going to stop coronavirus.  Not even a little bit.  But this is what we’re supposed to be doing.  Why?  It’s absurd.

People don’t stop to think why.  “This is what the government says so we have to do it.”

I understand just wanting to get along and not get into arguments with people or getting fined or whatever but putting all of that to one side, can you not at least see how there’s no scientific basis for homemade masks being able to prevent the transmission of any airborne illness?  No.  Most people don’t see it.  They’re incapable of having that kind of critical thought process.  If the government says that you have to do something, it must be right.  That’s as far as they take it.  There’s no further analysis.

People in Asia have been wearing masks for decades.  Western medical experts have always said that it’s a total waste of time.  Then as soon as coronavirus comes along, these same experts give the complete opposite opinion.  Why?

We’ve known about Asian people wearing masks for decades.  If it’s such a great idea, why wasn’t this encouraged decades ago?

Who are these people who actually believe that a porous, homemade, cotton mask is going to prevent viruses passing through?

But read the news . Go on Reddit.  Talk to your taxi driver.  All of these people will tell you that if we just start wearing these homemade masks, coronavirus will be eliminated.  And if you’re not wearing a mask, you’re a selfish, right-wing, conspiracy nut, lunatic.

It’s the flu.  Relax.  You’re not going to prevent the flu with your stupid homemade masks or by standing six feet away from people.  And who cares anyway?  I’ve had the flu at least 20 times.  I’m still here.  Healthy as ever.  Pumping out some of that gamer grrl goodness.

So Bobdunga.  I defy anyone to watch that video.  It’s the product of a diseased mind.  Extremely uncomfortable viewing.  She’s going to get 50,000 subscribers with this lunacy?  Don’t quit your day job.  Oh, wait.  She doesn’t have one.  Go look for a day job then.

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