Free Advice for Mike "Sugar Daddy" Matei

In this recent horrendous Erin Plays video, at 8:45, Erin says:

I want that car.  I wanted that car so bad when I was little.  
Then a little while, after talking about bootleg Barbie cars that she had as a four year old, she says:
When I was a little older, so I was about six, I remember that I got a red Barbie Jaguar for Barbie and I thought that that was so cool.  

The car that she’s actually talking about, this car that she really wanted, is in fact a Mustang.  But that doesn’t really matter.
So Mike leaves a comment:
I should buy you that car someday. Wonder what make/model would be most accurate? I don’t know enough about Barbie maybe that info is out there.

This is not a joke.  This is desperate as fuck Mike Matei continuing to bribe Erin to stay with him.  They’re in some kind of sugar baby/sugar daddy relationship.  That explains the regular trips to DisneyLand and the weird video game gifts for non-“gamer” Erin, and whatever.
Mike has made references in his streams that suggest to me that he reads the blog so let me direct my comments directly to him.  You don’t have to pay somebody to be in a relationship with you.  And if you are going to pay somebody, you can do a whole lot better than Erin.
He’s actually contemplating buying a vintage car just for the *nostalgia* value to keep his boring as fuck sugar baby with him.  And he has the money.  He recently revealed that he has a building that only contains his Halloween decorations.  Somebody in the chat said, “You mean a storage unit?” and Mike said, “No, I have a building just full of my Halloween shit.”
That’s like balling for retards.  
But it’s not necessary.  It’s not necessary to throw your money away like this.  First of all, I suggest getting rid of this building full of Halloween trash.  But more importantly, I suggest getting rid of the human garbage that is Erin Plays.
I’ve had women try to use me for money.  Not many and I don’t have two cars and an autistic friend who I’m leeching off of so it hasn’t happened much.  But when it has happened, it felt bad.  Here’s this woman, I thought that she liked me, but no she just liked going to fancy places.  
On Tinder, I’d get matched with some fat 19 year old and I’d think, “Well…she’s really not my thing but whatever.  I’ll see what she wants.”  So I send a nice message and I get the, “Hey, uni is really expensive and I thought if you wanted to help with books and stuff that would be cool.”
It makes you feel bad.  It makes you feel like nobody wants you.  It makes you feel like the world is a cold place.
I wouldn’t even date these fat 19 year olds for free.  They honestly expect me to PAY them?  Are you fucking kidding me?  If I was going to pay, it would be a MUCH hotter chick.  And we certainly wouldn’t be going to fucking dinner.  If I’m paying the sums that they’re expecting, there’s going to be intercourse.
And then you sink further into your pit of despair when you realise, “I’ve just been propositioned by a fat chick.  She actually thought that I would pay for THAT.”
You know, it’s one thing for a hot chick to say, “Hey, give me £300 and you can do whatever you want with me.”  But a fat, homely chick to suggest that?  It’s an insult.  Get a fucking job, you mastodon.  Nobody is going to pay your fat ass to go get dinner with them.
I would also get hot chicks offering their sugar baby services, so they’re out there.  It’s not all fat, homely, clueless imbeciles.
Which brings us to Erin.  32 years old, a 5/10 in appearance, 0/10 for personality.  THIS woman expects to get paid.  And Mike is stupid enough to actually do this.  He’s spending untold thousands of dollars on her.  For what?
Does he not realise that there are hot chicks out there who would be up for such an arrangement?  You don’t have to settle for fucking ERIN.  If you’re the kind of scumbag loser who pays women thousands of dollars to be with you, you have options.  There are a lot of scumbag loser women who are up for that.  Hot chicks under the age of 30 who have some personality.  Do the fucking research.  It’s a buyer’s market.
To use a car analogy, you’re spending Porsche money on a Kia.  
Or you can find somebody who actually wants to be with you.
Or you can be by yourself.  
Either of these last two options would be better than spending any more money on this boring as fuck, no-talent, shit for brains, narcissist.  

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